

在古希腊的雅典,儿童从7岁就要开始进入学校接受教育。由于年龄尚幼,还不记得上学和放学回家的道路,通常需要家里的奴隶或卫士带领着去学校或回家。这些给学童带路的人就是 pedagogue 。

这个英语单词来自希腊语,与 ped ( kid, 儿童)+ agogos ( lead ,带领)构成。后来,这些人还负责督促儿童学习。因此, pedagogue 逐渐衍生出“教师”的含义。

  • pedagogue: [‘pedəgɒg] n. 教师,教员,卖弄学问的人
  • pedagog: [‘pedəgɔg] n. (小学)教师,喜欢卖弄学问的老师
  • pedagogy: [‘pedəgɒdʒɪ; -gɒgɪ] n. 教育,教育学,教学法


pedagogue (PED ah gog) From the Latin word for “a slave who supervised children and took them to and from school,” this noun has come to mean “schoolteacher” or “educator.” Although the adjective “pedagogical” means “having to do with educational matters,” the noun form often has a slightly negative connotation. A “pedagogue” often instructs in a “pedan-tic” (see #4) or “dogmatic” (see the “Stubborn as a Mule” section) manner.

  • Always the pedagogue, my father turned breakfast into an excuse for teaching. Every morning, my sisters and I had to listen to a lecture on the nutritional value of corn flakes or the relative merits of raising chickens organically.
  • The teachers’ conference being held in Phoenix next June will deal with various pedagogical matters, ranging from the use of PowerPoint in the teaching of poetry to ways to make the curriculum more multiculturally diverse.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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教育者(PED ah gog)这个名词来自拉丁语“监督孩子并带他们上下学的奴隶”,意思是“学校老师”或“教育者”。虽然形容词“教育学”的意思是“与教育事务有关”,但名词形式通常有一点负面的含义。“教育家”经常以“学究式”(见第4节)或“教条主义”(见“固执如骡子”一节)的方式进行教学。
