I see people buying bigger apartments and having babies.
我看见别人买♥♥大房♥子 生孩子
I get so afraid sometimes our life’s never gonna start.
有时候我会害怕 我们的生活好像还没有步入正轨
No, baby.
不 宝贝
We’re already in our life.
It’s already started. This is it.
早已起航 这就是我们的生活
You have to stop waiting, baby.
宝贝 无需再等了
And Hol, you can’t keep eating me head off, telling me to leave.
霍莉 你不要总骂得我狗血淋头 不要总赶我走
I’m not going anywhere.
I’m not your dad.
Or don’t you know that yet?
I should get my shoes.
They’re all over the place. They’re gonna think I don’t love them.
满地都是 它们会以为我不喜欢它们了
Shake it, baby.
扭两下 宝贝
Do the stomach shake.
My eye! I’m blind.
我的眼睛 我瞎了
Oh, I just wanna lick your little Glaswegian chocolate.
Okay, okay. I can’t believe I’m in love with a leprechaun.
好啦好啦 难以置信我爱上了个爱尔兰妖精
Oh, wait. The light. You were up last. The light?
等等 灯 你去关灯 灯
No. You were up last.
不 你去
But I’m not up now, am I? Baby, look, I’m injured. My eye.
我起不来 我眼睛受伤了
God. A pain in me hole.
天啊 老是欺负我
That’s a good girl. That’s a good girl.
好姑娘 这才是好姑娘
Come on, get back to bed or I’m gonna start without you.
快回来 不然的话我就自己开始了
Aah! Shit.
啊 天哪
You okay? Shit, no! My toe! Oh! Ow!
没事吧 我的脚趾
I tell you what. Someone should get a light, that side of the bed. It’s ridiculous.
我告诉过你的 应该在你那边弄个床头灯 真可笑
I’ll get my next husband to do it. Oh, come here.
我让下任老公来做这项工作 过来
Next husband. Oh-ho-ho. Next husband. Come here, you.
下任老公 下任老公来了
I’m sorry I lose my mind sometimes.
对不起 有时候我老发神经
Did it hurt you? Let me look. Will you shut up and kiss me, okay?
疼吗 我看看 别说话 只管吻我就行
You crazy bitch. Pain in me hole.
小妖精 敢欺负我
Oh, Daniel, we forgot those Thanksgiving decorations. Will you take them down?
丹尼尔 我们忘弄感恩节的装饰了 你能把它们取下来吗
Sure, Mrs. Reilly. Where do you want them?
没问题 蕾莉太太 你想把它们放在哪
Patricia. In the skinny closet. Have you got the key?
叫我帕特里夏就行 放到小橱子里 你有钥匙吗
No, I don’t.
I’ll make you a set next week.
And ask Gerry’s drivers to close the curtains, will you?
叫杰瑞公♥司♥的司机们把窗帘关上 好吗

Go ahead. Thanks.
请进 谢谢
John. What?
约翰 什么事
Oh, Denise. Hi.
丹妮斯 你好啊
Oh, it’s good to see you. Do I have to help?
很高兴见到你 需要我帮忙吗
No, you do not have to help. Good.
不用了 好
Sharon, you look great. Hi.
莎伦 你看起来气色很好 你好
Hi. This is good. So do you.
你好 我很好 你也是
Am I late? No. This is gorgeous.
我迟到了吗 没有 你真漂亮
Wait till you see Gerry. You’re gonna die.
等你看到杰瑞 你会伤心欲绝的
Oh, yeah? Yeah.
是吗 当然
Well, as Gerry would say, let’s get this party started.
如果杰瑞在的话他会说 开始狂欢吧
Gerry Kennedy did not want a lot of words. He preferred music.
杰瑞·肯尼迪话不太多 他喜欢用音乐与人交流
He was a unique young man…
…as you can see by the urn he had designed by the love of his life…
从这个骨灰盒就可以看出来 为他设计的是他的一生挚爱
…his wife, Holly.
His life may be over for now, but we can still hear it.
现在他的生命结束了 但我们仍能听见他的声音
He lives in us forever in our hearts…
…like his favorite song.
Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I’ve got a feeling
This year’s for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you, baby
宝贝 我爱你
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true
You’re a bum, you’re a punk You’re an old slut on junk
你个流浪汉 你个小阿飞 你个脏兮兮的小野狗
Lying there almost dead On a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot You cheap, lousy faggot
你卑鄙 你空想 你俗气 讨厌的东西
Happy Christmas, your arse I pray God it’s our last
圣诞快乐 我永远祝福你
The boys of the NYPD choir Still singing “Galway Bay”
And the bells are ringing out For Christmas Day
Mama, how you doing?
妈 你好吗
Ciara. Oh, sis, good to see you.
席娅拉 妹妹 真高兴见到你
Oh, good to hold you. Oh.
Hello, Gerry.
你好 杰瑞
Hi, I’m Denise. Matt.
你好 我是丹妮斯 我是马特
I love your tie. Oh, thanks.
很喜欢你的领带 谢谢
Are you single, Matt? Yes.
你是单身吗 马特 是的
Are you gay? Yes.
你是同性恋吗 是的
Did Holly call his parents? Why aren’t they here?
霍莉告诉杰瑞的父母了吗 为什么他们没来
I did, I spoke to the mother.
我告诉了 我和他妈妈说
His father’s just had another operation. He’s not supposed to travel.
但他爸刚做完手术 不能长途颠簸
So why didn’t she come alone?
I mean, it’s Ireland, it’s not Japan. It was their only son.
他们在爱尔兰又不是日本 他们只有这个儿子
Don’t ask me.
I like your chain. Thanks.
项链很好看 谢谢
Denise. George.
我是丹妮斯 我是乔治
Are you single? Yes.
你单身吗 是啊
Are you gay? No.
是同性恋吗 不是
Are you working? No.
有工作吗 没有
You make a ravishing widow, sis.
你这个寡妇也太迷人了 姐姐
I’m so glad you’re here, but it’s so far. I would’ve understood.
很高兴你来了 你住这么远 不来的话我可以理解的
No, I’m done with Australia. Besides, Gerry wrote me I had to.
不 我都厌倦澳洲了 再说杰瑞写信叫我一定要来
He wrote you?
Yeah, a couple of months ago. Probably because of Mom.
几个月前 可能是为了妈妈吧
He knew I’d have melodrama for her to play with…
…while you pull yourself together.
Can I get you anything?
I’m sorry about your loss. Thanks.
节哀顺变 谢谢
How did he die?
A brain tumor. Nice!
脑瘤 不错
So that’s a great looking urn.
I wish I were that creative.
I buried my dog in a stereo box.
It’s not the same.
I love your suit. Thanks.
西装很好看 谢谢
Are you single? Yes.
你单身吗 是
Are you gay? No.
是同性恋吗 不是
Are you working? Yes.
有工作吗 有
Denise. Sam.
我是丹妮斯 我是山姆
When Gerry and I went to a bank to apply for a business loan I was a little nervous….
杰瑞和我去银行办商业贷款时 我很紧张
…Gerry told me: “Relax, these people are never gonna give us the money…
杰瑞说 放轻松 反正他们也不会给钱
…so we might as well have some fun. ”
No, don’t clean.
No, I have to do something. I can’t talk anymore.
我得做点事情 我不想再和别人谈话了
Wanna stay with us while your sister’s here? No.
趁你妹妹正好过来 跟我们一起住吧 不了
I think…
You know, I think I should be home.
I think I need to be…
…home. – Well…
回家 好吧
…this is your home too, you know.
But that’s good. Get back on your feet.
不过这样也好 你要振作起来
That’s a good thing.
Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo.
你好 我是恩尼斯凯里专车公♥司♥的杰瑞
Leave a message.
Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message.
你好 我是恩尼斯凯里专车公♥司♥的杰瑞 请留言
Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message.
你好 我是恩尼斯凯里专车公♥司♥的杰瑞 请留言
Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message.
你好 我是恩尼斯凯里专车公♥司♥的杰瑞 请留言
