
[verb] restore to life or consciousness
[动词] 复活或恢复意识


Revive 是一个与熟词 survive 有着相同结尾且同词根 viv (生命)的单词。

该词由前缀 re- (重新)+ 词根 viv (生命)+ e 构成,于15世纪初经古法语 revivre 或者直接由拉丁语 revivere (复活)进入英语,即用来表示“(使)苏醒、复活、复元”,主要指人从昏迷、昏厥、休克等死亡般的状态中恢复过来,也常用来指沮丧的精神、垂死的植物等恢复到先前活力生气的状态,比如:

  • 护理人员无法使那个酒鬼苏醒。
    The paramedics couldn’t revive the wine fiend.

从这个概念出发,到了15世纪中期后, revive 开始引申指“振兴、重振、复苏”,多指使经济、艺术、时尚、风俗、传统、希望、信心等再次活跃、流行或成功,比如:

  • 应该恢复这一独特的风俗。
    This quaint custom should be revived.
  • 使某人重新燃起希望/重树信心/时来运转
    to revive sb’s hopes/confidence/fortunes

再到了1823年后, revive 进一步用来表示“重新上演、重新上映”喜剧、歌剧、芭蕾等,也就是经过一段时间后,把一出老戏、一部旧片重新搬上舞台或荧幕,比如:

  • 这部20世纪40年代的音乐剧正在国家剧院重新上演。一晃就是70年过去了。
    This 1940s musical is being revived at the National Theatre. Seventy years have elapsed in a flash.


He moves more; he is beginning to revive, and to speak intelligibly; he thinks they are still together; he asks him, by his name, what he has in his hand.

出自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)创作的长篇历史小说《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)。


  • America abandoned Moon shots 41 months later, and attempts to revive them have never appeared convincing.
  • Under pressure to revive the economy, and facing big-ticket demands from the far left, Biden pursued expansive spending for too long.



  1. Revive a patient – 复活一个病人
  2. Revive a tradition – 恢复一项传统
  3. Revive a friendship – 恢复一段友谊
  4. Revive an old custom – 复兴一个旧习俗
  5. Revive a neglected garden – 恢复一个被忽视的花园
  6. Revive an ancient art form – 复兴一种古老的艺术形式
  7. Revive an old recipe – 恢复一道传统菜谱
  8. Revive an old building – 复修一座老建筑
  9. Revive a dormant project – 重新启动一个搁置的项目
  10. Revive a fading memory – 唤起一个逐渐消失的记忆


  1. Revive the economy – 振兴经济
  2. Revive a dying industry – 重振一个衰落的行业
  3. Revive a failing business – 恢复一个失败的企业
  4. Revive tourism – 恢复旅游业
  5. Revive a neighborhood – 重振一个社区
  6. Revive cultural heritage – 保护文化遗产
  7. Revive a declining city – 复兴一个衰落的城市
  8. Revive interest in a subject – 激发对一个主题的兴趣
  9. Revive a struggling team – 振兴一个陷入困境的团队
  10. Revive a forgotten tradition – 复兴一个被遗忘的传统


  1. Revive after an illness – 康复(疾病后)
  2. Revive from a faint – 从晕厥中恢复
  3. Revive from exhaustion – 从疲劳中恢复
  4. Revive from a coma – 从昏迷中苏醒
  5. Revive a wilted plant – 恢复一株枯萎的植物
  6. Revive tired muscles – 恢复疲惫的肌肉
  7. Revive a drained battery – 充电(电池)
  8. Revive a faded painting – 复原一幅褪色的画
  9. Revive a dull complexion – 恢复暗淡的肤色
  10. Revive a lifeless performance – 使一场无生气的表演恢复生机

其他短语(Other Phrases):

  1. Revive an old hobby – 重拾一个旧爱好
  2. Revive a lost opportunity – 抓住一个失去的机会
  3. Revive hope – 恢复希望
  4. Revive a faded memory – 唤起一个褪色的记忆
  5. Revive a dormant talent – 唤醒一个潜在的才能
  6. Revive a stalled project – 重新推进一个停滞的项目
  7. Revive a broken relationship – 修复一段破裂的关系
  8. Revive a forgotten song – 重新唱起一首被遗忘的歌曲
  9. Revive a lost art – 重新创作一门失传的艺术
  10. Revive a buried treasure – 挖掘一处埋藏的宝藏
  11. Revive an outdated fashion trend – 重启一个过时的时尚潮流
  12. Revive a faded interest – 恢复一个减退的兴趣
  13. Revive a tired routine – 重新调整一个疲惫的例行公事
  14. Revive a forgotten language – 重振一种被遗忘的语言
  15. Revive a lost skill – 重拾一个失去的技能
  16. Revive a damaged reputation – 恢复受损的声誉
  17. Revive a struggling community – 振兴一个陷入困境的社区
  18. Revive an old tradition – 重兴一个古老的传统
  19. Revive a neglected skill – 恢复被忽视的技能
  20. Revive a dormant dream – 唤醒一个潜伏的梦想


resuscitate: revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death
revivify: give new life or vigor to
revitalize: imbue (something) with new life and vitality

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
