
imbrue (im BREW) This formal verb means “saturate” or “stain.” It’s easy to use “brew” as your memory device, and indeed that is the root word. A near-twin is “imbue,” meaning “to permeate, to stain.”

  • A hilarious mock-suicide scene occurs near the end of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream when the character of Pyramus stabs himself, saying, “Come, trusty sword, come, blade, my breast imbrue.”
  • Imbued with a strong sense of idealism from the reading of romanticized accounts of leaders’ lives, Felix may have trouble adjusting to the day-to-day life of an aspiring political candidate.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
imbrue(im BREW)这个形式动词的意思是“饱和”或“染色”。很容易将“BREW”用作内存设备,实际上这是词根。准双胞胎是“imbue”,意思是“渗透,染色”

  • 在莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》接近尾声时,一个滑稽的模拟自杀场景发生了,皮拉玛斯这个角色刺伤了自己,说:“来吧,可靠的剑,来吧,刀片,我的胸脯。”
  • 从对领导人生活的浪漫化描述中,费利克斯充满了强烈的理想主义感,他可能很难适应一个有抱负的政治候选人的日常生活。

