
numismatist (noo MIZ ma tist) A numismatist is someone who collects or studies coins, money, and, often, medals. The field is called “numismat-ics,” not “numismatism.”

  • A numismatist by avocation, Charlene loved to visit the Franklin Mint in Washington, D.C., because it had a famous collection of rare and antique coins.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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钱币学家(noo MIZ ma tist)钱币学家是指收集或研究硬币、金钱,通常还有奖牌的人。这个领域被称为“钱币学”,而不是“钱币主义”

  • 作为一名业余钱币学家,查琳喜欢参观华盛顿特区特区的富兰克林造币厂,因为那里收藏着著名的稀有古币

