-密尔瓦基开了一间酿造所 -对
-They open a brewery in Milwaukee? -Yes.
-爱使得密尔瓦基变得出名 -祝君健康
-A love that made Milwaukee famous. -Prosit.
There it is.
我去巴黎的前一晚 他们就是演奏这首歌♥
The song they were playing the night before l went away.
David was right here, dancing it with somebody else.
今晚 我要变成女主角
Tonight, l wanted it to be me.
lt’s all in the family.
我们如何肯定 所有的玻璃都被取出来
How can we make sure that all the fragments have been removed?
很简单 我们会将两个酒杯恢复原状
Simple. We will reconstruct the two champagne glasses.
你不太可能会感到疼痛 这个部位已被麻醉了
l cannot possibly be hurting you. The area has been anaesthetised.
lt’s not you. lt’s that song.
-莎宾娜 -什么
-Sabrina? -Hmm?
如果大卫现在在这里 你会期望他吻你吧
lf David were here now, you’d expect him to kiss you, wouldn’t you?
Here’s a kiss from David.
lt’s all in the family.
-进来 -你好
-Come in. -Hi!
-你感觉如何 -我从未感觉这么好过
-How do you feel? -l never felt better in my life.
你气色看起来不错 麻♥醉♥药♥的药效退了吗
You look fine. Has the anaesthetic worn off?
我想是吧 我带了一个礼物给你
l guess it has. l brought you a present.
昨晚发生了什么事 我没出现莎宾娜生气吗
What happened last night? Was Sabrina mad because l didn’t show up?
没生气 只是失望
Not mad, just disappointed.
-可怜的女孩 你怎么说 -我告诉她事实
-Poor kid. What did you tell her? -The truth.
家人反对你跟她一起 但你永远都站出来帮她说话
That the family objected to her, but you stood up like a man,
and sat down like a jerk.
23 stitches.
This ought to make you feel better.
-塑胶吊床 -没错
-A plastic hammock? -Uh-huh.
底下开个天窗 我设计的 今天早上将它赶工出来
With a trapdoor. l designed it and ran it off this morning.
On Sunday?
你受到痛苦的折磨 所以我要求他们工作
You were in pain, so l had ’em open up the plant.
What a brother!
我们来看看尺寸适不适合 快爬起来
Let’s try it on for size. Come on. On your feet.
l’ll never drink champagne again.
-你认为莎宾娜如何 -很好的女孩
-What do you think of Sabrina? -Wonderful girl.
-你有没有善待她 -我对她很好
-Were you nice to her? -As nice as l could be.
你真是我的好兄弟 我还没写完要送她的诗
What a brother. l’m still trying to finish my poem to her.
-什么跟玻璃押韵 -玻璃
-What rhymes with glass? -Glass… Glass…
-琉璃 -没错
-Alas. -Of course.
-刚刚好 -莱纳斯
-Right on the nose. -Linus!
Sorry, David.
lf Sabrina were only here.
-把她偷偷带进来如何 -如果爸爸看到了怎么办
-How about smuggling her up here? -What if Father sees her?
-对 我们不想把事情搞砸了 -当然不想
-Yeah, we wouldn’t want to spoil it. -No, we sure wouldn’t.
-莱纳斯 帮我一个忙 -随你吩咐
-Linus, do me a favour. -Any time.
你或许觉得无聊 但你是否能帮我照顾她
lt’s a bore for you, but could you keep an eye on Sabrina?
我已经在做了 我们今天下午要乘船出游
l already am. We’re going sailing this afternoon.
-乘船出游 -用你的游艇
-Sailing? -ln your boat.
真的吗莎宾娜告诉她 我们俩会一起离开
Honest? Oh, Sabrina… Tell her we’ll be off, just the two of us,
the moment the stitches are out.
-你已经做了决定了 -没错 我已决定
-You’ve already made up your mind? -Absolutely. This is it.
我只是要确认 之前已经发生过三次了
l wanted to make sure. lt’s been it three times before.
莎宾娜跟我自小就认识了 我只是没看到而已
l was blind. lt’s been Sabrina since we were kids. l just couldn’t see it.
那伊莉莎白 还有父亲和母亲该怎么办
What about Elizabeth, Father and Mother?
Elizabeth will be so broken up she’ll buy three new hats.
Mother will go to bed with a severe headache.
Father will take to the bottle
然后威胁会将我 放逐到蒙大拿州去
and threaten to exile me to Butte, Montana.
-这时你就要帮我了 -如何帮
-That’s where you come in. -How?
我不要去蒙大拿州 你会帮我吧
l don’t want to go to Montana. You are going to help me?
我当然会帮你 不是吗
Oh, yes, l’m going to help you, aren’t l…?
What a brother…
How’s my poor darling?
l brought you six books and Scrabble.
l’m in no condition to play Scrabble!
那是以你现在的情形 唯一可以做的事
That’s all you are in a condition to do.
Why were those glasses in your pocket?
因为我要带去网球场 有人在那里等我
l was taking them to the tennis court. Somebody was waiting.
-那里有场比赛 -在夜晚
-There was a game going on. -ln the middle of the night?
Yes, that’s why he needed the glasses.
Yes, that’s why l needed the glasses.
-我们三个一起玩吗 -我不行 我要出海去
-Shall we play three-handed? -No, l’m going sailing.
-是的 他得出海去 -别再说错话了
-Yes, he’s got to go sailing. -No more false moves now.
-是的 莱纳斯 -我们不想让情形更加复杂
-Yes, Linus. -We don’t want any complications.
再见 伊莉莎白 再见 受伤者
So long, Elizabeth. So long, Scarface.
-午安 爸爸 -我以为是你母亲来了
-Good afternoon, Father. -l thought it was your mother.
我不介意你在我房♥间抽烟 但请不要在衣橱内
l don’t mind you smoking in my room, but not in my closet.
这能帮你驱蛀虫 关于那个车房♥的女孩
lt’s good for the moths. Now, that girl over the garage…
-大卫想跟她私奔 -和司机的女儿
-David wants to run off with her. -With the chauffeur’s daughter?
我不介意他跟谁私奔 只要不影响合并计划
l don’t care who he runs off with so long as it’s not the plastics merger.
-很简单 我们开除费契 -他为我们服务了25年
-lt’s simple. We’ll fire Fairchild. -Not after 25 years.
Then a nice cheque will make her forget David.
她不想要钱 她要爱情
She doesn’t want money, she wants love.
Didn’t they discontinue that model?
The last of the romantics. L’amour, toujours l’amour.
她为什么要选择大卫 为何不选择别人
Why pick on David? Why not someone else?
We will do our best.
那就是你的主意 你有没有想到好的人选
ls that the idea? Have you got someone in mind for her?
-有 -谁
-Yep. -Who?
-不会吧 -怎么了
-Oh, no! -What’s the matter?
-你不行 莱纳斯 -我也不觉得好玩
-Not you, Linus? -lt’s no fun for me.
我有一桌子的工作 有个硫磺的生意等着我
l’ve got a whole deskful of work. There’s the sulphur deal.
还要开始经营 波多黎各那边的生意了
The Puerto Rican operation has to be set in motion.
而我却在这里 跟一个22岁的女孩玩在一起
And l’m about to make an ass of myself with a girl of 22.
你看看我 活像个超龄的大学生
Look at me! Joe College, with a touch of arthritis.
你可以借助这个 在落日下乘船吗
Could you use this, sailing into the sunset?
-我宁愿自杀 -只是个建议罢了
-l wish l were dead. -Just a thought.
音乐或许有催情作用 我曾有个手提式留声机
Music might help. l had a portable phonograph in my freshman days.
l only hope you remember what to do with a girl.
我会驾轻就熟的 那就像骑单车一样
lt’ll come back to me. lt’s like riding a bicycle.
这首歌♥不像普通的歌♥ 很流行吗
This is a very unusual song. ls it popular?
-没错 -我为什么没听过
-Oh, yes. -Why haven’t l heard it?
You’ve been in Paris for two years.
-他们如何想出那些歌♥词 -他们是不是很聪明
-How did they think of those words? -They are clever, aren’t they?
-我可以再放另一首歌♥吗 -当然可以
-May l play another? -Of course.
-你需要清一清灰尘 -你说什么
-You need dusting. -l beg your pardon?
-我不是在说你 -谢谢你
-l didn’t mean you, Linus! -Thank you.
-大卫还好吗 -好多了 现在他可以平躺了
-How’s David? -Better, now he’s flat on his back.
我很想念他 我并不是说玩的不开心
l miss him. Not that l’m not having a good time.
莎宾娜 你介意我们关掉这个吗
Sabrina, would you mind if we… turned this off?
-为什么 -因为
-Why? -Because.
-你不喜欢吗 -我曾经喜欢过
-Don’t you like it? -l used to like it.
Certain songs bring back memories to me, too.
-你爱她吗 -我不太想谈这件事
-Did you love her? -l’d rather not talk about it.
-对不起 -没关系
-l’m sorry. -That’s all right.
想到你曾深爱过一个女人 感觉好奇怪
So strange to think of you being touched by a woman.
-我一直以为你都是独来独往 -这是无从选择的
-l always thought you walked alone. -No man walks alone from choice.
As a child, l used to watch you from the window over the garage.
Coming and going, always wearing your black homburg,
carrying a briefcase and an umbrella.
l thought you could never belong to anyone, never care for anyone.
是 冷酷的生意人 待在他的执行办公室里
Oh, yes, the cold businessman, way up in his executive suite.
Just ice water in his veins, ticker tape coming from his heart.
然后有一天 那个冷酷的生意人
And yet one day, that same cold businessman,
在一幢摩天楼里 他打开窗户站上阳台边
high up in a skyscraper, opens the window, steps out on a ledge,
站在那里三个钟头 思索着他是否应该跳
stands there for three hours, wondering…if he should jump.
-为了她 -不是 那是另一个女孩
-Because of her? -No, that was another woman.
莎宾娜 你会很难相信
Sabrina, do you find it hard to believe
有人为了感情原因 而想要放弃一切吗
someone might want to blot out everything, for sentimental reasons?
我相信 我就是为了感情原因
l believe it! lt was for sentimental reasons that l…
