
adj. 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的



imperious 专横的


imperious (im PEER ee us) From the Latin word for “empire,” this adjec-tive means “arrogantly domineering” or “dictatorial.” It comes from the same root as “imperial,” which has a more positive spin. Someone who is imperious is “bossy”; someone who is imperial is “regal” or “majestic.”

  • Josie thought her supervisor at the hospital was overbearing and imperious. She was always telling all of the other nurses how to do their jobs but rarely helping out when they were short-staffed.
  • The imperial peacock proudly displayed his iridescent tail in the hopes of attracting the reluctant female hiding behind the juniper tree.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
专横的(im PEER ee us)这个形容词来自拉丁语中“帝国”的意思,意思是“傲慢的专横”或“独裁的”。它与“帝国”同根,后者有更积极的含义。专横的人是“专横的”;帝王是“帝王”或“威严”

  • 乔西认为她在医院的主管专横专横。她总是告诉所有其他护士如何做好自己的工作,但很少在人手不足时帮忙
  • 皇家孔雀骄傲地展示了它彩虹般的尾巴,希望能吸引躲在杜松子树后面的雌性孔雀

