大伙 看看这位是谁
Hey, guys. Guess who the hell I got in here.
-Uh-oh. Don’t do this shit.
Senator Dirksen.
Hey, Curly!
Come on, come on, come on. Guess again.
不必了 加利
-Oh, bag it. Bag it, Garlick.
-The fellow I got in here…
is the gentleman, the one and the only…
广播界之王 艾德伦·康纳
-You’re a dead man. -king of the airwaves, Adrian Cronauer.
彼得生 起来 康纳在这里
Hey, Peterson, get up here, man. I think we got Cronauer here.
康纳 说早安 越南
Hey, Cronauer, say “Good morning, Vietnam.”
宽恕我吧 太热了
Oh, give me a break, man. It’s too hot for radio shit, okay?
-Come on. -Come on!
-How do we know it’s Adrian Cronauer?

I’ll give her the best shot.
早安 越南
Good morning, Vietnam!
这是艾德伦 6点和4点播出
All right, this is Adrian Cronauer. I’m on at 6:00 and again at 4:00.
Hey, we’d like to welcome you to Vietnam, the country that is more stimulating…
than a strong cup of cappuccino or an espresso enema.
或是灌肠剂 再来是时装报导 由特种部队的厄尼斯士官 谢谢
That one’s comin’ right at you, but first, our fashion report from Sgt. Ernest Lee Sincere.
我认为今秋 士兵的服装
Thank you. I think this fall, the discerning G.I….
is gonna be wearing green in the jungle.
Why? Because it matches with the green. I don’t know.
因和绿色相配 树叶落在钢帽上 对我说可以 谢谢
The leaves, they fall upon the helmets, says yes to me. Thank you.
Here’s a little news flash comin’ your way right now.
We can’t afford the teletype. Here it is, comin’ for you right now. Quick news flash.
Former President Eisenhower, actually cartoon character Elmer Fudd.
卡♥通♥人物艾摩 福 他引述说
He was quoted as saying:
谢谢 美国 当总统很好玩
It was fun being Pwesident.”
吉娜 罗布吉达已将意大利
Also, Gina Lollobrigida has been declared the ltalian National Mountain Range.
高山铲平了 谢谢 吉娜
Thank you, Gina. “Look out.
小心 我看不见太阳了
Look, I don’t see the sun anymore.”
Play a little game show while we’re waiting.
谁能告诉我 我的男人是谁唱的
Who can tell me who sang the song “My Guy”?
你来自那里 波士顿
-Hi. Where you from? -Uh, Boston.
-Boston, you know who sang the song “My Guy”?
-Yeah, shit, I can’t think of it.
Thank you for playing! ”
妈的 我想不起来 没错
Yeah, shit, I can’t think of it.” That’s right.
You don’t win the case of fish balls and lizard testicles.
Thank you for playing anyway.
Here it is right now. Hey, what’s your name?
派崔克 欧…麦里
-Patrick O’Ma… O’Malley. -Patrick O-O-O-O’Malley.
欧…麦里 我太高兴了
I don’t know. I’m just so happy. I’m O-O-O’Malley.
我是欧…麦里 我积存太多了
I don’t know. It’s the lrish boy.
是爱尔兰小子 我还未发泄过
I’m just so full of semen. I haven’t gotten laid yet.
我是天主教 我不知几时能发泄
I’m sittin’ out there, and I’m the Catholic boy and I don’t know when I’ll be gettin’ laid.
我刚到越南 你来自那里
-I’m just goin’ off to Vietnam. Where you from?
纽约 格林威治村
-From the Village. New York.
村子 真高兴你能来
From the Village? Well, nice to have you here.
真高兴你能来越南 你一定是说
Nice to have you here in Vietnam. Obviously, you just said, “Well, fuck it.
管他的 加入军队与绿人为伍吧
I’ll join the army and be with people in green.” It’s a special thing to do.
-Hiya. What’s your name?
-Jimmy Wilkes.
你来自那里 吉米
-Where you from, Jimmy?
-I’m also New York.
Ohh! Two boys joined together.
不知怎么我喝醉了 去刺青
Hey, said, “Well, I got drunk, man. All of a sudden, I went for a tattoo.
接下来我就在卡车上了 怎么了
Next thing you know, I’m on a fuckin’ truck. What happened?””
宝贝 我不知怎么回事
It’s wild, baby. I don’t know what’s goin’ down. But you’re both from New York.
你们二位都来自纽约 欢迎来此
Nice to have you here. Like, you just, like hangin’ out?
来走走 你们去那里 南顺
-You’re headed north. Where you goin’ to? -Nha Trengh.
你们要小心点 那边情况很严重
Well, you gotta be careful, Jack. That’s some heavy stuff up there.
天黑后有如纽约 要小心
That’s like Newark after dark. You gotta watch out.
那边情况很严重 宝贝
There’s some heavy shit goin’ down, baby.
You’ll feel like George Wallace campaigning in Harlem.
“Hi, have you seen my face?”
“Get yo’ ass outta here!”
一定要小心 喜欢什么音乐
You gotta watch it. What type of music do you like?
喜欢小安东尼吗 滚石
You like, uh, you like Little Anthony?
Yeah! Stones! -I like James Brown better.
You like James Brown better. Yes, sir. And the Stones. What about Mick Jagger?
还有滚石 米克 杰格呢 他像不像底片曝光太多的样子
Mick Jagger, right. You think he looks like a photo negative
of Little Richard?
我这嘴唇 天呀 在动了
Gentlemen, I don’t know… Oh, my God, these lips!
My God, they’re moving! I’m gonna flap my eyebrows to death.
小心 我在唱歌♥
Look out. I’m singing, everybody. I’m singing. Oh, get outta here.
滚蛋 小心 你来自那里
-Watch out. All right. Where you from?
我来自克利夫兰 老兄
-I’m from Cleveland, man.
克利夫兰 很显然你来越南
Cleveland. Obviously, Vietnam’s not that much of a change for you, then.
不算是什么大变化 不
Aw, naw.
你们全要小心点 因你们全看来
You guys take care of yourself, ’cause you all look like:
I don’t know what’s gonna happen, man. I don’t know.
你们钢帽上放的是什么 是什么
What’s this thing on the side of your helmet?
-Here. Why don’t you try it out?
自己试试 你们看看
-“Why don’t you try it out?”
这上面写着 你是什么尺寸
Look at that. It says here, it says what sizes you got.
有大 中和白种人
You got large, medium and Caucasian.
Look at this thing.
A little ltalian party favor there. Oh!
男男女♥女♥ 不行
Oh, no, Bozo, boys and girls.
看看这个 对 试试看
Look at this thing. Obviously, this is goin’ like: Y eah, check it out.
这东西有多大 等等
Hold on. Look. How big is this thing? Hold on. How big is this?
黑人说这是给顶端的 只需这些
Black man’s goin’: It’s just for the tip. That’s all I need is the tip.
是浴帽 我只要戴上浴帽就可以
It’s a bathing cap. I just like to put a bathing cap.
记住 越南话这是康当
Remember, this is the Vietnamese word
“Con Dum.” Look. Italian moon launch.
天呀 几乎在我脸前面爆掉
There. Whoa, geez. It almost blew up in my face.
天呀 到处都是保险套
Boom. There’s prophylactic everywhere, man. It’s not a pretty picture.
不是美丽的画面 满面是橡皮
There’s pieces of rubber all over his face.
我不知该说什么 你们要小心
I don’t know what to say. You guys, be careful.
What’s your name?
-My name is Lewis Striker.
谢谢你 史崔克兄弟
-Lewis Striker, Brother Striker. Thank you, Brother Striker.
-Sean Donum. -Sean Donum.
-Jay Snyder. -Feels like the Mouseketeers show.
安娜 克比 洛依
Annette, Cubby, Roy!
Well, you guys, you take care of yourselves. I won’t forget you.
All right, guys, let’s say good-bye to the radio star.
好了 和电台明星说再见 出发
-We’re outta here.
早安 越南
Good morning, Vietnam!
Hey, it’s another delightful day here in Vacationland.
每一个人 该起床了 起床
Everybody, time to get up.
不论你在那里 没错 太阳升起
Get up, wherever you are.
Got some songs goin’ out right now to a couple of guys on the road to Nha Trengh.
You know what I’m talkin’ about.
欧麦里先生 你知道
Hey, Mr. O’Malley, O’Malley.You know.
爱尔兰杜比双声带 他们在那里
The lrish Dolby twins.They’re out there.
特别为你播一首歌♥ 马上
Special song goin’ out to you, right now.
That was Louis B. Armstrong,
the great Satchmo.
Want to interview some G.I.s in the field, sir?
And play those tapes on the radio?
God only knows what they’d say, sir.
这还牵扯到康纳 令人立刻起疑
It involves Cronauer, which makes me suspicious immediately.
安勒 康纳一定会一起去
An Lac. And Cronauer would definitely be going along?
等一下 长官
Hold on a minute, sir.
G-2 泰舍上等兵
G-2, Corporal Tiser, sir.
One moment.
