


hypochondria [haɪpə’kɒndrɪə] n. 忧郁症;臆想病
hypochondria 忧郁症 ←同首词→ hypocritical 伪善的
eg. The woman who got hypochondria used to be hypocritical.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. hypochondria symptoms – 疑病症状
  2. hypochondria diagnosis – 疑病诊断
  3. hypochondria anxiety – 疑病焦虑
  4. hypochondria treatment – 疑病治疗
  5. hypochondria disorder – 疑病症
  6. hypochondria fear – 疑病恐惧
  7. hypochondria management – 疑病管理
  8. hypochondria support – 疑病支持
  9. hypochondria obsession – 疑病执念
  10. hypochondria therapy – 疑病疗法
  11. hypochondria awareness – 疑病意识
  12. hypochondria coping strategies – 疑病应对策略
  13. hypochondria triggers – 疑病触发因素
  14. hypochondria anxiety disorder – 疑病焦虑症
  15. hypochondria fear of illness – 对疾病的疑虑
  16. hypochondria health anxiety – 疑病健康焦虑
  17. hypochondria obsession with symptoms – 对症状的过分担忧
  18. hypochondria hypervigilance – 疑病过度警觉
  19. hypochondria reassurance seeking – 寻求安抚的疑病行为
  20. hypochondria cognitive-behavioral therapy – 认知行为疗法治疗疑病
  21. hypochondria support group – 疑病支持小组
  22. hypochondria doctor visits – 就医频率过高的疑病行为
  23. hypochondria excessive worry – 过度担忧的疑病表现
  24. hypochondria health-related anxiety – 与健康有关的疑病焦虑
  25. hypochondria fear of disease – 对疾病的恐惧
  26. hypochondria somatic symptoms – 身体症状的疑病表现
  27. hypochondria obsessive thoughts – 强迫性思维的疑病症状
  28. hypochondria panic attacks – 恐慌发作的疑病表现
  29. hypochondria excessive checking – 过度检查的疑病行为
  30. hypochondria health-related reassurance – 与健康有关的安抚
  31. hypochondria irrational health fears – 非理性的健康恐惧
  32. hypochondria fear of serious illness – 对严重疾病的恐惧
  33. hypochondria doctor shopping – 医生频繁更换的疑病行为
  34. hypochondria irrational beliefs – 非理性的信念
  35. hypochondria health anxiety scale – 健康焦虑量表
  36. hypochondria excessive self-examination – 过度自我检查
  37. hypochondria anxiety sensitivity – 焦虑敏感性
  38. hypochondria health-related phobias – 与健康有关的恐惧症
  39. hypochondria excessive medical research – 过度医学研究
  40. hypochondria health anxiety questionnaire – 健康焦虑问卷
  41. hypochondria catastrophic thinking – 灾难性思维
  42. hypochondria fear of death – 对死亡的恐惧
  43. hypochondria health anxiety disorder – 健康焦虑症
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
