
pedant (PED ant) This is a not very complimentary noun for a person who pays too much attention to book learning and formal rules. A pedant is ostentatiously learned and narrow minded. The adjective form is “pedantic.”

  • Gregory was such a pedant that when Sarina sent him a love letter, declaring her passion for him, he corrected the spelling and sent it back to her.
  • Professor Carismundi’s teaching methods were so pedantic that few stu-dents signed up for his classes. He taught the history of philosophy but never discussed the ways in which the various philosophers’ ideas were relevant to human experience.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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pedant(PED ant)对于一个过于注重书本学习和正式规则的人来说,这是一个不太好的名词。学究是炫耀的学问和狭隘的思想。形容词的形式是“迂腐的”
