
rustic (RUST ik) This is a frequently used adjective meaning “referring to the countryside.” Its Latin root is the same word that gave rise to “rural.”

  • Bert likes the trappings of rusticity (rus TISS i ty), buying tables with twig-like legs and hanging a handmade wooden rake on his wall, but in reality he never wants to be more than ten minutes away from a shopping mall.
  • It is easy to idealize a rustic existence; real-life farmers, whether in this era or an earlier time, can testify to the hard work essential to the endeavor.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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乡村(RUST ik)这是一个常用的形容词,意思是“指农村”。它的拉丁词根与“乡村”的词根相同。

  • 伯特喜欢粗糙的装饰(rus TISS i ty),买有树枝状腿的桌子,在墙上挂一个手工制作的木耙子,但事实上,他从不想离开购物中心超过十分钟
  • 人们很容易将乡村生活理想化;现实生活中的农民,无论是在这个时代还是更早的时候,都可以证明他们的辛勤工作对这项努力至关重要

