
n. 习惯,习俗;风俗;道德观念
n. (Mores)人名;(捷)莫雷斯




mores 风俗习惯,传统


mores (MORE aze) This noun, always plural and spelled and pronounced exactly the same in English as in the Latin original, refers to customs, defining standards of behavior in any one culture. The Latin is the origin of the English word “morals” but not a synonym.

  • “Is it okay to wear our shorts into this holy site?” queried Lindsay. “I don’t know the local mores.”
  • Mores change gradually over time: these days even the best-mannered of women leave their white gloves at home when they head out for a day of shopping.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
mores(MORE aze)这个名词在英语中总是复数,拼写和发音与拉丁语完全相同,指的是习俗,定义了任何一种文化中的行为标准。拉丁语是英语单词“道德”的起源,但不是同义词。

  • “穿着我们的短裤进入这个圣地可以吗?”Lindsay问道。“我不了解当地的风俗习惯。”
  • Mores会随着时间的推移而逐渐改变:如今,即使是最有礼貌的女性在出门购物时也会把白手套留在家里



  1. Cultural mores – 文化习俗
  2. Social mores – 社会规范
  3. Traditional mores – 传统风俗
  4. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  5. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
  6. Ethical mores – 道德准则
  7. Moral mores – 道德规范
  8. Customary mores – 习俗规范
  9. Unwritten mores – 非书面的风俗
  10. Cultural mores – 文化规范
  11. Social mores – 社会风尚
  12. Traditional mores – 传统习俗
  13. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  14. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
  15. Ethical mores – 伦理准则
  16. Moral mores – 道德规范
  17. Customary mores – 习俗规范
  18. Unwritten mores – 非书面的风俗
  19. Cultural mores – 文化习俗
  20. Social mores – 社会规范
  21. Traditional mores – 传统风俗
  22. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  23. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
  24. Ethical mores – 道德准则
  25. Moral mores – 道德规范
  26. Customary mores – 习俗规范
  27. Unwritten mores – 非书面的风俗
  28. Cultural mores – 文化规范
  29. Social mores – 社会风尚
  30. Traditional mores – 传统习俗
  31. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  32. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
  33. Ethical mores – 伦理准则
  34. Moral mores – 道德规范
  35. Customary mores – 习俗规范
  36. Unwritten mores – 非书面的风俗
  37. Cultural mores – 文化习俗
  38. Social mores – 社会规范
  39. Traditional mores – 传统风俗
  40. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  41. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
  42. Ethical mores – 道德准则
  43. Moral mores – 道德规范
  44. Customary mores – 习俗规范
  45. Unwritten mores – 非书面的风俗
  46. Cultural mores – 文化规范
  47. Social mores – 社会风尚
  48. Traditional mores – 传统习俗
  49. Accepted mores – 公认的规范
  50. Changing mores – 变化中的风俗
