
peevish (PEEV ish) Most people have a pet peeve, something that fre-quently annoys us, but we should try not to act peevish in response. This adjective describes the mood of one who is unpleasant to be around. It’s roughly synonymous with “petulant” (#9), but if that word retains some sense of sending a bad mood outward onto others, a “peevish” mood may go more inward into a crabbed, grumpy state of mind.

  • When Dana was in a peevish mood, all efforts to draw him out only made him retreat further into his mental cave.
  • Although Clarice turned down Randy’s request that she accompany him on his trip, she did offer to drive him to the airport. He peevishly replied, “It’s the least you can do.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
脾气暴躁(PEEV ish)大多数人都有一个宠物脾气,这经常会让我们感到恼火,但我们应该尽量不要表现得脾气暴躁。这个形容词描述了一个不愉快的人的心情。它大致是“暴躁”(#9)的同义词,但如果这个词保留了一些将坏情绪向外传递给他人的感觉,那么“暴躁”的情绪可能会更内向地转变为暴躁、暴躁的精神状态。

  • 当Dana情绪暴躁时,所有试图把他拉出来的努力只会让他进一步陷入精神洞穴
  • 尽管克拉丽斯拒绝了兰迪要求她陪同他旅行的请求,但她还是主动提出开车送他去机场。他愤怒地回答:“这是你能做的最起码的事情。”

