
ottoman (OT oh min) Originally, this noun meant a type of couch with-out arms or back, used for reclining. Its name came from its imitation of the kind of seating used in the Turkish or Ottoman Empire. Today, it is more commonly used to mean “a low, upholstered seat or cushioned footstool.”

  • Harrison entered the drawing room, sat down in a brown, crushed velvet armchair, placed his feet up on the leather ottoman, and rang for the butler.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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脚凳(OT oh min)最初,这个名词的意思是一种没有扶手或靠背的沙发,用于斜倚。它的名字来源于它模仿土耳其或奥斯曼帝国使用的那种座椅。如今,它更常用于表示“一个低矮的软垫座椅或软垫脚凳”

  • 哈里森走进客厅,坐在一把棕色的碎天鹅绒扶手椅上,把脚放在皮脚凳上,按门铃叫管家

