
paroxysm (par OX is im) Speaking of “spasms” (see #3), we offer this noun meaning an irregular burst of emotion or action. (It too has its ori-gins in medical usage.)

  • Recovering from a bad cough, Inez gave away her tickets to La Boheme, fearing a paroxysm of coughing might interrupt a beautiful aria.
  • Steve knew Naomi would be happy with the tickets to Hawaii he bought as a birthday gift, but he was not prepared for the paroxysm of happy tears the gift brought forth.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
发作(par OX是im)说到“痉挛”(见#3),我们提供这个名词的意思是情绪或行动的不规则爆发。(它在医学上也有自己的优点。)

  • 伊内兹从严重的咳嗽中恢复过来,她把去La Boheme的票送了出去,担心一阵咳嗽可能会打断一首优美的咏叹调
  • 史蒂夫知道娜奥米会对他作为生日礼物买的去夏威夷的机票感到高兴,但他没有为礼物带来的幸福眼泪做好准备

