
folio (FOAL ee oh) A folio is a large book. You’ll probably most often hear it in the phrase “The First Folio,” which refers to the first printing of all of Shakespeare’s works. It’s a large book because the leaf (think foliage) is folded only once to produce the two folio pages. (Extra knowledge: if the leaf is folded again, you get a quarto, four pages, a smaller book. Folding it yet another time produces an even smaller book, an octavo.)

  • His grateful students presented Mr. Bruner-Smith with a facsimile of Shakespeare’s First Folio as a retirement gift.
  • While she admired the hard-backed quarto version of her favorite novel, the octavo paperback was both less expensive and more portable.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 他满怀感激的学生向布鲁纳·史密斯先生赠送了一本莎士比亚的《第一对开本》作为退休礼物
  • 虽然她很欣赏她最喜欢的小说的硬背四开本,但八开本平装本既便宜又便携

