vi. 眼珠转动;瞪眼看
n. 护目镜,风镜;眼睛睁视
adj. 瞪眼的,睁眼的
vt. 使瞪眼;使眼珠转动
1. gog- (象形,很像护目镜、风镜、游泳镜等各种眼镜) + 双写g加-le => goggle.
2. ogle => *oggle => g- (谐音“勾”) + *oggle => goggle.
3. 音:勾勾,眼睛直勾勾地看,都快瞪出来.
goggle 瞪大眼睛看
“Goggle” 是一个动词,指的是大大地瞪大眼睛,通常出于好奇、惊讶或不解的原因。以下是与 “goggle” 相关的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:
- Goggle at something: 大大地瞪视某物
- Goggle in amazement: 惊讶地瞪大眼睛
- Goggle with surprise: 吃惊地瞪眼
- Goggle in wonder: 好奇地瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the spectacle: 大开眼界地观看壮观景象
- Goggle with curiosity: 好奇地瞪视
- Goggle at the bizarre sight: 因怪异景象而大瞪眼睛
- Goggle in disbelief: 由于不信而瞪眼
- Goggle at the strange creature: 对奇怪的生物大开眼界
- Goggle at the fantastic display: 因奇幻的展示而瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the unexpected turn of events: 对意外的事态大吃一惊
- Goggle at the impressive performance: 因出色表现而大为赞叹
- Goggle at the beautiful sunset: 因美丽的日落而目瞪口呆
- Goggle at the towering skyscrapers: 因高耸入云的摩天大楼而大开眼界
- Goggle at the breathtaking view: 因惊人的景色而瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the incredible feat: 因不可思议的壮举而大为震惊
- Goggle at the peculiar contraption: 因奇怪的装置而目瞪口呆
- Goggle at the rare species: 对稀有物种感到大为惊讶
- Goggle at the peculiar behavior: 对奇怪的行为大为吃惊
- Goggle at the astonishing transformation: 对令人惊讶的转变大为惊讶
- Goggle at the mysterious figure: 对神秘的身影瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the strange phenomena: 因奇怪现象而大为惊讶
- Goggle at the astonishing achievement: 对惊人的成就大吃一惊
- Goggle at the unexpected outcome: 因出乎意料的结果而大为震惊
- Goggle at the colorful fireworks: 对绚丽多彩的焰火大感兴趣
- Goggle at the exotic animals: 因异国的动物而瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the mind-blowing technology: 对令人震撼的技术大为震惊
- Goggle at the astonishing scenery: 对令人惊叹的景色瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the incredible illusion: 对不可思议的幻觉感到震惊
- Goggle at the extraordinary talent: 对非凡的才华大为赞叹
- Goggle at the fascinating discovery: 对引人入胜的发现大感兴趣
- Goggle at the curious artifact: 因奇怪的工艺品而大吃一惊
- Goggle at the breathtaking performance: 因惊人的表演而大开眼界
- Goggle at the intricate details: 对复杂的细节感到惊讶
- Goggle at the dramatic turn of events: 因戏剧性的事态转变而大为震惊
- Goggle at the unexpected beauty: 因出乎意料的美丽而瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the enchanting melody: 对迷人的旋律大感兴趣
- Goggle at the stunning artwork: 对令人惊叹的艺术作品瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the peculiar architecture: 因奇怪的建筑风格而目瞪口呆
- Goggle at the bizarre sculpture: 因奇怪的雕塑而大吃一惊
- Goggle at the fantastic invention: 对奇幻的发明大为震惊
- Goggle at the extraordinary performance: 对非凡的表演大为赞叹
- Goggle at the extraordinary sight: 对惊人的景象大感兴趣
- Goggle at the strange phenomenon: 因奇怪的现象而大为吃惊
- Goggle at the magical display: 对神奇的展示大为震惊
- Goggle at the puzzling mystery: 因令人困惑的谜题而瞪大眼睛
- Goggle at the marvelous spectacle: 对奇妙的景象大感兴趣
- Goggle at the astonishing talent: 对惊人的才能大吃一惊
- Goggle at the enigmatic figure: 对难以捉摸的身影大为好奇
- Goggle at the awe-inspiring view: 因令人敬畏的景色而大开眼界
这些短语可以帮助您描述 “goggle” 这一动词在各种情境下的应用。