



很多人都记不住该词的意思,它和noise(噪音)毫无瓜葛。它是个正式词,义为“令人反感的、不快的”,如noisome fumes(有害气体)。该词出自中古英语noy(烦恼、讨厌的事,可与现代英语annoy对比)和后缀-some。





1. noisome smell – 恶臭的气味
2. noisome odor – 恶臭的味道
3. noisome stench – 恶臭的臭气
4. noisome scent – 令人不悦的香味
5. noisome aroma – 令人不悦的香气
6. noisome fragrance – 令人不悦的香味
7. noisome fume – 令人不悦的烟雾
8. noisome gas – 令人不悦的气体
9. noisome air – 恶臭的空气
10. noisome atmosphere – 恶臭的氛围
11. noisome environment – 恶臭的环境
12. noisome condition – 令人不悦的条件
13. noisome situation – 令人不悦的情况
14. noisome circumstance – 令人不悦的环境
15. noisome problem – 令人不悦的问题
16. noisome issue – 令人不悦的问题
17. noisome trouble – 令人不悦的麻烦
18. noisome difficulty – 令人不悦的困难
19. noisome challenge – 令人不悦的挑战
20. noisome obstacle – 令人不悦的障碍
21. noisome hindrance – 令人不悦的阻碍
22. noisome nuisance – 令人不悦的麻烦
23. noisome annoyance – 令人不悦的烦恼
24. noisome irritation – 令人不悦的刺激
25. noisome discomfort – 令人不悦的不适
26. noisome pain – 令人不悦的疼痛
27. noisome suffering – 令人不悦的痛苦
28. noisome distress – 令人不悦的困扰
29. noisome harm – 令人不悦的伤害
30. noisome damage – 令人不悦的损害
31. noisome danger – 令人不悦的危险
32. noisome risk – 令人不悦的风险
33. noisome threat – 令人不悦的威胁
34. noisome fear – 令人不悦的恐惧
35. noisome anxiety – 令人不悦的焦虑
36. noisome worry – 令人不悦的担忧
37. noisome stress – 令人不悦的压力
38. noisome strain – 令人不悦的紧张
39. noisome tension – 令人不悦的紧张
40. noisome conflict – 令人不悦的冲突
41. noisome dispute – 令人不悦的争端
42. noisome argument – 令人不悦的争吵
43. noisome quarrel – 令人不悦的争吵
44. noisome fight – 令人不悦的斗争
45. noisome battle – 令人不悦的战斗
46. noisome war – 令人不悦的战争
47. noisome crime – 令人不悦的犯罪
48. noisome violence – 令人不悦的暴力
49. noisome abuse – 令人不悦的虐待
50. noisome injustice – 令人不悦的不公正


noisome (NOY sum) Sounds like a “sound” word, right? Surprise—it’s generally used for smells, and unpleasant or dangerous ones at that. If it’s a smell that annoys it’s noisome. (Not just a pun—“annoy” has the same root word.)

•Students sought out the source of the noisome odors in the second floor hallway and found it in the chemistry lab where experiments with sulfur were underway.

•Tenants complained about the noisome fumes coming from the basement of the Estcourt Building, fearing that an explosion might occur.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
noisome(NOY sum)听起来像一个“有声”词,对吧?令人惊讶的是,它通常用于气味,以及不愉快或危险的气味。如果这是一种令人讨厌的气味,那就是恶心。(不仅仅是双关语——“惹恼”的词根相同。)
