
pricklyprickly (PRIK lee) One definition of this adjective is “marked by jabs or pricks,” and this suggests its more figurative meaning, which is “irritable” or “grouchy.”

  • Knowing her husband could be prickly in a traffic jam, Mrs. Simpson suggested a back route that avoided highway congestion.
  • The prickly owner of the local soup shop shouted “No soup for you!” when his customers made too much noise while waiting on line.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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多刺的(PRIK lee)这个形容词的一个定义是“以刺拳或刺刺为标志”,这表明它更具比喻意义,即“易怒”或“脾气暴躁”
