
prosaic (pro ZAY ik) Perhaps because this adjective comes from the Latin word for “prose” rather than “poetry,” its meaning is “straightforward” or “matter-of-fact.” More often, however, it has the more negative connota-tion of “unimaginative” or “dull.”

  • Winnie’s description of her visit to Washington, D.C., was so prosaic that George couldn’t decide if he had no desire to visit that city or no desire to go anywhere with Winnie.
  • When Gideon asked Josh to give him a description of the girl he wanted to fix him up with, Josh replied rather prosaically: “She’s got brown hair and brown eyes and a medium build.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 温妮对她访问华盛顿特区的描述是如此平淡,以至于乔治无法决定他是不想去那个城市,还是不想和温妮一起去任何地方
  • 当吉迪恩让乔希描述一下他想和他约会的女孩时,乔希相当平淡地回答:“她有棕色头发,棕色眼睛,中等身材。”

