
peccadillo (pek a DIL oh) A little sin, a small fault, this word comes into English from the Spanish.

  • Ms. Armstrong never dreamed she could be fired for a peccadillo such as playing one game of solitaire on her office computer, especially a game she had lost!
  • Fans of W. C. Fields relish his famous line, “None of your peccadilloes, my little chickadee.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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peccadillo(pek a DIL oh)一个小罪过,一个小过失,这个词从西班牙语传入英语。

  • 女士。阿姆斯特朗做梦也没想到她会因为一个小错误而被解雇,比如在办公室电脑上玩一个单人纸牌游戏,尤其是一个她输了的游戏
  • W·C·菲尔兹的粉丝们津津乐道于他那句著名的台词:“没有你的小山雀,我的小山鸡。”

