-该死 -过来
– Shit. – Come on. Come on.
马文 你来干什么
Hey! Hey, Marvin, what are you doin’?
他是我的 杰克 滚边儿去
He’s mine, Jack. Get lost.
去你♥妈♥的♥ 这是我的犯人
Fuck you, he’s yours! He’s mine.
艾迪分配给我的 你♥他♥妈♥想干什么
Eddie assigned this guy to me. What the hell are you doin’?
那你找艾迪理论去 钱我收了
Well then go straighten it out with Eddie. I’ll collect the money.
追他的时候我差点被杀 他对我开枪呢
I almost got killed tryin’ to get this guy. He shot at me!
退后 妈的 他是我的 明白吗
Back off, goddamn it! I said I’m takin’ him, all right?
-好的 马文 -这家伙值一千二呢
– All right. All right. Marvin. – This guy’s worth 1,200!
好的 马文 咱俩这交情争什么呀
Okay, okay, Marvin. What the hell we fightin’ for? We’re friends…
不是针对你 杰克 不过请你滚开行吗
Hey, nothin’ personal, Jack, but fuck off, all right?
淡定点 天哪 马文 小心
Take it easy. Jesus! Marvin, watch out!
这他妈怎么回事 你们不是警♥察♥吗
What the fuck goin’ on? You guys ain’t cops.
不 我们是跳芭蕾的
No, we’re ballet dancers.
Your mother ever teach you how to react to strangers?
Not shoot at ’em. Huh?
马文 车我开走了
Hey, Marvin. Thanks for the car.
你先睡会 一会我把车开回来
You sleep, and I’ll bring it back a little later.
抓了个人 古奇
Got a delivery for you, Gooch.
好啊 杰克 苏打水机坏了这么久你都不修
Good, Jack. The soda machine’s been out for a week and a half.
帮我签个收 这次抓到谁
Check that for me, would ya? What do we got here?
好的 给你添麻烦了吗
All right. Give you any trouble?
Did you give me any trouble?
-操♥你♥妈♥的 -一点不麻烦
– Fuck you, man! – He didn’t give me any trouble.
-走吧 过来 -你们这帮王八蛋
– Walk! Move! – Fuck you too, man!
-我他妈可清楚自己有什么权利 -过来
– I know my motherfuckin’ rights! – Move it!
Slap it.
保释金债券代理 24小时营业
Mascone’s Bail Bonds.
不 仅限现金 支票和刷♥卡♥都不行
No, it’s cash only. No checks, no cards.
抱歉 女士 我们有规定
I’m sorry, ma’am. That’s the policy.
真遗憾没能帮到您 抱歉
I wish I could help you out. Sorry.
刚把布尔歇送进去 艾迪在吗
Just dropped off Bouchet. Is Eddie in?
你终于抓到人了 杰克
So you finally caught someone, Jack.
-杰里 他在吗 -真了不起
– Jerry, is he in? – I think that’s terrific.
杰克 我昨晚就开始找你了 抓到谁了
Jack, been tryin’ to reach you since last night. What do you got for me?
-你找我 -是啊
– You were tryin’ to reach me? – Yeah.
-布尔歇 -他啊
– It’s Bouchet. – Ooh, Bouchet.
好样的 杰克 九百块对吧
Good score, Jack. Nine hundred, right?
-不 是一千二 -不 九百
– No, it’s 1,200. – No, nine.
是 是一千二 别这样
That’s… That’s 1,200. Come on.
对 对 你说的没错
No. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.
My stomach’s killin’ me.
I’m goin’ over to Chin Loo’s for breakfast.
-顺便和你谈谈 -谈什么
– I wanna talk to you. – About what?
-到那儿再说 -能先把钱给我吗
– I’ll talk to you over there. – Could I have my money first?
当然 难不成你觉得我会赖账
Of course. What do you think? I’m gonna try to stiff you?
你 不可能 他从来没赖过账
You? Never! He would never try and stiff me.
-这话怎么像在讽刺我 -那不能
– Do I detect some kind of sarcasm here? – Never.
Where do I, I, I… Where have I inherited this reputation?
杰里可以作证 我在和别人做生意时
I have never done business with anybody, and Jerry is my witness,
从来 从来没有
that I have ever, ever, ever…
Does that phone ever ring…
Has that phone ever rang with a complaint about me?
从来没有 一次也没有 走吧 早餐我请
Never. Never. So let’s go. I’ll buy you some breakfast.
-我从不吃早饭 -那就当提前吃午饭了 走吧
– I don’t eat breakfast. – Then have an early lunch. Let’s go.
You ever hear of a guy named Jonathan Mardukas?
-“公爵” 我知道 -说来听听
– The Duke. Yeah, I know who he is. – What do you know?
He’s that accountant that embezzled a couple of million
from some Vegas wise guy and gave it to charity.
没错 不过不是几百万
That’s very good. Only thing is that it wasn’t a couple of million.
It was $15 million.
而且不是什么赌棍 是吉米·塞拉诺
It wasn’t some Vegas wise guy. It was Jimmy Serrano.
知道 我能看懂报纸
I know. I know. I can read the papers.
Well, look, I don’t wanna bring up the past,
but isn’t Serrano the guy that ran you out of Chicago
when he was runnin’ things back there?
-和他没关系 -是哦
– He didn’t run me out. – Yeah, right, right, right.
You gave up bein’ a cop to do this shit?
-好吧 说重点 -重点就是 杰克
– All right, what’s the point? – The point, Jack.
I bailed out the accountant.
See, I didn’t know who he was at the time.
Had I known, there was no way I would’ve put up the bond.
I mean, it’s only a matter of time
before Serrano vanishes this guy from the planet,
and I’m out 450,000.
You’re out 450,000 on this guy?
-不 不是 -不是吗
– No. No. – No.
因为有你在 你是这行的翘楚
Because I got you, and you’re the best,
and you’re gonna find him and bring him back.
Yeah, right.
How do you even know this guy is still alive?
Because this guy is crazy.
He sends postcards to Serrano,
告诉他 花他的钱玩的很开心
he’s tellin’ him what a great time he’s havin’ with his money.
How much time you got left?
周五午夜 不然我就得赔四十五万
Friday midnight I default. I eat the 450.
这周五 只有五天 你逗我呢
This Friday? That’s five days. Forget it.
-自己去找他吧 把钱给我 -好吧 听我说
– You go find him. Give me my money. – All right. Listen to me.
I’ll give you four… I’ll give you fifty grand.
五万 找你要一千二都那么难 算了吧
Fifty grand? I gotta chase you down for 1,200. Forget about it.
不 不 杰克 拜托了
No, no, Jack, please.
拜托个屁 说什么我都不接 还有什么活
“Jack”? “Jack” nothin’. Forget it. What else you got?
天哪 没别的活了 只有这个了
God! I ain’t got nothin’. This is it.
你要找不到这家伙 我就破产了
If you don’t find this guy, I’m outta business.
艾迪 十万我才做
Eddie… I’ll do it for a hundred thousand.
十万 你疯了吗
A hundred thousand? Are you outta your mind?
这活儿多容易 简直轻而易举 老天爷
This is an easy gig. It’s a midnight run, for Christ’s sakes!
你还不知道吧 我已经厌倦挨枪子了
Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I’m tired of gettin’ shot at.
I’m tired of this miserable fuckin’ business,
every lowlife that I run into.
If you’re gonna pay me, you gotta pay me what’s right.
要我♥干♥这活 就给我应得的报酬
You want me for this job? Give me what’s right.
首先 这家伙是个会计 他不会对你开枪的
First of all, the guy is an accountant. He’s not gonna shoot you.
All you have to do is find him,
塞袋子里还是打昏他都随你 带回来就行
you put him in a bag, hit him with a rubber hose, bring him home.
说起来容易 告诉你
Oh, that’s easy for you to say. Listen to me.
十万 少一个子都不行 而且要立合同
It’s a hundred thousand, no more, no less, and I want a contract.
-还要合同 -没错 白纸黑字
– “Contract”? Contract? – That’s right. I want it in writing.
One hundred thousand dollars,
and I’ll have the Duke here for you by Friday night.
Now, can I have my 1,200, please?
You’re worse than any crook I ever put a bond up for.
斯坦利 斯坦
Stanley? Stan.
-老伙计 近来可好 来这干什么 -别来无恙
– Hey, Big Dog. How are you? What are you doin’ here? – How ya doin’?
Listen. I need a favor.
I need to see the booking slip of a Jonathan Mardukas.
Here you go.
代号♥ R-亲属
代号♥ R-亲属
-就是它 -什么
– Yes, sir. – What’s that?
The number he called right after he was arrested.
区号♥212 我得去纽约了
212 area code. Looks like I’m goin’ to New York.
Are you Jack Walsh?
-让一下 -你是不是杰克·沃尔什
– Excuse me. – Are you Jack Walsh?
抱歉 我认识你吗
I’m sorry. Do I know you?
阿朗佐·莫斯利 联调局
Alonzo Mosely, F.B.I.
徽章不错 在哪儿买♥♥的
Oh, that’s a nice badge. How can I get one of those?
