
peremptory (per REMP tore ee) From the Latin word for “to take away,” this adjective means “putting an end to all debate or action, not allow-ing contradiction or refusal.” It’s no surprise then that a “peremptory” person is “offensively self-assured.” Don’t be confused if you some-times spot a similar-looking adjective “preemptory.” It occasionally sneaks into the language in place of the preferred form “preemptive” as in “Biggles made a preemptive bid for the property, an offer so good that would-be competitors retreated.”

  • The headmaster took a peremptory tone with the students who had missed too many classes. “Anyone who misses more than ten classes cannot graduate,” he averred. “That’s the rule and we’re going to stick to it. There are no excuses.”
  • When Dara asked her mother whether she could stay out past her normal curfew on a school night, her mother replied with a peremptory “No!”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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强制性的(根据REMP tore ee)这个形容词来自拉丁语中“带走”的意思,意思是“结束所有的辩论或行动,不允许矛盾或拒绝。”因此,“强制性”的人“令人反感的自信”也就不足为奇了。如果你有时发现一个类似的形容词“先发制人”,不要感到困惑。“它偶尔会偷偷出现在语言中,取代首选的“先发制人”的形式,比如“比格斯对该房产进行了先发制人的出价,这个报价太好了,以至于潜在的竞争对手都退缩了。”

  • 校长对缺课太多的学生采取了专横的语气。“任何缺课超过十节的人都不能毕业,”他断言。“这是规则,我们将坚持下去。没有任何借口。”
  • 当Dara问她的母亲是否可以在学校晚上超过正常宵禁时间外出时,她的母亲断然回答:“不行!”

