- But as the 20th century drew to a close this arms race in antibiotics became harder because of their rampant use worldwide — on humans, livestock and crops.
——《经济学人》 - On Thursday, Katsunobu Kato, Japan’s health minister, said he had informed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that there was evidence that Japan was now at a high risk of rampant infection.
[adjective] (especially of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading unchecked
[形容词] (尤指不受欢迎或令人不快的事物)不受控制地蓬勃发展或蔓延
Rampant 源自古法语 ramper (爬、攀登),14世纪末进入英语时表示“后腿站立”,比如纹章图案中的狮子(heraldic lion)就是如此,以后腿为支点跃立并扬起前爪作扑击状。
摆出这副姿势的野兽张牙舞爪随时准备捕食猎物,样子十分吓人,所以 rampant 随后开始表示“凶猛的、贪婪的”。
而到了17世纪初, rampant 进一步引申出现今的主要含义“(犯罪、疾病等坏事)泛滥的、猖獗的”,强调不受限制的或狂野的迅速蔓延,比如:
- 疾病在过分拥挤的城市中肆虐。
Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city. - 流言已四处传开。
Gossip has run rampant.
另外, rampant 还可以用来形容植物“疯长的、蔓延的”,比如:
- 肥沃的土壤很快就成了杂草丛生的地方
A rich soil soon becomes home to rampant weeds.
The lack of restraint in the right to hold guns has led to rampant gun violence, posing a serious threat to citizens’ life and property safety.
出自《2019年美国侵犯人权报告》(The Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019)。
“rampant” 通常用来表示猖獗的、蔓延的、泛滥的等。
- rampant corruption: 猖獗的腐败
- rampant inflation: 失控的通货膨胀
- rampant disease: 泛滥的疾病
- rampant crime: 猖獗的犯罪
- rampant speculation: 疯狂的投机
- rampant abuse: 滥用泛滥
- rampant violence: 暴力蔓延
- rampant greed: 贪婪泛滥
- rampant misinformation: 虚假信息泛滥
- rampant inequality: 不平等蔓延
- rampant fear: 恐惧蔓延
- rampant distrust: 不信任泛滥
- rampant chaos: 混乱蔓延
- rampant pollution: 污染泛滥
- rampant deforestation: 滥伐森林
- rampant wildfires: 猖獗的野火
- rampant corruption: 贪污腐败泛滥
- rampant bribery: 贿赂泛滥
- rampant smuggling: 走私泛滥
- rampant drug abuse: 毒品滥用泛滥
- rampant fraud: 欺诈泛滥
- rampant extremism: 极端主义泛滥
- rampant intolerance: 不宽容蔓延
- rampant ignorance: 无知泛滥
- rampant epidemics: 流行病泛滥
- rampant pandemics: 大流行病蔓延
- rampant consumerism: 消费主义泛滥
- rampant materialism: 物质主义泛滥
- rampant individualism: 个人主义泛滥
- rampant nationalism: 民族主义蔓延
- rampant populism: 民粹主义泛滥
- rampant capitalism: 资本主义泛滥
- rampant urbanization: 城市化泛滥
- rampant development: 发展泛滥
- rampant expansion: 扩张泛滥
- rampant growth: 增长泛滥
- rampant technology: 科技泛滥
- rampant digitalization: 数字化泛滥
- rampant automation: 自动化泛滥
- rampant globalization: 全球化泛滥
- rampant social media: 社交媒体泛滥
- rampant misinformation: 虚假信息泛滥
- rampant cyberattacks: 网络攻击泛滥
- rampant data breaches: 数据泄露泛滥
- rampant privacy concerns: 隐私问题泛滥
- rampant online scams: 网络诈骗泛滥
- rampant hacking attempts: 黑客攻击泛滥
- rampant surveillance: 监控泛滥
- rampant online harassment: 网络骚扰泛滥
- rampant disinformation: 虚假信息泛滥
- pandemic: (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world
- pervasive: (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
- rife: (especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence; widespread