
adj. 孝顺的;子女的,当做子女的



filial 孝顺的
来自拉丁语filius, 儿子,filia, 女儿,来自拉丁词根fe, 吮吸,喂奶,词源同fetal, fecund.


Filial” 是一个英语形容词,用来描述与子女或后代对父母或长辈的关系,通常表示尊敬、孝顺和亲情等情感。

以下是包含单词 “filial” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Filial piety – 孝道
  2. Filial love – 孝爱
  3. Filial devotion – 孝顺
  4. Filial duty – 孝顺之责
  5. Filial respect – 孝敬
  6. Filial care – 子女的照顾
  7. Filial obligation – 孝顺义务
  8. Filial bond – 亲情纽带
  9. Filial responsibility – 孝顺的责任
  10. Filial affection – 孝顺之情
  11. Filial behavior – 孝顺的行为
  12. Filial relationship – 孝顺的关系
  13. Filial reverence – 孝顺的尊敬
  14. Filial duty towards parents – 对父母的孝道
  15. Filial care for the elderly – 对老人的关怀
  16. Filial love and respect – 孝爱和尊敬
  17. Filial responsibility towards grandparents – 对祖父母的孝敬责任
  18. Filial devotion to family – 对家庭的孝顺
  19. Filial piety in Chinese culture – 中国文化中的孝道
  20. Filial love in literature – 文学中的孝爱
  21. Filial care for aging parents – 对年迈父母的关怀
  22. Filial duty in Confucianism – 儒家思想中的孝道
  23. Filial bond between siblings – 兄弟姐妹之间的亲情纽带
  24. Filial obligation to care for siblings – 照顾兄弟姐妹的孝顺义务
  25. Filial respect for elders – 对长辈的尊敬
  26. Filial affection towards grandparents – 对祖父母的亲情
  27. Filial behavior in the family – 家庭中的孝顺行为
  28. Filial relationship with grandparents – 与祖父母的亲情关系
  29. Filial reverence for ancestors – 对祖先的尊敬
  30. Filial duty towards one’s parents – 对父母的孝顺责任
  31. Filial care for elderly relatives – 对年迈亲戚的关怀
  32. Filial love and respect for traditions – 对传统的孝爱和尊敬
  33. Filial responsibility in Asian cultures – 亚洲文化中的孝顺责任
  34. Filial devotion to cultural heritage – 对文化遗产的孝顺
  35. Filial piety as a virtue – 孝道作为一种美德
  36. Filial love and respect for family values – 对家庭价值的孝爱和尊敬
  37. Filial obligation to preserve family traditions – 保存家庭传统的孝顺义务
  38. Filial bond between generations – 代际之间的亲情纽带
  39. Filial responsibility to pass on cultural knowledge – 传承文化知识的孝顺责任
  40. Filial care for the well-being of parents – 为父母的幸福而关心
  41. Filial love and respect for cultural heritage – 对文化遗产的孝爱和尊敬
  42. Filial duty to uphold family values – 坚守家庭价值的孝顺责任
  43. Filial affection for family traditions – 对家庭传统的亲情
  44. Filial behavior in honoring ancestors – 向祖先致敬的孝顺行为
  45. Filial relationship with siblings – 兄弟姐妹之间的孝顺关系
  46. Filial reverence for cultural customs – 对文化习俗的尊敬
  47. Filial duty to care for younger siblings – 照顾弟妹的孝顺责任
  48. Filial bond in a close-knit family – 紧密家庭中的亲情纽带
  49. Filial responsibility to pass on family traditions – 传承家庭传统的孝顺责任
  50. Filial care for the emotional well-being of parents – 关心父母的情感幸福


filial (FIL ee uhl) This adjective describes the relationship of a son or daughter to the mother or father. (And think of a related word such as “affiliated.”)

  • Although Martina does not have warm feelings for the father who was absent for much of her childhood, she does her filial duty, checking to make sure he’s in good health and seeing him on family holidays.
  • LuAnne’s filial bond with her mother is more than hereditary or legal: LuAnne really enjoys her company.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
孝顺(FIL ee uhl)这个形容词描述儿子或女儿与母亲或父亲的关系。(并想到一个相关的词,如 “附属”)。


卢安妮与母亲的孝道纽带不仅仅是世袭或法律上的: LuAnne真的很喜欢她的公司。

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