lt seems that lnspector Larrue wishes to speak to you.
Would it be convenient for you to come down to the office now?
Certainly. Certainly.
没事的 神父 我跟拉鲁探长说过我会随传随到
lt’s all right, Father, l told Mr. Larrue l’d be available.
Good night.
神父 发生什么事了 那个男的是谁?
What is it, Father? Who was that man?
The police want to ask Father Logan some questions.
Oh, now you’re bringing your bicycle into the study.
How much further into the rectory are you gonna push it?
-艾尔玛 你有没有洗那件法衣? -还没有
-Alma, have you washed the cassock? -Not yet.
-在那里? -在我们房♥里
-Where is it? -lt’s in our room.
不要清洗 我不要你洗那件法衣
Don’t wash it. l don’t want it washed.
-但是为什么? -听我说
-But why? -Listen to me.
很抱歉让你久等 神父 我刚刚在接电♥话♥
l’m sorry to have kept you waiting. l was occupied on the telephone.
好了 墨菲 等一下我叫你
lt’s all right, Murphy. l’ll call you later.
-烦人的事情 是不是 神父? -是的
-Unpleasant bit of business, isn’t it, Father? -lt is, yes.
Sit down.
就几个问题 我会尽快结束
Well, just a few questions, and we’ll get it over as soon as possible.
-你在圣马丽教堂多久了? -快两年了
-You’ve been at St. Marie’s for how long? -For nearly two years now.
l have known Father Millars for…. For a long while.
事实上 当他在那时 我曾经叁加少年唱诗班
Matter of fact, l was a choirboy when he was at the basilica.
l’ve heard that you saw military service during the last war.
我想你被授予十字勋章 是的
l believe you were awarded the Military Cross. Yes.
You seem to have done a number of brave things.
Well, l survived.
-你都是像这样轻描淡写的回答吗 -那要看情形
-Are you given to understatement, Father? -That depends.
这件案子 这个维莱特谋杀案 到目前为止也仍然是谜团一样
This case, this Villette murder, is all understatement so far.
-你认识维莱特先生吧 神父 -认识 但是不太熟
-You knew Villette, didn’t you? -Slightly, yes.
也许你可以帮我一些忙 他是什么样子的人
Then perhaps you can help. What was he like?
很不幸地 我跟他不太熟
Well, unfortunately, l didn’t know him well.
你和他是社交上的朋友 还是有事务上的往来?
Well, did you know him socially or in a business way?
事实上 都不是 很多年以前 我见过他一次
ln neither way, actually. l’d met him once many years ago.
-抽根烟? -我不抽 谢谢
-Cigarette? -Thank you, no.
No one seems to have known this Villette…
…不过 他是律师 他有客户
…and yet he was a lawyer. He had clients.
Not one of his clients have any information to give about the man.
你也不是他的客户 你说你跟他不熟…
Oh, not that you were a client of his, as you say, you hardly knew him…
…but may l ask what were you going to see him about yesterday morning?
Well, that was a personal matter.
为了别人的事吗? 或许是你的教区的某个人?
You were acting for someone? One of your parishioners, perhaps.
l can just say that my visit didn’t have anything to do with Villette’s death.
当然没有 神父
Well, of course it didn’t, Father.
不过 你应该了解 我不能放过任何信息?
But you do understand, don’t you, that l must consider every scrap of information?
When a murder has been committed…
…each scrap of information is important to the police.
-当然 -我知道有时候看起来像是打探隐私
-Of course. -l know sometimes it seems like prying.
-可能会非常尴尬 -我没有尴尬
-lt can be very embarrassing. -l’m not embarrassed.
好 太好了
Good. Very good.
l’ve been wondering about the lady you met outside Villette’s house.
很凑巧 我刚好从房♥子里面看到
Quite by chance, l happened to see you from inside the house.
探长 我和维莱特的约会…
lnspector, the appointment that l had with Villette…
…couldn’t be of any importance to you.
But we aren’t discussing that at the moment.
你看 调查谋杀案 一定要从一个细节跨越到另一个
You see, with a murder, one has to jump from one detail to another.
Perhaps l jumped too suddenly for you.
Well, it seems maybe l don’t follow as fast as you jump.
我的思维比较偏条理 我得一步一步来
l have a methodical mind. l do have to take things one by one.
So do l.
So do l.
The difficulty, perhaps, is that, well, we aren’t thinking…
会是这个吗 神父?
…from the same point of view. Could it be that, Father?
可能是 我根本不知道你的观点是什么
That could be. l don’t really know what your point of view is.
那就是我表达的很糟糕 非常糟糕
Well, then l’ve put it badly. Very badly.
让我试着再说一遍 你在屋子外面遇见的那位女士
Let me try again. Now, this lady you met outside Villette’s house–
我希望我能和你讨论这个 但是我实在是爱莫能助
l wish l could discuss it, but l can’t
-她是谁? -和她没有关系
-Who is she? -She isn’t involved.
-这要由我来决定 -我知道 我知道…
-That is for me to decide. -l know, l know…
…but you’ll have to take my word for it.
我相信你所说的话 但是我需要你帮忙
l respect your word, but l need your help.
l’m not able to help.
l see.
当然 我了解
l see, of course.
l just don’t want all this mystification to make things too awkward for you.
Awkward for me?
A priest was seen leaving Villette’s house at the time of the murder.
l saw a priest outside Villette’s house the next morning.
你怎么说 神父?
Well, Father?
-怎么说? -搞的太神秘了或许会…
-Well? -Too much mystification…
让人相信这两个神父是同一个人 会不会呢?
…might lead one to believe that both priests were one and the same, mightn’t it?
What have you to say?
-你要我说什么? -那取决于你 神父
-What would you want me to say? -That is up to you, Father.
Well, then, l would say that a man of intelligence…
…wouldn’t be led to believe anything on so little evidence.
You’re perfectly right.
We have checked on every priest in Quebec.
所有人都能说明案发时他们的行踪 除了一个人
Each could account for his movements at the time of the murder, each except one.
ll点时你在那里 神父
Where were you at 1 1 :00, Father?
-我在散步 -一个人吗?
-l was walking. -Alone?
-没有 -很好
-No. -Good.
Now, if you will just give me the name and the address of the person.
l can’t.
…don’t you wanna help me?
-我已经尽力了 -但是你拒绝回答我的问题
-l’ve done my best. -But you refuse to answer my questions.
我很抱歉 我知道 我-我实在没办法回答你的问题
l’m sorry. l know, l– lt isn’t possible for me to answer them.
Then it’s a pity…
…a great pity.
晚安 神父
Good night, Father.
l’m deeply sorry.
晚安 探长
Good night, inspector.
Get me Mr. Robertson.
是的 检察官
Yes, the crown prosecutor.
我不管他去那里 找到他 我再说一遍 找到他
l don’t care where he is, find him. l said, find him wherever he is.
慢点 继续
Take it slow. Come on.
Come on.
哦 你得再低点
Oh, you have to get much lower.
威利 有你的电♥话♥
Willy, you’re wanted on the telephone.
-这不公平 不要吵我 -我不是开玩笑 真的是你的电♥话♥
-That’s no fair. Leave me alone. -l’m not kidding. You really are.
Oh, see what they want, Ruth.
你在哪,算了 还是我自己来接吧
All right, Ruth, where are you? l’ll take it.
-傻瓜 -谢谢
-You idiot. -Thank you.
喂 是 我是罗伯森 是你 拉鲁
Hello. Yes, this is Robertson. Oh, it’s you, Larrue.
-替我倒杯饮料好吗? -威士忌苏达
-Fix me a drink? -Scotch and soda?
就威士忌 不加水 是的 你好
Just scotch, no water. Yes, hello.
You ought to be in bed with a thriller instead of worrying people.
是的 我在听
Yes, yes, l’m listening.
-你要喝吗 亲爱的 -我自己来
-Drink, darling? -l’ll get it.
什么? 你太快下定论了吧
What? But aren’t you jumping to conclusions?
Are you sure?
是的 我了解
Yes, l see.
是的,是的 探长 我马上过去
Yes. Yes, inspector, yes. l’ll be right over.
威利 别看上去这么不高兴
Willy, don’t look so unhappy.
我没办法 凶杀案不是非常让人高兴
l can’t help it. Murder’s not particularly pleasant.
-你应该会顺利侦破才对 -这个案件不一样
-You should be able to take that in stride. -Not this one.
-是不是维莱特凶杀案? -没错
-ls it about the Villette murder? -Yes.
And the unpleasant part of it is, a priest is suspected.
-真是没有道理 -很奇怪 是不是?
-What nonsense. -Fantastic, isn’t it?
