


forward [‘fɔːwəd] adj. 向前的;早的;迅速的  adv. 向前地;向将来  v. 促进;转寄;运送  n. 前锋
forward 向前地 ←词中词→ for 为了
eg. The young lady ran forward quickly for her child.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Move forward – 前进
  2. Step forward – 迈出一步
  3. Look forward – 期待
  4. Push forward – 推进
  5. Go forward – 继续前进
  6. Lean forward – 向前倾斜
  7. March forward – 向前行进
  8. Press forward – 坚持向前
  9. Move forward with confidence – 自信地前进
  10. Drive forward – 推动前进
  11. Walk forward – 向前走
  12. Think forward – 展望未来
  13. Propel forward – 推动向前
  14. Step forward and take the lead – 迈出一步,领先一步
  15. Look forward to the future – 期待未来
  16. Make progress forward – 向前取得进步
  17. Keep moving forward – 不断向前
  18. Press forward with determination – 坚决向前
  19. Carry forward the legacy – 传承遗产
  20. Step forward in the right direction – 朝着正确的方向迈进
  21. Keep the momentum moving forward – 保持势头向前推进
  22. Move forward with purpose – 有目的地向前迈进
  23. Forge forward – 奋力向前
  24. Blaze forward – 前进如火
  25. Stride forward – 大步向前
  26. Sail forward – 航行前进
  27. Drive forward with determination – 坚定地推动向前
  28. Look forward and embrace the future – 展望未来,拥抱未来
  29. Keep the wheels turning forward – 让轮子继续向前转动
  30. Keep the engine running forward – 让引擎继续向前运转
  31. Keep the ball rolling forward – 让球继续向前滚动
  32. Keep the momentum going forward – 保持势头向前发展
  33. Move forward one step at a time – 一步一步向前迈进
  34. Step forward and face the challenges – 迈出一步,面对挑战
  35. Keep the journey moving forward – 让旅程继续向前推进
  36. Strive forward and never give up – 奋力向前,永不放弃
  37. Progress forward and achieve success – 向前进步,取得成功
  38. Move forward with determination and resilience – 坚定、有韧性地向前迈进
  39. Look forward to new opportunities – 期待新机会
  40. Keep the focus forward – 保持目光向前
  41. Drive forward with enthusiasm – 满怀热情地推动向前
  42. Move forward and adapt to change – 前进并适应变化
  43. Keep the momentum forward – 保持势头向前发展
  44. Step forward and embrace growth – 迈出一步,拥抱成长
  45. Push forward and overcome obstacles – 推进并克服障碍
  46. Look forward and seize opportunities – 展望未来,抓住机会
  47. Move forward and conquer challenges – 前进并征服挑战
  48. Stride forward and make a difference – 大步向前,产生影响
  49. Sail forward and explore new horizons – 航行前进,探索新的领域
  50. Keep the progress moving forward – 让进展继续向前发展
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
