
忘不了 忘不了 忘不了你的错
忘不了 忘不了 忘不了你的泪
寂寞的长巷 而今斜月清照
冷落的秋千 而今迎风轻摇
它重复你的叮咛 一声声
忘了 忘了它低诉我的衷曲
一声声 难了 难了
忘不了 忘不了
忘不了春已尽 忘不了花已老
忘不了离别的滋味 也忘不了那相思的苦恼

English #1 – Unending Love

I can’t forget, I can’t forget, I can’t forget your wrongs
I can’t forget your goodness
I can’t forget the walks in the rain
And I can’t forget the embrace in the wind

I can’t forget, I can’t forget, I can’t forget your tears
I can’t forget your laughter
I can’t forget the melancholy of falling leaves
And I can’t forget the worry of the blooming flowers

In the lonely lane, the setting moon shines brightly
The desolate swing moves gently to the wind
It repeats your words, sound by sound
Forgotten, forgotten; it murmurs my deepest emotions
Sound by sound, never-ending, never-ending

I can’t forget, I can’t forget
I can’t forget that the spring is gone and the flowers are old
I can’t forget the taste of separation, and I can’t forget the misery of love

Submitted by C_Zhukov
