Would you be careful not to spread it around about your diamond mine.
I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to hear about that.
哦 她也对钻石没兴趣 是吗
Oh,she doesn’t care for diamonds either,huh?
相信我 我只是防止大家惹上麻烦
Believe me,Piggy. I’m only trying to save everybody trouble.
Do not tell her about the diamonds.
Did you say “diamonds”?
啊 啊 啊 老天啊 我得说
Well,well,well! By George,I must say!
毫无疑问 天呀 真的太美了 无可否认
No doubt about it,no sirree. My judge. No doubt about it at all.
李小姐 这是佩吉 很高兴 很高兴认识你
Miss Lee,meet Piggy. Delighted! Delighted!
你确实说了“钻石” 我看得出
You did say “diamonds.” I can tell.
是的 亲爱的
Yes,my dear.
You see my firm controls the second largest diamond diggings in South Africa.
But it seems we mustn’t say anything about it.
这位女士有个朋友 不想知道这些
This young lady has a friend,she doesn’t want to know about me.
我想知道为什么 你不想
I wonder why. Oh,no,you don’t.
Pardon me saying so.
但老是听到关于你的事 我以为你比较老呢
But having heard so much about you,and all,I expected you’d be much older.
我 天啊 你开玩笑 天啊 比什么老
Me? Oh my,you don’t say. By George! Older than what?
The Pyramids.
当然 我常说 如果男人没一定的年纪
Of course,I always say if a man isn’t a certain age
he just isn’t interesting.
哦 得了吧
Oh,honey,lay off!
Bless my soul.
Would you care to dance?
我很乐意 非常感谢
I’d enjoy to dance. Thank you ever so.
再来一杯吗 不 谢谢 我这杯还未…
Could you use another drink? No,thanks.
美女 俊男 好酒现在缺少其一了
Can’t tell the players without a program.
好吧 谈酒之前我想了解俊男多一点
Well,I certainly want to know who the players are.
例如谈谈 这位想偷袭二垒的年轻人是谁
For instance,Sirwho’s the young man who just tried to steal second base?
My name’s Malone.
我叫多萝西 那马龙先生
Mine’s Shaw,Dorothy. Well,Mr. Malone?
你是这里最迷人的女孩 所以我过来告诉你
You’re the most attractive girl in the room so I came over to tell you.
Do you mind?
不 但我事先警告你 奉承到处都是
No,I might as well warn you,flattery will get you anywhere.
那样的话 我们就没问题了
In that case,we haven’t any problems.
As a matter of fact
我想知道 为什么你到现在才出现呢
I’ve been wondering why you hadn’t shown up before this.
唔 我 我有些事要处理
Well,I I had some business to attend to.
Then this isn’t a vacation?
不完全是 我还用电♥话♥办理公事
Not entirely. There’s still a telephone.
其实 我刚收到一个坏消息 噢
In fact,I just had some bad news. Oh?
My best 2 year old will never run again.
它的筋伤了 它身价有三四十万
Bowed a tendon. He’s worth $30,000 or $40,000.
我在乎的不是钱 而是损失了一匹好马
Not that I care about the money. This might’ve been a good one.
噢不 你该不会也是那种人吧
Oh no,you’re not one of those,are you?
One of what?
The kind who thinks he has to tell a girl how much money he has.
What’s the matter with having money?
Yes,I’m afraid you are.
Do me a favor.
Will you Malone go whistle up a rope
不 等一下
No,wait a minute
告诉你 我受不了有钱的花♥花♥公♥子♥ 自以为是
You might as well know I can’t stand rich playboys who think all they have to is start
等等 我不是一直那么坏 有时我很好
Now wait a minute! I’m not that bad all the time. Sometimes I’m very nice.
有时 我说话不经大脑
Sometimes I just speak without thinking.
明白了 你一半是好人 一半是坏蛋
I get the picture. You’re half sweet,half acid.
别这样 萧小姐 我犯了个错误 确实
Please,Miss Shaw,I made a mistake. Yes,you did.
真的 有人给了我错误的情报
Honestly,someone gave me some bad information.
Now that I’ve put my foot in it
我记起来了 他们说的不是你
it seems to me I remember that it wasn’t you they were talking about,
but your girlfriend.
噢 罗莉拉 我又错了吗
Oh,Lorelei. Or am I wrong again?
不 钱的确是罗莉拉的嗜好
No,money is rather a hobby of Lorelei’s.
噢 佩吉
你很担心她 对吗
You’re kind of worried about her,aren’t you.
You’re very observing.
Am I forgiven?
Considering the man shortage on this craft
太好了 我们从新开始 我保证…
Good. We’ll start all over again. And I promise that I
We’re gonna be interrupted.
我们玩得很开心 什么
We just had a jolly time. What ?
噢 马龙先生 李小姐和佩吉 又来一遍…
Oh,Mr. Malone,Miss Lee and Piggy,there I go again.
Sir Francis Beekman
你好 你好
How do you do? Hi.
噢多萝西 佩吉跳得真好
Oh Dorothy,Piggy is a super best dancer.
So light on his feet,you’ll never believe it.
I was sure he would be.
不 不 你过奖了
No,no,say,you’re trying to flatter me,that
怎么了 是我的太太 贝克曼夫人
What’s the matter? Lady Beekman,my wife.
I thought it was his diamond mine.
亲爱的 你来了
There you are my dear.
Won’t you come and join us?
I just have.
的确如此 我亲爱的 哦 这位是李小姐 你好
Quite so,my dear. Oh,may I present Miss Lee? How do you do?
萧小姐 你好
Miss Shaw, Hi.
这是… 我是马龙 你好 你好
Mr Malone. How do you do? How do you do.
很荣幸 说真的
A pleasure,I’m never so sure.
谢谢 谢谢
Thank you. Thank you
快坐下吧 我们玩得很开心
Come sit down my dear,we’re having a jolly time.
Lady Beekman
that’s the most beautiful jewelry I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
嗯 我很为耳环感到骄傲
Oh,hmmm,I’m quite proud of the earrings.
祖传的 你知道 已传了好几代了
Heirlooms,you know. Been in the family for ages.
真不像啊 像新的一样
You’d never know it. They look just like new.
哦 是啊
你可能会对我的后冠感兴趣 我一直带身上
You might be interested in my tiara. I always carry it with me.
Afraid to leave it in the state room.
And you’re not afraid to show it to Lorelei?
住口 贝克曼夫人不知道你是开玩笑的
Yes,stop. Lady Beekman won’t know you’re teasing.
看 你可曾见过…这种东西呢
Look! Did you ever? Anywhere,anything like it?
全是蓝宝石 很特别吧 什么
All blue stones. Cozy little job,what?
我能拿一会儿吗 当然可以
May I just hold it for a minute? Of course.
How do you put it around you neck
不是的 那是戴在头上的
You don’t,lovie,it goes on your head.
You must think I was born yesterday.
噢 有时真找不到其他合理解释
Oh,sometimes,there’s no other possible explanation.
她说得对啊 就像是这样 这是顶后冠
No,no,my dear. She’s quite right. Like so. It’s a tiara.
You do wear it on your head!
I just love finding new places to wear diamonds.
音乐起了 亲爱的 不好意思
There’s the music. You’ll excuse me,my dear.
李小姐答应过 要跟我跳下一只舞
Miss Lee has promised me this next dance.
We’ve got to dress for dinner now.
亲爱的 只要… 弗朗西斯 真的要走了
But it’s only We must go,Francis.
好吧 再见
Well,all right. Au revoir.
A very pleasant au revoir to you.
咦 我的后冠 谢谢
My tiara. Thank you.
Poor fella.
打赌吧 余下航程 她一定将他锁在衣柜
Two to one she keeps him locked in her closet,for the rest of the trip.
要是真的我倒挺高兴 我觉得他很可爱
Listen,I’d be grateful if she did. I think he’s cute.
不是说这 你知道我的意思 我和那…
Except the point,you know very well what I mean. You and that..
What are you doing?
Just testing.
Wonder what I’ll wear it with when I
How does it look?
Exactly like trouble.
I told the coalition leader.
That we need a man who can do something about
讲完啊 亲爱的
Finish your story,dear.
是这张了 女士们
Your table,madame.
Good evening!
