mingle 英 [ˈmɪŋɡl] 美 [ˈmɪŋɡl]



  • Turn a corner, though, and you spot the future: a hybrid assembly line where shiny Japanese robots are mingling with human workers.
  • He cannot mingle, speak or pray with other prisoners.


[verb] mix or cause to mix together
[动词] 混合或使混合在一起


Mingle 是一个与熟词 mix 含义十分相似的单词,都有“(使)混合、(使)相混”的含义,其中后者含义广泛,侧重指混合后的产物特性一致,原料不易分离或分辨出来,而前者则强调原料在混合后依然保持各自的特性,容易辨别,比如:

  • 晚会很豪华,食物精美可口,香槟酒源源不断。笑声和歌声交织在夜空中。
    The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne. The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.
  • 血不断从伤口慢慢流出来。她的泪水和脸上的血混在了一起。
    A cascade of blood oozed out of the wound. Her tears mingled with the blood on her face.

除此之外,这两个单词都可以用来表示人际交往,不同的是, mix 多指与各种各样不同的人“交往、相处、交际”,而 mingle 主要表示在社交场合中到处走动与人“交际、应酬”,比如:

  • 作为一名迎宾员,你在工作中与各种各样的人打交道吗?
    As an usher, do you mix with a wide variety of people in your job?
  • 别再斗嘴了。去跟婚礼上的其他人聊聊。
    Stop bickering! Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding.


When she was trimly dressed she was rather a sweet little being, with large eyes and a sad mouth. Her face expressed the mingled expectancy, dissatisfaction, and depression she felt.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。《嘉莉妹妹》是《珍妮姑娘》(Jennie Gerhardt)的姐妹篇,1998年被选为20世纪百大英文小说。




  1. mingle with friends: 与朋友交往
  2. mingle at parties: 在派对上交际
  3. mingle with colleagues: 与同事交往
  4. mingle with guests: 与客人交流
  5. mingle in social events: 在社交活动中交际
  6. mingle with strangers: 与陌生人交往
  7. mingle in a crowd: 在人群中交往
  8. mingle during breaks: 在休息时间交际
  9. mingle with fellow students: 与同学交往
  10. mingle at networking events: 在社交活动中交际
  11. mingle with neighbors: 与邻居交往
  12. mingle in professional circles: 在专业圈子中交际
  13. mingle during lunch: 在午餐时交往
  14. mingle with family members: 与家人交往
  15. mingle with the crowd: 与人群交际
  16. mingle at social gatherings: 在社交聚会中交往
  17. mingle with new acquaintances: 与新认识的人交往
  18. mingle during events: 在活动中交际
  19. mingle with international students: 与国际学生交往
  20. mingle with different cultures: 与不同文化交融
  21. mingle with colleagues: 与同事交往
  22. mingle at parties: 在派对上交际
  23. mingle with guests: 与客人交流
  24. mingle in social events: 在社交活动中交际
  25. mingle with strangers: 与陌生人交往
  26. mingle in a crowd: 在人群中交往
  27. mingle during breaks: 在休息时间交际
  28. mingle with fellow students: 与同学交往
  29. mingle at networking events: 在社交活动中交际
  30. mingle with neighbors: 与邻居交往
  31. mingle in professional circles: 在专业圈子中交际
  32. mingle during lunch: 在午餐时交往
  33. mingle with family members: 与家人交往
  34. mingle with the crowd: 与人群交际
  35. mingle at social gatherings: 在社交聚会中交往
  36. mingle with new acquaintances: 与新认识的人交往
  37. mingle during events: 在活动中交际
  38. mingle with international students: 与国际学生交往
  39. mingle with different cultures: 与不同文化交融
  40. mingle with coworkers: 与同事交往
  41. mingle at networking functions: 在社交活动中交往
  42. mingle with classmates: 与同学交往
  43. mingle during coffee breaks: 在咖啡休息时间交际
  44. mingle with attendees: 与参与者交往
  45. mingle with local residents: 与当地居民交往
  46. mingle at community events: 在社区活动中交往
  47. mingle with business partners: 与商业伙伴交往
  48. mingle with like-minded people: 与志同道合的人交往
  49. mingle during intermissions: 在休息期间交际
  50. mingle with different age groups: 与不同年龄群体交往


  • blend: mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together
  • interlace: cross or be crossed intricately together; interweave
  • merge: blend or cause to blend gradually into something else so as to become indistinguishable from it
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
