要不要出去透下气 现在散步有点热
How about a breath of fresh air? I think it’s a bit too hot for walking.
你这伙计不错 值得你每周付他20英镑的报酬
Not bad, that boy of yours. He’d be worth 20 quid a week to you.
是很不错 我会为他多加一英镑 听他乱说
Yeah, I’ll put him up a dollar. Hark at him.
给那个讨厌鬼加薪 你会身上长蛆的
A dollar rise for the poor little perisher. Skin a maggot, you would.
You keep a civil tongue in your head!
Now, then! Now, then, now, then!
你们都在这干嘛 干什么你这个警♥察♥都管不着
What’s going on here? Nothing you can do about it, cock!
对 你说的没错
That’s right. You’ve said it right.
你现在身处国外 泰德 只要你想随时都可以喝酒
You’re in a foreign country now, Ted. Drink when you like.
没错 来杯啤酒
Right. Mine’s a pint.
所有人赶紧回家 清空这个场地
Clear this place. Go home, all you people.
You’re suspended from duty.
好呀 那我再喝一杯酒
Right, I’ll have another pint.
加兰先生 我准备启动针对你的诉讼
I’m going to take proceedings against you, Mr. Garland.
Your identity card, please.
Passing of betting slips strictly prohibited.
想一想 我也不再需要这个了
Come to think of it, I shan’t need this any more either.
这玩意儿 就撕了它吧
That’s the stuff. Scrap ’em all.
你们这帮蠢货 快住手
Stop it! Stop it, you idiots!
维克斯先生 您是个有责任感的人
Mr. Wix, you’re a responsible man.
Can’t you do something?
这是伦敦警♥察♥厅的职责 打1212电♥话♥
This is a job for Scotland Yard. Whitehall 1212.
皮姆利科的问题 没有 部长现在不在城里
… question of Pimlico. No. The Minister’s out of town.
你好 皮姆利科
Hello? Pimlico.
请接通总部的电♥话♥ 谢谢
Put this call through to the Home Office, please.
是皮姆利科 不对 是勃艮第
Yes, Pimlico. No, Burgundy.
皮姆利科 清理线路 优先呼叫
Pimlico. Clear the line. Priority call.
先生 您又回来了
Back again, sir?
Mr. Straker of the Foreign Office.
你一整晚都在这吗 嗯
Have you been here all night? Hm.
皮姆利科怎么了 当务之急
What’s this Pimlico stuff? Top priority.
The old man wants immediate action.
Well, what are you gonna do?
Well, I thought that as the treasure was originally spoils of battle,
我就把它送到战争办公室去 他们不会要的
I’d pass it on to the War Office. Oh, they wouldn’t touch it.
严格来说 那些勃艮第人都是外国人
You see, technically, these Burgundians are aliens.
外国人吗 那就是你的工作范畴了
Aliens? Well, then, it’s your pigeon.
不不 他们是不受欢迎的外国人 所以还是归你管
No, no, they’re undesirable aliens so it’s your pigeon.
I suppose you’ll have to boot them out of the country.
话是那么说 但那是他们自己的国家呀
Yes, but it’s their own country.
爸爸 你的报纸 好
There’s your ten, Dad. All right.
黑市鸡蛋 黑市黄油
Black market eggs! Black market butter!
Lovely black market butter!
女士们 可怜下我这个老男人吧 这些都很美味
Come on, ladies! Give the old man a treat! It’s lovely!
你想要准备早餐的食材 这都有
All the grub you want for a pre-war breakfast!
Nylons! Genuine stolen nylons!
一双只要一几尼 都是最新的款式
Guinea a pair! Fully fashioned!
Get these lovely nylons!
来呀 女士们
Come on, ladies!
别敲了 我来了
Turn it up! I’m coming!
早上好 兰德尔太太 你傻了吧 今天周日
Good morning, Mrs. Randall. You gone barmy? It’s Sunday.
特快专递 12盒进口的丝绸
Special delivery. Two dozen boxes export silks.
好呀 那赶紧搬过来
That’s right. Come on, let’s have ’em.
黑市培根 不限额
Black market bacon! Off the ration!
不限额的黑市培根 快来买♥♥培根
Hey, off the ration! Black market bacon! Come and get your bacon!
女士 小心身后 这里不许停车
Mind your back, Ma. Hey, no parking here!
Who says so?
嘿 你给我挪走 少管闲事
Hi, you, get moving. Get out of it.
你居然敢这么说话 走开 你这个蠢材
Oh, it’s like that, is it? Go on, you silly old slob.
出示小贩营业执照 你非要搞事是吧
Hawker’s license. You want to make something of it?
哈里 快揍他 我们走着瞧
Go on, sock him one, Harry. We’ll see about that.
泰德 没用的 他们都读了报纸
It’s no use, Ted. They’ve all read the papers.
Here comes Mr. Pemberton.
让开 我们准备在这里挖掘了
Go on, get out of it! We’re gonna start digging here.
What’s going on?
Looks to me like the annual outing from Dartmoor.
别担心 我一直留意着呢 这就准备去给警局打电♥话♥
Ah, don’t worry. I’m seeing to it. Just going to ring the nick.
噢 勃艮第的警♥察♥局长来了 先生 昨晚…
Ah, the Chief Constable of Burgundy. Sir, about last night…
You’d better get yourself a new uniform.
This area is out of bounds to the Metropolitan Police.
什么 没错 彭伯顿先生
What? Yes, Mr. Pemberton.
Home Office has just confirmed what you were all shouting about last night.
这就有点荒唐了 昨晚我们都喝醉了
It was a bit of nonsense. We’d all had a few.
没错 白厅也很头痛
Yes, and Whitehall’s got the headache.
And until they can decide which department is responsible,
our orders are to keep out of Burgundy.
就是说 就算我们都被割喉了 也没人管咯
And in the meantime, I suppose, nobody cares if we all get our throats cut?
对不起 我只是传达上级指令
I’m sorry, I’m just telling you the position.
Oh, we’re not having that.
我们都交了地方税 理应享受警♥察♥的庇护
We’ve all paid our rates. We’re entitled to police protection.
格雷格 谁打来的
Gregg. Who?
Pemberton of Pimlico.
不 先生 除非你有授权 否则没人可以帮你
No, sir, no. Nobody can help you unless you have delegatory powers.
Delegatory powers? Hm…
说得明白点 我是代表所有住在这的人发言的
All right. But in plain English, I’m speaking for all of us who live here.
但亲爱的先生 从内政厅的角度来看
But, my dear sir, from the Home Office point of view,
you remain an anomalous collection of individuals
unless you form a representative committee.
什么 那好
What? Oh, yes.
当然 到那时候这就是外♥交♥部♥的事了
Oh, certainly. Oh, then… then it’s a matter for the Foreign Office.
除非我们成立代表委员会 否则他们就拒绝和我们交谈
They won’t talk to us till we form a representative committee.
那我们就马上召开全员大会 选一个出来
All right, let’s call a general meeting and elect one right away.

45先令 同意的话我就买♥♥2磅
45 shillings. I’ll take two pounds if you can do with it.
看过来 先生们女士们 2英镑的羽绒被
Over there. Two pounds for the eiderdown. Ladies and gentlemen.
维克斯先生 我们要开会了
Mr. Wix. We’re having a meeting.
Shut up.
Me on the committee?
他们可能会想选你 谁知道呢
I said they might want to elect you. Who knows?
伊迪·兰德尔 要当勃艮第的国会议员了
Edie Randall, MP for Burgundy.
卖♥♥肉冻了 上好的鳗鱼肉冻
They’re all jelly! All jelly! Jellied eels!
上好的鳗鱼肉冻 两先令就可以随意挑选
Two bob and pick where you like! Lovely lot of jellied eels!
Jellied eels, they’re champion!
先生 谢谢您
Thank you, sir.
喂 注意你的举止 这些不是丹麦鳗鱼
Oi, manners, you! These ain’t Danish eels.
怎么 你是认为我在骗大家吗
What, do you think I’d cheat the public?
I know an Irish eel when I see it.
OK, have me arrested.
让你得瑟一会儿 等会就让你哭着离开这儿
All right, laugh while you can. We’ll soon have you twisters out of here.
怎么 要动用你的空军吗
Yeah? What with? Your air force?
真有意思 他们创立了一个不知如何守护的国家
Fancy! Start a new country when they don’t know how to protect it.
据报道 限额的物品和出口货物
Reports that rationed articles and export goods
are being sold openly in Miramont Place
目测情况将会继续 并对英国政♥府♥造成了一定的困扰
continue to come in and are causing concern in Whitehall.
An official announcement may be expected shortly.
同时 此地的一些居民
Meanwhile, some of the residents of the invaded area
are taking steps to curb what they consider an abuse of their native soil.
10 11 再来一个就够了 老爸
10, 11… Hey, one’s enough there, Pop.
12 13 14
15 16 17
阿斯特女士 你通过了 18 19 20
I think you’re in, Lady Astor! …18, 19, 20,
21 22 23 24
21, 22, 23, 24,
25 26 好了
25,26… Right.
That settles it.
选出了兰德尔太太 斯皮勒先生还有我自己
Mrs. Randall, Mr. Spiller and yours truly.
Now I’d better ring up Whitehall right away.
这是干什么 发生了什么
What’s that? What’s going on?
他们准备谈判 把这个地方还给英国
They’re gonna sell out, gonna give the place back to England.
