would you mind returningto your own seat?
-正餐就要上了 -正餐
-We’re about to serve the meal. -The meal?
-秩序很乱 -让我进去 让我进去
-Out of order. -let me in here.
你等很久了 很好 她在
You’ve been waiting long?Great. She’s been….
快点 快点 还有人想进去
Come on! Other people in need here,you know.
抱歉 马桶出问题了
I’m sorry. There seems to besomething wrong with the sink.
我不相信 竟和他同机
I don’t believe it. We’re on the same plane.
-老大 我们该 -你疯了吗
-Boss, you know, we should…. -What, are you crazy?
-我们带了这个不能 -轮流来
-We can’t make a scene while we got…. -Wait for your turn.
快 让我进去 让我进去
Come on. let me in.
让我出来 让我出来
let me out of here!
-天 我要杀了他 -不 老大
-I’ll kill him! -No, boss!
-钻石 老大 -对
-The diamonds, boss. -Right.
来 拿着这个
Here. Fix this.
-对不起 先生 你的雪茄 -有什么问题 小姐
-Please, sir. Your cigar. -You got a problem, Lady?
-对不起 先生 -又有什么事
-Excuse me. -Now what?
-干得好 贺克斯 -当然
-Okay, nice touch, Hooks. -Yeah!
女士们先生们 谢谢各位搭乘此机
Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for flying with us.
We hope you enjoy your stayin the Miami area.
The temperature is a balmy 82 degrees.
我不知道怎么回事 大概卡住了
I don’t know what’s the matter.It must be stuck.
I’ll get some help.
-只要一下于就好了 各位 -要帮她吗
-It’ll just be a minute or so, folks. -Shall we help her?
-好吧 -请让一下 小姐
-let’s do it. -Excuse me, ma’am.
Thank you.
谢谢你 先生
Why, thank you, gentlemen.
You may all deplane now.
请注意 183次航♥班♥
Attention, please.Passengers on Flight 183…
continuing from Miami to Caracas…
there will be a slight delaydue to a small malfunction.
我们把钻石送过去之后 在城里待一晚
After we deliver the diamonds,a night on the town. Your treat.
离那老头子远一点 他是衰鬼 保持距离
Stay the hell away from that old man.He’s bad Luck. Keep your distance.
他是个大衰鬼 好了 可以轻松了
He’s a bucket of bad news.All right, now we can relax.
-没事吧 老大 你还好吧 -没事 没事
-You okay, boss? You all right, boss? -Yeah.
-包 包 -我去拿
-The bag. -I’ll get it.
-拿到了 -我没事
-I got it. -I’m all right.
-走吧 把带子给我 -在你那呢
-Give me the damn bag. -You got it.
我们快走 我还要同别人会面
let’s get the hell out of here.I got people to meet.
-这是什么 -像白♥痴♥大会
-What the hell is this? -looks like a moron convention.
-那一对番木果真不赖 -他来了
-That’s a nice set of papayas. -There he is.
I’ve read of your accomplishments,and I must say that our city…
is proud to welcomethe Police Officer of the Decade.
-你真好 市长先生 -这是警♥察♥局长 大卫莫达
-You’re very, very kind, Mr. Mayor. -Our Police Commissioner, Dave Murdock.
He’s in charge ofthe Police Chiefs Convention.
-很荣幸见到你 大卫 -我很荣幸见到你 拉♥萨♥德校长
-Very, very pleased to meet you, Dave. -Pleasure’s all mine, Comdt. Lassard.
Mayor Thompson, I’d like you to meet…
Comdt. Lassard’sPolice Commissioner, Henry Hurst.
How do you do?
这些人 大卫 都是我最优秀的下属
And these, Dave, are my finest.
Good to have you here, officers.
站住 停
Stop! Halt!
-你好 尼克 -你好 艾里克叔叔
-Good to see you, Nick. -Hi, Uncle Eric.
那是我经常说到的侄子尼克 我很为他感到骄傲
That’s my nephew, NickI was talking about. I’m very proud of him.
怎么回事 你在做什么
What’s the matter? What are you doing?
-这是你的钱包 先生 -谢谢你 警官
-Here’s your wallet, sir. -Thank you, Officer.
You’re very welcome.
你好 艾里克叔叔
Good to see you, Uncle Eric.
I’ve looked forward to this so much.
尼克 他们都是我最优秀的下属 我最好的朋友
Nick, I want you to meet my finest,my best friends.
对不起 比尔
Excuse me. Bill?
校长 这是我太大 爱玲
Comdt. Lassard, this is my wife, Eileen…
the chairwomanof our welcoming committee.
-非常荣幸见到你 -你好
-Very pleased to meet you. -How do you do?
我们所有人都接到了 除了哈里斯队长
We’ve greeted everyone except Capt. Harris.
-我们到处找不到他人 -他马上会来的
-We can’t find him anywhere. -He’ll be along shortly.
He’s traveling by private plane.
是不是很好玩 长官
Isn’t this fun, sir?
他们看起来很羡慕 我们该带只大象来的
They look impressed, sir.I wish we had an elephant.
Would you like something?
你的货 先生
Your merchandise, sir.
-你拿到钻石了 -是的 先生 照你交待的
-You got the diamonds? -Yes, sir. We did like you told us.
我们拿出钻石 把垃圾金块扔掉了
We tore out the stonesand threw that gold junk away.
-好 好 -我们从四处的摄像机下面走过来了
-Good. -We hid them in the camera.
It’s gift-wrapped.
-这是玩笑吗 -先生
-Is this some kind of joke? -Sir?
我没什么好说的 被人掉了包了
I got no excuse, sir.Somebody pulled a bag switch on me.
My boat leaves the country in 24 hours.
-那是你最后期限 -是的 先生
-You got till then. -Yes, sir.
-别再让我失望了 -谢谢你 丹西先生
-Don’t disappoint me again. -Thank you, Mr. Dempsey.
That crazy old man has our bag! All right.
搜查每一家旅馆 找出他为止
We search every hotel untiI we find him.
要是明天之前不找回钻石 我们就死定了
If we don’t get those diamonds backthis time tomorrow, we’re dead.
-大卫 这旅行办得很好 -谢谢 局长
-You give a fine tour, David. -Thank you, Commissioner.
莫达克局长 你对今年警♥察♥游♥行♥程序
Commissioner Murdock,what have you got planned…
as police procedure demonstrationthis year?
去年 他们把队长级以上的人全逮捕了
Last year, they arrested everyoneabove the rank of captain, put us all in jaiL.
It was all rather fun, really.
先别提这个 要是我说了就制♥造♥不出意外惊喜了
Comdt. Lassard, if I told you,it would spoil the surprise.
let me show you the pool areaand the rest of the hotel…
where most our conventionwill take place.
It’s a good picture.
I guess the uniformbrings out the best in me.
艾里克 你还好吗
Uncle Eric, are you all right?
I’m really going to miss all this.
试音 1 2 3 4 试音 你听得见吗
Testing, one, two, three, four.Testing, can you hear me?
Is that okay?
这次大会一定很棒 控制好群众游♥行♥
This is going to be a great convention.They got crowd control demonstrations…
新装备 军事战技
new equipment, martial arts.
还有 你看 炸♥弹♥清除介绍
And, look, a bomb disposal presentation.
-你们做秀真好 -是呀
-You guys put on a good show. -Yes, sir, we do.
But it doesn’t start untiI this afternoon.So this morning…
所以 早上先带你到沙滩看另一场美丽的表演
I would like you to see another showon a beautifuI stretch of beach.
当然 游泳池也很不错的
Of course, the pool is nice, too.
失陪一下 可以吗
Pardon me, won’t you?
小姐们请注意 水上有氧课程15分钟后开始
Attention, ladies, the water aerobics classwill begin in 15 minutes.
Show us how.
Poolside masseur.
I see.
-玩得愉快吗 -非常愉快 谢谢 你呢
-Enjoying yourself? -Very much so. Thank you. And you?
Oh, yeah.
I just love it when a strange manputs his hands all over my body.
You do?
-这正好给我机会做这个 -不 等一下
-It gives me a chance to do this. -No, wait.
游客请注意 水上有氧课程15分钟后开始
Attention, guests, the water aerobics classwill begin in 15 minutes.
-我想我应该 -不过 很好玩
-So I guess I deserved that. -But it was fun.
Hightower, okay, here we go. Come on.
-我到远点去接 好吗 -好 开始
-I’ll go out for a long one, okay? -Okay, here we go.
好 传过来
Okay, come on.
快 好 开始了
Here we go, come on.
我接一个 来呀
I’ll buy one. Okay, here we go! Come on!
怎么了 没手吗 好呀
What’s the matter, no arm? Okay!
安德鲁 甜心
Andrew, honey!
过来 拿你的防晒油
Come on. Come get your sun block.
尼基 马上离开这游泳区 小子
Desist and leave the swimming area now, mister.
What’s that guy doing?
快走 快走 快走
Move it.
