
定义: “Pastiche” 是一个名词,指的是模仿或模拟特定风格、作家、艺术家或时期的作品。它通常是以娱乐或表达敬意的方式创作,通过模仿和结合各种元素来呈现一种新的作品。


  • 模仿特定风格或时期:
    • “Pastiche” 用于描述一种创作方式,其中作品以模仿特定的艺术风格、时期、作家或作品为特征。
    • 例句:”The movie is a pastiche of classic film noir, incorporating elements of suspense, mystery, and visual style from the 1940s.”(这部电影是对经典黑色电影的模仿,融入了20世纪40年代悬疑、神秘和视觉风格的元素。)
  • 结合多种元素:
    • 这个词还表示将不同的元素、风格或作品结合在一起,以创造一种新的作品或表达独特的风格。
    • 例句:”The fashion designer’s collection was a pastiche of different cultures, combining traditional patterns with modern silhouettes.”(这位时装设计师的系列作品是对不同文化的结合,将传统图案与现代剪裁相结合。)
  • 娱乐或表达敬意:
    • “Pastiche” 的创作通常是出于娱乐目的,以致敬或向先驱者、经典作品或特定时期的艺术形式表示敬意。
    • 例句:”The play is a pastiche of Shakespearean comedies, capturing the language and comedic elements of the original works.”(这部戏剧是对莎士比亚喜剧的模仿,捕捉了原作中的语言和喜剧元素。)



  1. pastiche of different art styles – 不同艺术风格的拼贴
  2. create a literary pastiche – 创作文学模仿作品
  3. a cinematic pastiche of classic films – 经典电影的电影拼贴
  4. pastiche of cultural references – 文化参照的拼贴
  5. a musical pastiche of various genres – 各种音乐流派的音乐拼贴
  6. pastiche of historical events – 历史事件的拼贴
  7. a visual pastiche of different artistic movements – 不同艺术运动的视觉拼贴
  8. literary pastiche as a form of homage – 作为敬意的文学模仿作品
  9. a film that pays tribute through pastiche – 通过拼贴致敬的电影
  10. pastiche of famous paintings – 著名绘画的拼贴
  11. a fashion collection inspired by pastiche – 受拼贴启发的时装系列
  12. create a pastiche of different writing styles – 创作不同写作风格的拼贴
  13. a comedic pastiche of popular sitcoms – 流行情景喜剧的喜剧拼贴
  14. pastiche of well-known literary characters – 著名文学角色的拼贴
  15. a visual pastiche of famous photographs – 著名照片的视觉拼贴
  16. a pastiche of modern and traditional dance – 现代和传统舞蹈的拼贴
  17. pastiche of different architectural styles – 不同建筑风格的拼贴
  18. a literary pastiche that blends multiple genres – 融合多种流派的文学模仿作品
  19. a painting that serves as a pastiche of art history – 作为艺术史拼贴的绘画
  20. pastiche of famous movie scenes – 著名电影场景的拼贴
  21. a musical pastiche that combines classical and modern elements – 结合古典和现代元素的音乐拼贴
  22. create a pastiche of different poetry styles – 创作不同诗歌风格的拼贴
  23. a literary pastiche that parodies famous works – 讽刺著名作品的文学模仿作品
  24. pastiche of iconic fashion trends – 标志性时尚潮流的拼贴
  25. a painting that captures the essence of pastiche – 捕捉拼贴的本质的绘画
  26. pastiche of famous speeches – 著名演讲的拼贴
  27. a theatrical pastiche of different playwriting styles – 不同戏剧写作风格的戏剧拼贴
  28. pastiche of famous sculptures – 著名雕塑的拼贴
  29. a literary pastiche that reimagines classic stories – 重新想象经典故事的文学模仿作品
  30. pastiche of different fashion eras – 不同时尚时代的拼贴
  31. a visual pastiche of famous landmarks – 著名地标的视觉拼贴
  32. create a pastiche of different painting techniques – 创作不同绘画技巧的拼贴
  33. a comedic pastiche of popular movie genres – 流行电影流派的喜剧拼贴
  34. pastiche of famous musical compositions – 著名音乐作品的拼贴
  35. a literary pastiche that emulates the writing style of an author – 模仿作家写作风格的文学模仿作品
  36. pastiche of iconic album covers – 标志性专辑封面的拼贴
  37. a theatrical pastiche that combines elements from different plays – 结合不同剧作元素的戏剧拼贴
  38. pastiche of famous film quotes – 著名电影台词的拼贴
  39. a dance performance that incorporates pastiche – 结合拼贴的舞蹈表演
  40. create a pastiche of different culinary styles – 创作不同烹饪风格的拼贴
  41. a literary pastiche that explores various narrative techniques – 探索不同叙事技巧的文学模仿作品
  42. pastiche of famous art installations – 著名艺术装置的拼贴
  43. a visual pastiche that combines elements from different art movements – 结合不同艺术运动元素的视觉拼贴
  44. pastiche of iconic photography styles – 标志性摄影风格的拼贴
  45. a literary pastiche that celebrates a specific genre – 庆祝特定流派的文学模仿作品
  46. pastiche of famous advertising campaigns – 著名广告活动的拼贴
  47. a painting that reflects the artist’s love for pastiche – 反映艺术家对拼贴的热爱的绘画
  48. pastiche of different dance forms – 不同舞蹈形式的拼贴
  49. a comedic pastiche that parodies popular TV shows – 讽刺流行电视节目的喜剧拼贴
  50. pastiche of famous literary quotes – 著名文学引用的拼贴


pastiche (pah STEESH) This noun has two different but related meanings. The first is an artistic work that openly imitates, often satirically, the works of other artists. The other more simply means hodgepodge or collection of mismatched parts.

  • The basilica in the Piazza San Marco in Venice is a pastiche of different architectural styles from several centuries.
  • The musical was a pastiche of Broadway shows, gently mocking the overly romantic plots and melodramatic lyrics of the most popular productions.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
pastiche(pah STEESH)这个名词有两个不同但相关的含义。第一种是公开模仿其他艺术家作品的艺术作品,通常带有讽刺意味。另一个更简单的意思是大杂烩或不匹配部件的集合。

  • 威尼斯圣马可广场的长方形会堂是几个世纪以来不同建筑风格的复制品
  • 这部音乐剧模仿了百老汇的演出,温和地嘲笑了最受欢迎的作品中过于浪漫的情节和情节剧的歌词


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
