Look, why don’t you stop moonin’ and mopin’ around?
干脆娶了她呗 娶她
Just… just marry the girl. Marry her?
你就不能走向一位女孩 送上一束鲜花并说
You don’t just walk up to a girl, hand her a bouquet and say,
“嗨 记得我吗
“Hey, remember me?
我们曾经青梅竹马 你愿意嫁给我吗”
We were kids together. Will you marry me?”
不 那可行不通
No. It just isn’t done that way.
噢 来吧 罗宾汉 翻过城♥堡♥的墙
Aw, come on, Robbie. Climb the castle walls.
抱起她 别具风格地将她劫走
Sweep her off her feet. Carry her off in style.
没有用 约翰 我想了又想
It’s no use, Johnny. I’ve thought it all out, and…
it just wouldn’t work.
而且 我能给她什么
Besides, what have I got to offer her?
没错 首先你不会做饭
Well, for one thing, you can’t cook.
我是认真的 约翰 她是朱门名媛
I’m serious, Johnny. She’s a highborn lady of quality.
那么她很有档次 但那又怎样
So she’s got class? So what?
我是强盗 就是这样
I’m an outlaw, that’s what.
那不是可爱女士过的日子 永远逃亡
That’s no life for a lovely lady. Always on the run.
那算什么未来 哦 老天在上 孩子
What kind of a future is that? Oh, for heaven’s sake, son.
You’re no outlaw.
Why, someday you’ll be called a great hero.
A hero?
你听见了吗 约翰 我们刚刚被赦免了
Do you hear that, Johnny? We’ve just been pardoned.
笑话 我们甚至还没被逮到
That’s a gas. We ain’t even been arrested yet.
好吧 尽管笑吧 你们这两个强盗
All right. Laugh, you two rogues.
But there’s gonna be a big to do in Nottingham.
厨艺真绝 不是吗
Well done, ain’t it?
Old Prince John’s having
a championship archery tournament tomorrow.
射箭锦标赛 哈
Archery tournament?
罗宾汉倒立着能赢 是吧 罗宾汉
Old Rob could win that standin’ on his head, huh, Rob?
谢谢夸奖 小约翰
Thank you, Little John,
but I’m sure we’re not invited.
你不去 有人可会
No, but there’s somebody
who’ll be very disappointed if you don’t come.
对 那个老烂裤
Yeah, old bushel britches,
the honorable sheriff of Nottingham.
不 是玛丽亚女士
No, Maid Marian.
玛丽亚女士 对
Maid Marian? Yeah.
She’s gonna give a kiss to the winner.
A kiss to the winner!
来吧 约翰 我们还等什么
Come on, Johnny! What are we waiting for?
等等 罗宾汉 冷静
Wait a minute, Rob. Hold it.
That place will be crawlin’ with soldiers.
啊哈 但是 记着
Aha! But, remember.
Faint hearts never won fair lady.
别怕 我的朋友
Fear not, my friends.
This will be my greatest performance.
黑斯 今天是大喜之日
Hiss, this is a red letter day.
造个法语词 就是 一举定乾坤
A coup d’état, to coin a Norman phrase.
哦 是的 确实是 陛下
Oh, yes, indeed, sire.
Your plan to capture Robin Hood in public is sheer genius.
黑斯 没人可以比国王坐的更高
Hiss, no one sits higher than the king.
一定要我提醒你吗 黑斯
Must I remind you, Hiss?
哦 哦 饶了我吧 陛下
Oh, oh, forgive me, sire.
我 我不是这个意思
I didn’t mean to…
My trap is baited and set…
and then revenge!
啊 报仇
Ah, revenge!
嘘 小点声 陛下
Shh! Not so loud, sire.
记住 这事只有你知我知
Remember, only you and I know,
and your secret is my secret.
停 别在我耳边嘶嘶
Stop! Stop hissing in my ear.
秘密 什么秘密
Secret? What secret?
就是抓罗宾汉啊 陛下
Why, the capture of Robin Hood, sire.
That insolent blackguard.
哦 我要让他看看谁是皇上
Ooh! I’ll show him who wears the crown!
我跟您一样讨厌他 陛下
I share your loathing, sire.
That scurrilous scoundrel who fooled you with that silly disguise,
竟然敢抢劫您 而且让您如此出丑
who dared to rob you and made you look utterly ridiculous…
黑斯 你存心躲开
Hiss, you deliberately dodged.
但 但 陛下 求您
But… But… Sire, please.
少哭鼻子 坐好
Stop sniveling and hold still.
谢谢你 陛下
Thank you, sire.
哦 克拉克 我好激动
Oh, Klucky, I’m so excited.
But how will I recognize him?
哦 他会设法让你知道的
Oh, he’ll let you know somehow.
你那年轻的强盗会让你充满惊喜 我亲爱的
That young rogue of yours is full of surprises, my dear.
她在那 小约翰 她是不是很美
There she is, Little John. Isn’t she beautiful?
冷静 情郎
Cool it, lover boy.
Your heart’s runnin’ away with your head.
哦 不用担心
Oh, stop worrying.
This disguise would fool my own mother.
是 但你亲妈不在这
Yeah, but your mom ain’t here.
You gotta fool old bushel britches.
治安官 大官人 对
Sheriff, Your Honor? Yeah.
Meetin’ ya face to face is a real treat.
A real treat.
好的 好的 谢谢
Well, now, thank you.
哦 对不起 我要赢比赛去了
Oh, excuse me. I gotta go win this tournament.
嗨 罗宾汉演技不错啊
Hey, old Rob’s not a bad actor.
让他等着瞧 看我如何搞掂约翰王子
But wait till he sees this scene I lay on Prince John.
啊 大人
Ah! Me lord.
My esteemed royal sovereign of the realm.
The head man himself.
You’re beautiful.
他有品位 嗯 黑斯
He has style, eh, Hiss?
您说出了我正想说的话 约皇
You took the words right out of my mouth, PJ.
“约皇” 我喜欢 我真的喜欢
“PJ”! I like that. Do you know I do?
黑斯 把它标在我的行李上
Hiss, put it on my luggage.
约皇 对
PJ. Yes.
哼 你
Hmph! And you?
Who might you be, sir?
我是瑞纳得先生 查特尼公爵
I am Sir Reginald, duke of Chutney.
不要对着我吐舌头 小子
And don’t stick your tongue out at me, kid.
现在 陛下 请允许我向您致以崇高的敬意
And now, Your Mightiness, allow me to lay some protocol on you.
哦 不 啊 原谅我
Oh, no. Uh, forgive me,
but I lose more jewels that way than…
Please sit down.
谢谢 约皇 没有比这更好的座位了 有吗
Thanks, PJ. Couldn’t get a better seat than this, could you?
皇家专席 哦 嗨 嘿
The royal box. Oh! Hey! Hey, wait a minute!
等一下 什么 哦 对不起 小鬼
What’s… Oh, excuse me, buster.
“小鬼” 你 先生 占了我的坐位
“Buster”? You, sir, have taken my seat.
希斯 有你在身边 谁还会需要小丑啊
Hiss, with you around, who needs a court jester?
现在给我出去 睁大蛇眼找找 你知道找谁
Now get out there and keep your snake eyes open for you know who.
你 你的意思是 我
You… You mean, I…
我 我被赶走了
I’m being dismissed?
你已经听到了 走吧 爬虫 迷路吧
You heard His Mightiness. Move it, creepy. Get lost.
笨蛋 长虫
Begone, long one.
What cheek! “Creepy”?
“Buster”? “Long one”?
Who does that dopey duke think he is?
他在忙什么 修士 是呀 去看看
Now, he’s up to somethin’, Friar. Yeah. Come on!
啊 小姐
Ah, Your Ladyship.
请原谅 不过很荣幸
Beggin’ your pardon, but it’s a great honor
to be shootin’ for the favor of a lovely lady like yourself.
I hopes I win the kiss.
好的 谢谢你 细腿射手
Well, thank you, my thin legged archer.
祝你好运 我全心全意
I wish you luck,with all my heart.
Hmm… I wonder.
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