
rococo (ro KO ko or ro ko KO) Formally, this adjective describes styles of art and music (originating in the eighteenth century) characterized by ornamentation. By extension, it can describe anything, ornate, elaborate, or complicated.

  • “Maybe something a little less rococo?” suggested Elaine, when her room-mate asked for her opinion on the dress with the flounced ruffles and lacy bodice with a contrasting furbelow.
  • The music of Couperin and Rameau will be featured at the “Rococo Rocks” concert this weekend.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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洛可可(ro KO KO或ro KO KO)从形式上讲,这个形容词描述了以装饰为特征的艺术和音乐风格(起源于十八世纪)。从广义上讲,它可以描述任何东西,华丽的、精致的或复杂的。

  • 当她的室友询问她对这件荷叶边连衣裙和蕾丝紧身胸衣的看法时,伊莱恩建议道:“也许是不那么洛可可风格的?”
  • Couperin和Rameau的音乐将在本周末的“洛可可摇滚”音乐会上亮相

