嗯 看起来
Well, it would seem…
…that all our old -fashioned police workhas netted us zip.
We don’t know who these men are.
We don’t know where they’re goingto strike next.
-说吧 中士 -嗯 也许我们知道 长官
-Yes, sergeant. -Well, maybe we do, sir.
Maybe they’ll strikeexactly where we want them to.
A trap is only as goodas the bait you use.
红色领袖呼叫周边 报告你处的情况
Red Leader to perimeter. Report.
一号♥检查站 一切正常
Checkpoint One. Nothing here.
你好 小家伙我打赌给你带了好东西
Well, hello there, little fellow.Bet I got something for you.
好了 来吧
All right. Here we go.
瞧着 我来给你喝点好喝的牛奶
Look at this. See, I’m gonna get yousome good milk.
这 喝吧
Here. There you go.
这事就咱俩知道 好吗
Let’s just keep thisbetween me and you. Okay?
-二号♥检查站 -二号♥收到 未见异常
-Checkpoint Two? -Checkpoint Two. Negative.
到机场 快点 我很急
Airport. I’m in a hurry.
Take the bus.
我不想坐公交我要坐你的车 快点 踩油门吧
I don’t wanna take the bus.I wanna take your cab. Now, step on it.
要么坐公交要么就尝尝这个下车 先生
You’ll take the bus and like it.Now, mister!
我们先共进晚餐 然后他带我去了他的住处
He took me to dinner, then to his place.
到了之后两分钟 他说
And we’ve been there all of two minuteswhen he says:
“噢 宝贝儿 你真漂亮来点葡萄酒怎么样”
“Oh, baby, you’re so fine.How about some wine?”
-五号♥ 你在吗 -你相信吗
-Checkpoint Five. Are you there? -Can you believe…?
噢 等会儿
Just a minute, Di.
五号♥检查站 这很寂静
Checkpoint Five. All quiet here.
然后我看着他 对他说
So then I look at him, and I say…
周围怎么样 三号♥
What’s happening, Checkpoint Three?
三号♥ 一切正常
Checkpoint Three. Nothing unusual here.
Checkpoint Four, report.
四号♥ 是的 毫无敌情
Checkpoint Four. Yeah, all clear.
感谢您呼叫K-D-O-Z K -Doz检查站 一切正常
Thank you for calling K -D -O -Z. K -Doz, the station where nothing happens.
好啦 注意 我相信我们随时都会被抢的
Come on, now, chin up.I’m sure we’ll get robbed any minute.
但愿 但愿
Promises, promises.
就在这 学监 当设好这个陷阱了之后
Right here, Proctor.When this trap is sprung…
…right here is where the action will be.And I will be right in the middle of it.
This is why I insistedthat I be given this assignment.
You sure know howto throw your fat around, sir.
仗势欺人 学监
That’s weight, Proctor.
-仗势 -噢 仗势
-Weight. -Oh, weight.
-那是什么 -我不知道 长官
-What’s that? -I don’t know, sir.
他们就在外面 学监 我能感觉得到
They’re out there, Proctor. I feel it.
They’ll attack this truck, our men will move in…
…and I will personally put an endto the Wilson Heights Gang.
简单极了 真的
It’s quite simple, really.
-您觉得我们会受到赞扬吗 长官 -奖章
-Do you think we’ll get commendations? -Medals?
They’ll give me the key to the city.
首先 每天六点的新闻会有我的讲话
First, I’ll address the cityon the 6:00 news.
“这座城市已经安全了 为您服务是我的荣耀”等等等等
“The city is safe. It was my privilegeto serve you, ” et cetera.
-长官 -我想还会有有秩序的游♥行♥
-Sir. -I think maybe a parade is in order.
-长官 -当然我还会成为大元帅
-Sir. -I’ll be the grand marshal, of course.
I’ll have to face all the talk -show offers.
-长官 -怎么了 学监
-Sir! -What is it, Proctor?
救命 把我拉上去
Help! Pull me up!
救命 不 不
Help! No! No!
停车 停车
Halt! Halt!
-停车 停车 -救命
-Halt! Halt! -Help!
他们听不见 长官
They can’t hear me, sir.
长官 跑步确实是非常棒的有氧运动
Sir, running really is the best formof aerobic exercise.
Is it bad?
他们知道 他们什么都知道
They knew. They knew all about it.
Somebody had to tip them off.
-但只有我们的队员们知道这个计划 -不 埃里克叔叔
-But only our team knew about the plan. -No, Uncle Eric…
…the leak is not in the precinct.
It’s one of us.
嗯 不过那时这确实看上去是个好计划
Well, it seemed likea good plan at the time.
噢 是的是的 一个好计划
Oh, yes, yes. A fine plan.
We lose a priceless diamond…
…the Wilson Heights Gangpulls the crime of the century…
…and we look like a bunch of jerksbecause we practically invited them.
感谢您做的好事 拉♥萨♥中士
Do us a favor, Sergeant Lassard.
The next time you have a brilliant idea…
求你了 留着自己使吧
…please, keep it to yourself.
现在 哈里斯上尉 如果你能坐下
But now, Captain Harris, if you’ll take a seat.
Perhaps a different seat.
We’ve got to stop feeling sorryfor ourselves.
Now, so far…
…this gang seems to be confiningits robberies to our precinct.
-发现什么了吗 尼克 -不 不 我只是在记笔记
-You got something, Nick? -No, no. I’m just taking some notes.
打扰一下 哈里斯上尉 市长想立刻见你
Captain Harris, the mayor wantsto see you as soon as possible.
The mayor would like to see me.
那好 别让市长等着了
Well, don’t keep him waiting.
If you’ll excuse me.
I want a complete reporton this sprinkler system.
-喷水 -喷水
-Sprinklers? -Sprinklers.
下午好 您好吗 见到您真好 您好 您好
Good afternoon. How are you?So nice to see you. Hello. Hello.
欢迎到美国来 伟大的国家 谢谢 非常感谢
Welcome to America. A great country.Thank you. Thank you very much.
哈里斯 不用麻烦了 不用起立
Harris. Don’t bother to rise.
一大堆胶水 一点爱心都没有
A whole lot of glue, but not an ounce of love.
有什么进展吗 哈里斯上尉
Have any progress to report, Captain Harris?
嗯 事实上 我恐怕没有什么我们的工作有些停滞
Well, actually, I’m afraid not, sir.We’re at a bit of a standstill.
We are re -questioning all the witnesses,
当然 只是一些基本程序
but that, of course, is basic procedure.
这不是我想听到的 哈里斯上尉
This is not what I want to hear, Captain Harris.
I wanna hear that these crookshave been…
-那个 带上手铐叫 -被捕
-The thing when you put the cuffs on… -Caught!
被捕 很对 被捕
Caught. That’s exactly right. Caught.
我正在努力 长官 我真的在努力
I’m trying, sir. I really am.
但有拉♥萨♥和他的人拖我的后腿 这真的不容易
But it’s not easy with Lassardand his men slowing me down.
是的 装甲车的那件事 真是一团糟
Yes, that business with the armored car.That was a mess.
Do you have any other complaintsagainst them at all?
现在没有了 阁下大人
Not yet, Your Eminence.
But I know Lassard and his nepheware up to something.
-我要查出来到底是什么 -什么
-And I am going to find out what! -What?
-这就是我要查的 -好吧 开始干吧
-That’s what I’m going to find out. -All right, let’s get cracking!
-是 长官 -动起来
-Yes, sir! -Let’s get this case moving!
-是 长官 -去吧
-Yes, sir! -Go!

Yes, sir!
米粒儿 去给我查查看为什么哈里斯屁♥股♥上会有个凳子
Midge, find out why Harrishas got a chair on his ass.

行啦 尼克 我们从中午就到这儿了
Come on, Nick, we’ve been here since noon.
-你还没告诉我们要做什么 -瞧 你们应该相信我
-You haven’t told us what we’re doing. -Look, you guys just have to trust me.
-能为您效劳吗 先生 -那条项链非常引人注目
-May I help you, sir? -I got my eye on that necklace there.
嗯 它很漂亮 让我给您拿出来看看吗
It is beautiful. Shall I show it to you?
不了 谢谢 我自己来拿
No, thank you. I’ll get it myself.
行了 行了 保持安静
All right, all right, all right. Stay calm.
不好意思 把这弄乱了
Sorry about the mess.
嗯 现在 你把保险箱藏哪了
Okay, now, where do you hide your safe?
-准备好了叫我 -在密室里 油画后面
-Call me when you’re ready. -Back room, behind the painting.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We’ll just be a minute.
-不好意思 借光 -我不认识他们
-Excuse me, coming through. -I don’t know them.
-你怎么知道的 -我也不明白
-How’d you know? -I don’t get it yet…
不知道什么原因 抢劫是沿着旧的51路公交线路进行的
…but for some reason, the robberiesfollow the old 51 bus route.
