
petulant (PET yoo lunt) This adjective describes one who is generally irritable, bad-tempered. If you’re reading older literature, you may come

across it as meaning “contemptuous or childishly rude,” and it may con-tain a shade of that feeling today.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Oldham privately lamented the spoiled nature of their neighbors’ young child: “Nothing makes little Reynard happy. He remains petulant even when given chocolate ice cream and a red balloon.”
  • All of us crave attention from our friends and our family, but an air of petulance is likely to be counterproductive.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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脾气暴躁的(PET yoo lunt)这个形容词形容一个脾气暴躁的人。如果你正在阅读古老的文学作品,你可能会来

  • 奥尔德姆夫妇私下里对邻居年幼的孩子被宠坏的本性表示遗憾:“没有什么能让小雷纳德高兴。即使给了他巧克力冰淇淋和红气球,他仍然很暴躁。”
  • 我们所有人都渴望得到朋友和家人的关注,但脾气暴躁可能会适得其反

