‘Twas not how the poor soul perished.
他被一个好心的撒玛利亚人救起 恢复了健康
He was brought back to full health by a good Samaritan.
后来是异教♥徒♥把他乱棍打死 丢进了臭水沟
Then the heathens cudgelled him to death and deposited him in a sewer.
这说法是否准确 我持怀疑态度
I would question the veracity of that telling.
No good deed goes unpunished.
What a curious fate is mine.
Last month in the King’s Bench Prison in the company of debtors,
this month a guest of quality, rank and fashion.
开心点吧 海顿 你等会就会发现这里是酒神的节日
Rejoice, Haydon. You find yourself in a veritable Bacchanalia.
His Lordship keeps a very fine wine cellar.
乐观点 在这不用客气
Be sanguine, fill your boots.
能问你借点钱吗 透纳
Might I ask you to loan me some money, Turner?
I beg your pardon?
I am in dire and pressing need of 100 pounds.
Out of the question.
我的房♥东人很好 很有耐心
My landlord, he’s a good man, a patient man,
but he will not wait forever.
我要付钱给酒商 颜料店
I need to pay the wine merchant, my colour man…
海顿 您的妻子她还好吗
And your dear wife, Mrs Haydon, is she faring well?
Mrs Haydon is presently with child.
那么恭喜啊 海顿
Well, you have my hearty congratulations, Haydon.
现在不适合说什么恭喜吧 我正备受煎熬
Congratulations are not in order. I’m in torment.
我并不是毫无同情心 海顿 你如此缺钱
I am not unsympathetic to your impecunity, Haydon.
Therefore I can advance you 50 pounds.
透纳 如果100镑都无法救我于困境
Turner, if 100 pounds will not spare me from this predicament,
看在上帝的份上 50镑能干什么呢
what in Jesu’s name can 50 pounds do?
Then you are refusing to accept the 50 pounds?
-这简直太少了 -那么就这样吧 再见
-It is damned inadequate. -I wish you good day, sir.
-透纳 -嘿 嘿
-Turner? -Hey, hey!
My word is my bond.
我或许还不是皇家艺术研究院的院士 但是个绅士
I may not yet be an Academician but I am a gentleman.
I have a painting presently with the King at Windsor.
I am assured he will buy it from me for 500 guineas or more.
另外 我还在构思的另一幅画
Furthermore, I have another fine painting in mind,
a companion piece,
which he is most certain to purchase in addition.
Who has made these assurances?
-国王的私人秘书 奈顿 -哦
-The King’s private secretary, Knighton. -Oh.
Well, I can furnish you with five pounds this morning.
Five pounds?
5镑完全不够 这无异于羞辱
50 pounds is not sufficient. Five pounds is tantamount to an insult.
拜托 你火气这么大干什么
Sir, I beseech you, brook your ire.
If you attend my residence at London,
I will loan you 50 pounds.
In addition to the five?
海顿先生 你这有点太烦人了啊
Mr Haydon, you are exceedingly tiresome.
I am gratified.
I humbly accept the 50 pounds.
Might I find you at the same address?
I may swim.
“And the spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.”
A tormented soul, for sure.
我很同情他 但他把自己所有的失败
I sympathise, but he attributes all of his failures
-都归结于其他原因 而不是自己的行为 -没错
-to anything other than his own behaviour. -Indeed.
他对生活的种种抱怨 就像轮子的辐
His complaint with life is as absurd as that of a spoke in a wheel,
埋怨轮子的滚动 却不知这是自己参与的结果
railing against the motion that it must of necessity partake.
我同意 他就像坦塔罗斯[宙斯之子]
I concur. He suffers the fate of Tantalus.
他伸手摘果子 树枝就会移走
He reaches for the fruit, the branch moves.
他弯腰喝水 水位就会降低
When he stoops to drink the water goes down.
If only he would consider the wishes of his public
rather than pursuing his own peculiar convictions,
it would be his salvation.
但是 比奇先生 随着他个人问题变得严重
And yet, my dear Beechey, as his personal troubles increase,
so the quality of his painting suffers.
但是 这个人还是很有绘画才能的
But still, the man can paint.
当然 画一幅”海顿的画”是没问题
For sure, he can paint a Haydon.
The return of one prodigal is worth more than gold.
An essential quality for a prodigal, sir, is humility.
He is a cracked pot.
He’s heading for a fall.
先生们 我们意见统一吗
Gentlemen, are we as one?
很遗憾 我不能资助他
Sadly…I cannot give him my support.
He is not of our temper.
唉 并且 学院对海顿的需要
Alas, the Academy does not have need of Haydon
so much as Haydon has need of the Academy.
Here the rose that decks thy door
Here the thorn that spreads thy bower
Here the willow on the moor
The birds at rest
Above thee
Had they light of life to see
Sense of soul like thee and me
Soon might each a witness be
How dotingly
I love thee
“我们相遇 却这么快要分离”
Here we meet too soon to part
Here to leave would raise a smart
Here I’ll press thee to my heart
“在我心中 我最喜欢的”
Where none have place
Above thee
With your Lordship’s permission,
女士们 先生们 我们的下一个节目
ladies and gentlemen, our next offering, we hope,
is of a somewhat more playful nature.
-如你们所愿 -谢谢
-Playful as you wish. -Thank you.
噢 不是吧
Oh! No, it isn’t!
“我是个穷苦的姑娘 所以对不起 先生”
I’m a poor simple girl so excuse me, sir, pray
I am just one and twenty the first of next May
“从不做坏事 专心在农场干活”
I never do harm but I tend to my farm
“起早贪黑 却满意自己的生活”
I’m up early and late and though humble my state
“我不嫉妒别人 但也想过得更好”
I don’t envy my betters but bear ’em good will
“我的名字叫 漂亮凯蒂”
And I’m called Pretty Kitty
Pretty Kitty
Pretty Kitty
The maid of the mill
“我有很多情人 他们来来去去”
I have lovers in plenty come hither to woo…
“他们如此挑逗 我该怎么办”
If they will be so teasing, pray, what can I do?
“我脾气这么好 又年轻”
I’m good-tempered and kind and a youth to my mind
Who is open and free would be happy with me
“但他们都是蠢蛋 没有人愿意”
But they all are so stupid that none of them will
Pop the question to Kitty
Pretty Kitty
Pretty Kitty
The maid of the mill
-老伯 你好 -你好
-Good day to you, sir. -Good day to thee.
You be a lodgings, then?

It be.
-这个房♥间空着吗 -是的
-This chamber, ’tis available? -It is, aye.
May I peruse it?
Mrs Booth!
There be a gentleman.
-您好 -夫人 你好
-Good day to you, sir. -Good day to you, madam.
-你在找客房♥吗 -是的
-Are you seeking lodgings? -Indeed I am.
拿着 布斯先生
Here, Mr Booth.
-这前面的房♥间 可以住吗 -应该吧
-Your top front, ’tis available? -Maybe, sir, yes.
-能看看吗 -当然 请跟我来
-May I peruse it? -Indeed, sir, if you’d care to follow me.
-您刚从船上下来吗 -是
-You just come off the boat? -Indeed.
-玛吉号♥还是比利号♥ -玛吉号♥
-The Maggie or the Billy? -The Maggie.
-噢 它今天早上刚到的 -我们刚好顺着海浪
-Oh, ’twas early today! -We’d the best of the tide.
-这是我们最好的一间房♥ -非常温馨
-This be my better most chamber. -Exceeding homely.
