and that they would find friends there.
所以 问题是- 由于这房♥子需要一个巨大的屋顶
So, the problem was — ’cause it needed a massive kind of roof–
问题是 怎么造一个既能留在建筑上的屋顶
was how to have a roof that would stay on the building…
同时又能在晚上飞起来 去见那些飞碟
but at the same time be able to fly up at night and meet the flying saucers.
建筑师绞尽脑汁 冥思苦想
So, the architect meditated and meditated…
and he finally came up with the very simple solution…
of not actually joining the roof to the building…
which means that it should fall off…
because they have great gales up in northern Scotland.
为了防止它倒塌 他从海边运来海滩岩-
So, to keep it from falling off, he got beach stones from the beach —
或者说是我们干的 因为我-我也为这建筑出了力气
or we did, ’cause l-I worked on this building —
爬上爬下那个屋顶 就这一类的吧
all up and down the roof, just like that.
他的想法是 将在石头间流动的能量
And the idea was that the energy that would flow from stone to stone…
would be so strong, you see…
以至于它会保证房♥顶在任何状况下 都不会被吹跑
that it would keep the roof down under any conditions…
而同时 如果需要升起来 它也不会太重
but at the same time, if the roof needed to go up, it would be light enough to go up.
实际上-[咯咯笑] 它成功了
Well — [Chuckling] It works, you see.
你看 建筑师们不知道为什么它会行的通
Now, architects don’t know why it works…
本不该如此 因为它应该散架
and it shouldn’t work, ’cause it should fall off.
可它就是有效 它的的确确行的通
But it works. It does work.
狂风吹来 屋顶应该摔落 可它就是没有
The gales blow, and the roof should fall off, but it doesn’t fall off.
[Man Coughing]

Well, uh…
do you want to know my actual response to all this?
你是否想知道我的真实看法? – 当然了!
Do you want to hear my actual response? – Yes!
看 我的真实想法- 我是说-
See, my actual response — I mean —
[笑声] 我是说- 我只不过尽力去-去活着 你明白么?
[Laughing] I mean — I mean, I’m just trying to — to survive, you know?
我是说 我只不过尽力去谋生
I mean, I’m just trying to earn a living…
just trying to pay my rent and my bills.
I mean, uh —
Ah, I live my life.
I enjoy staying home with Debby.
I’m reading Charlton Heston’s autobiography.
And that’s that.
我是说 你看-或许偶尔
I mean, you know — I mean, occasionally, maybe…
我和黛比会出门 我们会去参加个派对之类的
Debby and I will step outside, we’ll go to a party or something.
如果我偶尔能调动我小小的才华 写出一部小小的戏本
And if I can occasionally get my little talent together and write a little play…
那简直就- 那就谢天谢地了
well, then that’s just — that’s just wonderful.
而且 我喜欢读别人写的小小的戏本
And I mean, I enjoy reading about other little plays people have written…
也喜欢读它们的剧评 人们又是怎么说它们的
and reading the reviews of those plays and what people said about them…
and what people said about what people said.
我的笔记本里有这么一个清单 记着待办事项啊 职责啊这些
And I mean, I have — I have a list of errands and responsibilities that I keep in a notebook.
I enjoy going through the notebook…
履行我的职责 干完要干的活儿
carrying out the responsibilities, doing the errands…
and crossing them off the list.
我就是-我就是不明白还有谁 能体会到更多乐趣
And, I mean, I just — I just don’t know how anybody could enjoy anything more…
than I enjoy, uh, reading Charlton Heston’s autobiography…
或是 呃 甚于早上起床
or, uh, you know, uh, getting up in the morning…
and having the cup of cold coffee that’s been waiting for me all night…
它好端端的在那 等着我去喝
still there for me to drink in the morning…
and no cockroach or fly has-has died in it overnight.
当我起床时 如果看见咖啡在那儿
I mean, I’m just so thrilled when I get up…
完全是我希望的样子 我就会感到一阵喜悦
and I see that coffee there, just the way I wanted it.
I mean, I just can’t imagine…
how anybody could enjoy something else any more than that.
你看-很显然 如果蟑螂- 如果它里面确实有只死蟑螂
I mean — I mean, obviously, if the cockroach — if there is a dead cockroach in it…
那我就会感到失望 我会难过
well, then I just have a feeling of disappointment, and I’m sad.
可是我是说 我就是- 就是不觉得
But I mean, I — I just — I just don’t think…
I feel the need for anything more than all this.
然而 你似乎在表达的是
Whereas, you know, you seem to be saying…

that, uh…
现如今的任何人 要过上有意义的生活都是异想天开
it’s inconceivable that anybody could be having a meaningful life today…
and, you know, everyone is totally destroyed…
and we all need to live in these outposts.
可是 我简直不敢相信-即使是你-
But I mean, you know, I just can’t believe — even for you —
你难道不觉得-不会觉得很愉快吗? 早上起床
I mean, don’t you find — Isn’t it pleasant just to get up in the morning…
乔姬塔也在 孩子们也在
and there’s Chiquita, there are the children…
然后《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》送来了 你可以读它
And The Times is delivered, you can read it.
可能你会指导一部戏 可能你不会指导一部戏
I mean, maybe you’ll direct a play, maybe you won’t direct a play.
指导也好不指导也好 管它呢
But forget about the play that you may or may not direct.
为什么非得-为什么不放轻松 去享受这些小事?
Why is it necessary to –Why not lean back and just enjoy these details?
你看 你还有一本香气四溢的咖啡 和一块佐咖啡的蛋糕
I mean, and there’d be a delicious cup of coffee and a piece of coffeecake.
I mean, why is it necessary to have more than this…
or to even think about having more than this?
你看 我不是非常明白你说的这些
I mean, I don’t really know what you’re talking about.
我的意思是- 我能听懂你在说什么
I mean — I mean, I know what you’re talking about…
但是我并非真的 懂它
but I don’t really know what you’re talking about.
你知道么 即便我完全赞成你的见解
And I mean, you know, even if I were to totally agree with you, you know…
即便我接受了这样一个观点 那就是所有人都绝无可能
and even if I were to accept the idea that there’s just no way for anybody…
to have personal happiness now…
well, you know, I still couldn’t accept the idea…
让生命精彩的方式 就是彻底地
that the way to make life wonderful would be to just totally…
you know, reject Western civilization…
然后重归某种信仰 信仰什么牛鬼蛇神-
and fall back into some kind of belief in some kind of weird something —
你看 我都不知道该从何说起
I mean, I don’t even know how to begin talking about this…
but you know, in the Middle Ages…
before the arrival of scientific thinking as we know it today…
well, people could believe anything.
任何事都可能是真的- 圣母玛利亚的雕像-
Anything could be true — the statue of the Virgin Mary…
可以说话或是流血 什么都可以
could speak or bleed or whatever it was.
But the wonderful thing that happened…
was that then in the development of science in the Western world…
有些东西渐渐去魅 可以被理解了
certain things did come slowly to be known and understood.
I mean, you know…
显然 科学中的所有理念 一直在被改写
obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised.
I mean, that’s the whole point.
But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order…
and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses…
and there are very good reasons why they don’t…
and you can’t just believe absolutely anything.
Whereas, the things that you’re talking about —
I mean — I mean, you found the handprint in the book…
and there were — there were three Andres and one Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
And to me that is a coincidence.
而且 编书的那个人
But –And-And then, you know, the people who put that book together…
well, they had their own reasons for putting it together.
可在你看来这是别有意义的 就好像这书40年前被写出来
But to you it was significant, as if that book had been written 40 years ago…
就是为了能让你看见 就好像它是以某种方式 为你安排的
so that you would see it, as if it was planned for you, in a way.
I mean, really– I mean —
你看 比如说 我在一家中餐店里吃了个幸运签饼
I mean, all right, let’s say, if I get a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant…
当然 即使是我 也倾向于-
I mean, of course, even I have a tendency–
你懂的 毫无疑问 我不会把幸运签扔了
I mean, you know — I mean, of course, I would hardly throw it out.
你看 我会读它 我看看写了什么-然后
I mean, I read it. I read it, and — and, uh —
我会下意识地- 比如它说
I just instinctively sort of– You know, if it says something like, uh…
“A conversation with a dark-haired man will be very important for you”…
好 我会下意识地想 “我认识的人里谁是黑发的?
well, I just instinctively think, you know, “Who do I know who has dark hair?
我们有过谈话吗? 我们说了些什么?”
Did we have a conversation? What did we talk about?”
也就是说 我心里有一些东西催使我去读它
In other words, uh, there’s something in me that makes me read it…
我本能地要解释它 就好像它真是个未来的预兆
and I instinctively interpret it as if it were an omen of the future.
而在我的理智看来- 它恰好也是我整个人生观的基础
But in my conscious opinion, which is so fundamental to my whole view of life —
一旦放弃它 我也就不是自己了
I mean, I would just have to change totally to not have this opinion.
在我的理智看来 这只不过是
In my conscious opinion, this is simply something…
饼干厂在几年前写的玩意 它不可能就是针对我的
that was written in the cookie factory several years ago and in no way refers to me.
I mean, you know, the — the fact that I got it —
I mean, the man who wrote it did not know anything about me.
他就不可能知道 任何有关我的事
I mean, he could not have known anything about me.
There’s no way that this cookie could actually have to do with me.
我拿到这张幸运签 基本只是个玩笑
And the fact that I’ve gotten it is just basically a joke.
再比如 如果我打算坐飞机出行
And I mean, if I were gonna go on a trip on an airplane…
