营员们 该上来吃饭了
Campers. No swinging after lunch.
So far we know that they can live in cold water.
They seem to be moving downstream.
Gotta find someone who knows how to deal with these things.
There’ll be a phone at the dam. We can call on ahead.
嘿 – 怎么了
Hey. – What?
我不知道是怎么回事 好像下面有东西在动
I don’t know. It seems like the lashing’s workin’ loose.
保罗 下面有东西
Paul… there’s something under us.
是血 是血把它们引来的
His blood. It’s the doc’s blood.
它们在拆船 一点点的咬断绳子
It’s seepin’ through. They’re eatin’ away at the lashing to get to it.
爸爸 – 不要 我们必须减轻负载
Daddy! – Let go, son. No. We gotta get rid of him.
不 我爸爸掉进河里去了
No. That’s what happened to my daddy.
快点 – 它们在吃他
Let go. – They’re eating him.
They’re eating him!
过来 – 它们吃了我爸爸
Come here. – They got my daddy!
你没事吧 孩子 你怎么样
You OK, boy? How about you?
我没事 – 你们待在这儿
I’m all right. – You gotta stay here.
我到大坝去 要赶在他们开闸放水之前
I’m gonna try to get to the dam before they let ’em through with the water.
警 告
m 0 0 l 380 0 380 180 0 180
Acres and acres of reclaimed land nestled in a scenic mountain valley,
site of the newly formed Lost River Lake.
游泳 帆船 浮潜 潜泳 沙狐球
Swimming, sailing, snorkeling, skin diving, shuffleboard,
and Buck Gardner’s Aquarena Amusement Arcade.
所以收拾好你的房♥车 旅行车 拖车和汽车
So pack up your RVs, your station Wagons, your trailers and cars,
驱车前往迷失河营地 享受免费的周末推介
and hustle on up to Lost River Campsite for a free introductory Weekend.
别开闸 你说什么 别开闸
Don’t open it! Whatever you do, don’t open it.
好了 下车集中 快点
All right, men, off your butts. Fall in. Move it!
我们对此心存疑虑 因为我们不能每天都能碰到这种事
Forgive our scepticism, but we don’t come across stories like yours every day.
食人鱼是热带鱼种 这里又不是亚马逊河
Piranha are warm-water fish. This is hardly the Amazon.
我告诉你了 这是变异品种 它们已经杀了五个人了
But I told you, these are mutations. They’ve already killed five people.
是科幻小说吧 – 诱饵准备好了吗
Science fiction. – You ready with that bait, soldier?
是的 长官 – 放吧
Yes, sir. – Let her go, son.
据我所知 军方在山顶确实有个实验室 不过那在72年就关闭了
Actually, a piranha was caught once in a pond in Miami, in ’72, I believe.
他们已经都把鱼毒死了 不会还有什么食人鱼跑到河里来
But the Fish and Game Commission poisoned the water, and that was that.
这我们都知道 – 有时候会有一些谣言 但
That was that, huh? – The rumours persisted, you know, but…
Pull it in, son.
军事 让少校准备炸♥药♥
Sergeant, tell the major to start the pumps.
We should be able to contain them in this area.
把河边的度假村和夏令营都关闭 我们可能会用新型剧毒药品
Piranha travel in schools, and we’ve brought heavy doses of rotenone 235.
你确信这些鱼能被毒死吗 – 这一带的河水会不会受污染呢
Came well-prepared, didn’t you? – Won’t it ruin the river?
有的时候仅仅是污染还不够 还得摧毁
Sometimes you need to destroy in order to save.
What if they realise they’re bein’ slaughtered and leave?
格罗根先生 我们对付的是鱼
We’re talking about fish, Mr Grogan.
它们不会知道太多的东西 – 等一等 你以为自己在哄小孩吗
They don’t realise much of anything. – Who are you trying to kid?
You must’ve known all along they were here.
行了 格罗根先生 现在只有你和这位女士知道它们存在
OK. You and Miss McKeown are the only two civilians who know about this project.
上校的意思是说 他希望你们能加入我们的队伍
What the colonel means is that he’d like you to join us. Become one of our team.
It figures.
你是个上校 对吗 我肯定你能看懂地图
Look, you’re a full colonel, right? I assume you can read a map. Here.
我们在大坝 对吧
We are here at the dam, OK?
再看这儿 这条小溪流入大坝
Over here you’ll see there’s a stream that feeds into it.
好 从这条小溪逆流而上大概8公里路 你看这儿有个分岔
Follow the stream back for an eighth of a mile and you see there’s a fork.
从这个小支流 一直向下
Take this branch, follow it downstream,
and you’ll see it empties into the river on the other side of the dam.
换句话说 这些鱼知道怎么跨越障碍
In other words, the piranha have a way to get around the obstacle.
如果他是对的 你不觉得应该采取点行动吗
Even if there’s a chance he’s right, don’t you think you should do something?
不 即使支流存在 食人鱼也没有这个耐力和智力
No. lf a bypass exists, piranha haven’t the intelligence or the motivation to find it.
可你没有听到浩克说的话 他培养了它们的耐力和智力
But you know Hoak was breeding them for endurance and intelligence and…
Well, Bob was a dreamer. He, er… – Bob?
Dr Hoak?
You knew him?
Fish genetics is a very small field.
You were friends?
Let’s say we were a great deal more than that.
You’re covering up.
你是华克斯曼吗 你是不是担心军队会除掉你
Is it Waxman? Are you afraid of what the army might do to you if you…
不是怕 我是科学家 我是我们部门的领导
No, I’m not afraid. I’m a scientist. I’m head of my department.
It’s just that there are priorities, and…
some things are more important than a few lives.
That’s not how Dr Hoak felt. Not at the end.
As I said, he was a dreamer.
我刚才说过 他是个梦想家 – 嘿 等等
The situation is under control. – Hold on. What is this?
Why won’t you listen to me?
Would you excuse us for a moment, please?
对于你来说 格罗根先生 这个实验项目不存在
As far as you’re concerned, this project does not exist.
食人鱼不存在 知道吗
The piranha do not exist.
如果我抗♥议♥呢 – 保罗
Paul… – And if I make a squawk? – Paul…
The interests of national security permit extreme measures.
得了吧 战争已经结束了
Oh, come on! The war’s over, dammit!
格罗根先生 还会有别的战争
There’ll be other wars, Mr Grogan.
我想 为了你们自己的安全 你们呆在帐篷里 哪儿也别去
I think for your own protection we’d better secure your tent for the night.
出什么事了吗 – 怎么了
Look who’s here. – What’s goin’ on?
Psst! Is he still out there?

你去分散他的注意力 – 为什么
Then you’ll have to distract him. – Why?
我可以逃跑 – 你可以逃跑 那我呢
So I can get away. – So you can get away? What about me?
随便 但首先 你要分散他的注意力 – 怎么分散呢
Suit yourself. But first you distract him. – How?
我怎么知道 你想办法让他背对着帐篷门口 快点
How would I know? Just get him with his back to the opening. Come on to him.
What if he’s gay?
Then I’ll distract him. Let’s go.


Nice night, huh?
请问 你是同性恋吗 – 什么
Listen, are you gay? – What?

Well, I was just reading this article in this magazine, and…
你刚才问我什么 – 看 天上
What did you ask me before? – Look! Up in the sky!
It’s Superman!
哦 糟糕
Oh, shit!
怎么了 – 身上有五毛钱吗
What’s wrong? – Have you got a dime?

怎么了 你说什么
What? What piranhas? What are you talking about?
你疯了吗 是谁啊
Are you crazy? Who is this?
哦 格罗根 我记起来了 你不是疯了 你是喝多了
Oh, Grogan. Yeah, I remember you. You’re not crazy, you’re drunk.
不 我不想对她说 她和你一样酩酊大醉
No, I don’t wanna talk to her. I’m sure she’s as drunk as you are.
你在那儿等着 我叫警♥察♥过来帮你
You wake me up again, I’ll have the cops on you.
什么 你不能和你女儿谈话
What? No, you can’t talk to your daughter.
挂了吧 格罗根 我要睡觉
Sober up, Grogan, and fly right!
混♥蛋♥ – 他不相信你说的
Asshole! – He didn’t believe you.
他以为我喝多了 – 能和你女儿通话吗
He thinks I’m drunk. – Can you get through to your daughter?
不能 我们得走了
No way. We gotta get down there.
Paul, behind us.
I know. No way we can outrun him in this thing.
也许我们可以找他们谈一谈 可能他们会信我们的
Maybe we can talk to him. Maybe he’ll believe us.
食人鱼 嗯 它们从哪儿来的
Piranha, huh? And where did they come from?
From an army test site up on the mountain.
发过公告 那地方严禁进入
That’s posted. There’s no trespassing.
公告不公告 已经有两个人在池塘里死了 河里又死了几个
Posted or not, two people were killed up there, and more along the river.
You’ve gotta believe us.
不大可能吧 你不是叫格罗根吗
Now wait. Say, aren’t you Grogan?
对 – 我记起来了
Yeah, that’s right. – Uh-huh. I remember.
你上个月醉酒闹事 我们抓到过你
We had you in on a drunk and disorderly last month.
可我现在没醉 你可以对我做酒精测试 请你听我说好不好
I am not drunk! Damn it! You give me a breath test, whatever you want, only please, would you listen to me!
好吧 我带你到警局去测
Yeah, well, I think I’m gonna take you up on that, buddy. Back to the station.
And while we’re there, you can explain what you’re doing this time of nigth in an army staff car.
千万不要动怒 因为我有枪
