l went to Paris to blot it out.
Maybe you should go to Paris.
待在那儿帮助了我不少 你有去过那里吗
lt helped me. Have you ever been there?
去过一次 只待了35分钟
Oh, yes. Once. l was there for 35 minutes.
在那儿转机去伊♥拉♥克♥ 谈石油生意
Changing planes on my way to lraq on an oil deal.
But Paris isn’t for changing planes. lt’s for changing your outlook.
For throwing open the windows and letting in…
letting in la vie en rose.
巴黎是给情侣去的地方 难怪我没有久留
Paris is for lovers. Maybe that’s why l stayed only 35 minutes.
大卫 爸爸
Hi, David. Hello, Father.
Margaret has some dinner for you in the kitchen.
真有趣 我以前很怕他的
Funny. l used to be so afraid of him.
Aren’t you hungry?
爸爸 你帮莱纳斯开了那么多年的车
Father, you’ve driven Linus for so many years.
What do you know about him?
A chauffeur keeps his eyes on the road.
Only once in a while does he glimpse in the rear-view mirror.
如果你看久一点 你会发现他人很好
lf you looked a little longer, Father, you’d find him nice.
And quite human.
早安 麦卡多小姐 请你打电报到华兹堡市
Good morning, Miss McCardle. First, a wire to Hannegang, Fort Worth.
不能出席 赖氏硫磺公♥司♥的会议
Unable to attend Larrabee Sulphur board meeting.
塑胶公♥司♥出了点小问题 明白吗
Slight hitch in plastics merger. Got that?
Next. Here’s the itinerary for tonight.
我要两张 七年之痒 的戏票
l want two tickets to The Seven Year ltch.
Table for two at The Colony before the show,
看戏后在波斯餐厅订位 选个角落阴暗的位置
table for two at The Persian Room after the show. A corner table, dark.
我已快到公♥司♥了 十分钟后将咖啡送上来
l’m just passing La Guardia field. Put the coffee on in ten minutes.
-费契 我需要你今晚开车 -是的 少爷
-Fairchild, l need you tonight. -Yes, sir.
-我要带莎宾娜出去 -好的
-l’m taking Sabrina out again. -Yes, sir.
你能在七点时 载她来我的办公室吗
Would you have her at my office at seven?
-好的 -怎么了费契
-Yes, sir. -Anything wrong, Fairchild?
我不希望介入你 跟我女儿的约会
l would prefer not to be involved in these dates with my daughter.
lt makes for a rather awkward situation.
-抱歉 我从未想到这点 -只是感觉不对
-That never occurred to me. Sorry. -lt’s just not right, sir.
l like to think of life as a limousine.
我们共同乘着一台车 但却有分前座和后座
We’re all driving together, but there’s a front seat, a back seat
and a window in between.
Fairchild, l never realised it, but you’re a terrible snob.
Yes, sir.
Have her drive in herself, in David’s car.
谢谢你 少爷 这样感觉好多了
Thank you, sir. lt’s all so distressing.
一开始是大卫 再来是你 我真希望莎宾娜待在巴黎
First Mr David, now you. l wish Sabrina had stayed in Paris.
So do l.
May l ask, sir, what exactly are your intentions?
我的意图 不道德又无♥耻♥但却非常实际
My intentions? Unethical, reprehensible but very practical.
l’m shipping your daughter back to Paris.
-是吗少爷 -我在计划这么做
-You are, sir? -l’m going to try to.
-我可以请问你如何办到吗 -绝对是头等舱
-May l ask how, sir? -First class, of course.
Don’t worry about money.
lt’s not money l’m worried about. lt’s Sabrina.
-我不想她受到伤害 -我的做法♥会♥尽可能的温和
-l don’t want her to get hurt. -l’ll be as gentle as l can.
希望如此 她只是无所适从而已
l hope so. She’s just a displaced person.
She doesn’t belong in a mansion,
but then doesn’t belong above a garage either.
The meeting of the board of directors will now come to order.
身为主席 我有话要说
As chairman, l would like to say at the outset…
The chairman is so dizzy.
暂时休会 先来杯鸡尾酒
Meeting adjourned. Have a frozen daiquiri.
我有次在财富杂♥志♥上 看到跟这间一样的办公室
l once saw an office like this in Fortune magazine at my dentist’s.
-大卫有像这样的办公室吗 -类似而且更大
-Has David got an office like this? -Something like this, only larger.
lnstead of a desk, he has a putting green.
请接着 我的手指快冻僵了
Please, before my fingers get frostbitten.
-这就是那个阳台吗 -什么阳台
-ls this the ledge? -What ledge?
那个女孩 当你想
You know, the ledge. That woman. When you almost…
那个阳台 是的 没错
Oh, the ledge. Yes. Yes, that’s the ledge all right.
What made you not do it?
There were some children playing hopscotch on the sidewalk.
l’m very fond of those children.
你看看这些按键 你一按钮工厂就会工作
Look at all these gadgets. You press a button and factories go up.
或者你接了一通电♥话♥ 一百艘油轮就向伊朗前进
Or you pick up a telephone and 1 00 tankers set out for Persia.
Or through a Dictaphone you say,
将整个城市买♥♥下 你一定得很聪明
“Buy all of Cleveland and move it to Pittsburgh.” You must be clever.
那只是靠决窍 就好像用双手抛三颗柳丁
lt’s just a knack, like juggling three oranges.
那不是柳丁而是好几百万元 如果你犯错会如何
lt isn’t oranges, it’s millions. Suppose you dropped one?
就算我犯错 后面还不是零零零
Suppose l did? What’s at the end of a million? Nothing. A circle.
-莎宾娜 -是的 莱纳斯
-Sabrina… -Yes, Linus?
你能保守一个秘密吗 你当然可以
Can you keep a secret? Yes, of course you can.
我要你往外看 在那边
l want you to look out there. Uptown.
-有没有看到法国航线码头 -有
-You see the French Line pier? -Yes.
-你有看到那艘船吗 -有
-You see the boat? -Yes.
那是自♥由♥号♥ 我将在星期四搭那艘船离开
That’s the Libert. lt sails on Thursday. l’m going to be on it.
-真的吗 -没错
-You are? -Yes, l am.
我已经厌倦在办公室按钮了 我想去度假
l’m sick of pushing buttons in this office. l’m breaking out, Sabrina.
-我想逃离这里 -太好了
-l’m running away. -Good for you!
自从你提起过巴黎后 我就不断的想着她
l’ve been thinking about Paris ever since you mentioned it.
你一定会焕然一新 这笔钱值得花
lt’ll make a new person out of you. You’ll double your money back.
l’m so glad you’re going.
Or am l?
7点35分了 赖先生 你已在卡隆尼餐厅订位
lt’s 7:35 Mr Larrabee,You have a reservation at The Colony.
-准备好了吗莎宾娜 -准备好了
-Ready, Sabrina? Tout de suite, as they say in Paris.
Curtain is at 8:40.
我用你弟弟的名字订的桌子 在阴暗的角落
l used your brother’s name at The Colony to get the darkest corner!
对不起 赖先生
l’m sorry, Mr Larrabee.
This is what you do on your very first day in Paris.
等一天下雨的日子 不是毛毛雨而是大雨
You get yourself, not a drizzle, but some honest-to-goodness rain,
and you find yourself someone really nice
跟她共乘计程车 穿越布格涅树林
and drive her through the Bois de Boulogne in a taxi.
The rain’s very important.
因为那时的巴黎空气 闻起来很甜蜜
That’s when Paris smells its sweetest.
-那是沾湿的栗子树 -我明白了
-lt’s the damp chestnut trees. -l see.
You’re very clever, Linus, and very rich.
-你可以呼风唤雨 -当然
-You can order yourself some rain. -Sure.
我可以呼风唤雨 召计程车 很简单
l can order myself some rain, l can get myself a taxi. That’s easy.
但我可以邂逅 很不错的女孩吗
But can l find myself someone really nice?
那就不简单了 莎宾娜
That’s not so easy, Sabrina.
我姐姐有支黄色的铅笔 法语该怎么说
How do you say in French, my sister has a yellow pencil?
Ma soeur a un crayon jaune.
我弟弟有个很不错的女朋友 怎么说
How do you say, my brother has a lovely girl?
Mon frere a une gentille petite amie.
我真羡慕我弟弟 该怎么说
And how do you say, l wish l were my brother?
ll me dit des mots d’amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et a me fait quelque chose
ll est entr dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur…
Why are you looking at me that way?
All night l’ve had a terrible impulse to do something.
千万别克制冲动 尤其你忍♥的那么辛苦
Never resist an impulse, Sabrina, especially if it’s terrible.
l’m going to do it.
-好了 -那是什么意思
-There. -What’s that for?
You can’t go walking up the Champs Elyses
不能穿得像个游客 还有
looking like a tourist undertaker! And another thing.
Never a briefcase in Paris and never an umbrella. There’s a law.
没有像你这样的人 我在巴黎如何生活
How will l get along in Paris without someone like you?
Who’ll be there to help me with my French,
to turn down the brim of my hat?
假设你第一天在船上 认识了不错的女孩
Suppose you meet someone on the boat the first day? A perfect stranger.
l have a better suppose, Sabrina.
假设我年轻十岁 而你没爱上大卫
Suppose l were ten years younger and you weren’t in love with David.
Suppose l asked you to…
