

[noun] the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others
[名词] 某人性格中呈现给他人或被他人感知的方面


Persona 一词比较好记,就是在熟词 person 后面多加一个字母 a 。这两个单词都源于拉丁语 persona (人),其中 persona 最早有记录于1732年出现在英语中,用来表示作家创作或演员饰演的“人物、角色”,现在也可以指游戏中的人物角色。并常用复数 personae 表示文学作品中的“人物表”,比如喜剧人物表(comic personae)。

到了1909年后, persona 开始被美国诗人、文学评论家、意象派诗歌代表人物埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)用来表示文学作品中的“第一人称”,也就是以“我”自称的表达方式。

再到了1917年后, persona 又被进一步用作荣格心理学术语表示“人格面貌、人格面具、表象人格”,并发展出现在的主要含义指“表面形象”或者说“伪装、假象”,常作正式用语使用,主要指演员、政治家等在公共场合表现出来的或被他人所感知的个性,往往与其真实的或私下的本性不一,有时甚至相反,比如:

  • 这位强硬的民族主义者的性格中有害羞内向的一面,这与他的公众形象完全不符。
    The strident nationalist had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona.

值得注意的是,这个含义下的复数常用 personas ,不同于前面提到的复数 personae 。


Alone with just me, she put aside the persona she displayed for others. She was her old self again, fragile, breathy.

出自美国作者塔拉·韦斯特弗(Tara Westover)所著畅销自传《你当像鸟飞往你的山》(Educated)。该书登顶《纽约时报》畅销榜80余周,是比尔·盖茨2018年度书单中的第一本。


image: the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public
facade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality
exterior: a person’s behavior and appearance, often contrasted with their true character


  • When Paul Walker, an actor in “The Fast and the Furious”, a series of action movies, died in 2013 while filming the seventh instalment, Universal Pictures had to spend considerable effort (and dollars) to make his on-screen persona live on. This included hiring body-doubles and digitally inserting Mr Walker into the movie with hundreds of computer-generated images.
  • In contrast with the mercurial Campbell, Chretien projected a calming image to voters, buttressed by his plain-folks persona.



  1. Public persona (公众形象) – Referring to the image or personality that someone presents to the public.
    • Example: The politician carefully crafted his public persona to appeal to voters.
  2. Alter ego (替身) – Describing a second self or alternate persona that someone adopts.
    • Example: On stage, the performer becomes his alter ego, full of confidence and charisma.
  3. Online persona (在线形象) – Referring to the identity or image that someone projects in the online world.
    • Example: Her online persona portrays her as an adventurous and outgoing individual.
  4. Persona non grata (不受欢迎的人) – Referring to someone who is not welcome or accepted in a particular group or society.
    • Example: After the scandal, he became a persona non grata in the entertainment industry.
  5. Artist’s persona (艺术家的形象) – Describing the public image or character that an artist embodies in their work.
    • Example: The singer’s sultry and rebellious persona captivated audiences.
  6. Persona of authority (权威的形象) – Referring to the image or identity that conveys power, expertise, or influence.
    • Example: The CEO’s confident and commanding persona inspired respect among employees.
  7. Dual persona (双重人格) – Describing the existence of two distinct personalities or identities within an individual.
    • Example: In the movie, the character struggles with his dual persona as a mild-mannered citizen and a vigilante.
  8. Persona of mystery (神秘的形象) – Referring to an enigmatic or secretive image that someone cultivates.
    • Example: The author’s persona of mystery added intrigue to her novels.
  9. Public persona (公众形象) – Describing the image or character that someone portrays in the public eye.
    • Example: The actor’s public persona as a charming and charismatic personality contributed to his popularity.
  10. Persona of strength (力量的形象) – Referring to the image or identity that embodies strength, resilience, or determination.
    • Example: The athlete’s persona of strength motivated others to push their limits.
  11. Persona transformation (形象转变) – Describing a significant change or shift in someone’s public image or identity.
    • Example: The politician’s persona transformation appealed to a wider range of voters.
  12. Persona of vulnerability (脆弱的形象) – Referring to an image or identity that conveys vulnerability, sensitivity, or emotional openness.
    • Example: Through her music, the artist reveals a persona of vulnerability and raw emotion.
  13. Assumed persona (假定的形象) – Describing an adopted or fictional identity that someone assumes.
    • Example: The detective took on an assumed persona to infiltrate the criminal organization.
  14. Persona of elegance (优雅的形象) – Referring to the image or character that embodies grace, refinement, or sophistication.
    • Example: The fashion designer’s persona of elegance was evident in her exquisite designs.
  15. Persona shift (形象转换) – Describing a deliberate or noticeable change in someone’s public image or personality.
    • Example: The actor’s persona shift from comedic roles to dramatic roles surprised many critics.
  16. Celebrity persona (名人形象) – Referring to the public image or identity that a celebrity cultivates.
    • Example: The actor’s charismatic celebrity persona made him a sought-after guest on talk shows.
  17. Persona of rebellion (反叛的形象) – Describing the image or identity that represents defiance, nonconformity, or rebellion.
    • Example: The musician’s persona of rebellion resonated with a generation of youth.
  18. Authentic persona (真实的形象) – Referring to the genuine or true identity that someone embodies.
    • Example: The author’s authentic persona shines through in her honest and heartfelt writing.
  19. Persona makeover (形象改造) – Describing a deliberate effort to transform or revamp someone’s public image.
    • Example: The celebrity underwent a persona makeover to distance himself from his troubled past.
  20. Persona projection (形象展示) – Referring to the intentional display or projection of a particular image or identity.
    • Example: The politician’s persona projection focused on compassion and empathy for the people.
  21. Corporate persona (企业形象) – Describing the image or identity that a company presents to the public.
    • Example: The company’s corporate persona emphasized innovation, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
  22. Persona crisis (形象危机) – Referring to a situation where someone’s public image or identity is at risk or damaged.
    • Example: The scandal resulted in a persona crisis for the prominent public figure.
  23. Persona development (形象发展) – Describing the process of shaping or evolving one’s public image or identity.
    • Example: The artist’s persona development was influenced by personal experiences and artistic growth.
  24. Persona charm (个人魅力) – Referring to the charismatic or captivating qualities that someone exudes in their public image.
    • Example: The actress’s persona charm made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.
  25. Adopted persona (采纳的形象) – Describing an intentionally adopted or assumed identity for a specific purpose.
    • Example: The spy took on an adopted persona to gather confidential information.
  26. Persona clash (形象冲突) – Referring to a situation where two or more identities or images come into conflict.
    • Example: The politician’s persona clash between his professional and personal life led to public scrutiny.
  27. Persona makeover (形象改头换面) – Describing a deliberate effort to transform or revamp someone’s public image.
    • Example: The celebrity underwent a persona makeover to reinvent himself after a period of negative publicity.
  28. Professional persona (职业形象) – Referring to the image or identity that someone presents in their professional or work-related context.
    • Example: The lawyer’s professional persona exuded confidence and expertise in the courtroom.
  29. Persona integration (形象整合) – Describing the process of harmonizing or blending different aspects of one’s identity or image.
    • Example: The artist achieved persona integration by merging her personal values with her artistic expression.
  30. Persona projection (形象展示) – Referring to the intentional display or projection of a particular image or identity.
    • Example: The CEO’s persona projection emphasized transparency, integrity, and accountability.



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
