Kenneth, this is such a surprise.
When you told me of an island run by a quaint little landlady
I had no idea it was Daphne Castle.
是啊 戴芬妮 把我们领到房♥间去吧
Yes, quite. Daphne, I wonder if we could go to our rooms.
It’s been a long journey.
Oh. Certainly.
如果你人手不够 就让肯尼斯拎箱子吧
If you’re short-staffed, Kenneth can easily carry the bags.
They’ll be brought up in a minute.
There’ll be cocktails tonight at eight o’clock.
你好好地歇会儿 养养神 阿琳娜
Do have a good, long, peaceful rest, Arlena.
您一定是霍勒斯·布拉特爵士介绍来的 请您 请您登个记
Oh, you… you must be Sir Horace Blatt’s friend. Perhaps… Perhaps you’ll sign in.
Oh, so you’re the famous Hercule Poirot, eh?
-您倒是心直口快夫人 -算是吧
-You are too amiable, madame. -Perhaps.
I hope you haven’t come to practise your sleuthing games on my guests.
They’ve all got far too many skeletons in their cupboards
to join in with enthusiasm.
我毫无打扰您和您客人的意思 夫人
It’s not my intention to derange you or your guests, madame.
旅游期间 我只想你们能够服务周到
Pendant les vacances my desires are simply a good valet,
a… tisane de menthe poivrée
at eight o’clock in the morning precisely,
再拿一点蜡 一点蜂蜡 给我擦一擦皮鞋
and of course some wax, some beeswax for my shoes. That’s all.
Actually, Gilbert had nothing to do with the success this season.
这些人哪 真不知道拿他们怎么办才好
Oh, my God, I really don’t know what we are going to do about them.
I really do think that the Millers have gone too far.
吉利是我的老朋友 雷克斯
Gilly is my oldest friend, Rex.
Oh, God, I didn’t know that!
-吉利是麦拉的老朋友 -我刚才告诉过他了奥德尔
-Gilly is Myra’s oldest friend. -I just told him, Odell.
Did you hear what Gilbert said about the Queen?
你看 吉尔伯特说
Well, you see, Gilbert said…
Do you know what the Queen called Gilly?
Enjoying it?
我不想吃 这个很好喝 能不能 谢谢
I couldn’t have one. This was delicious, if I could… Thank you.
喝点什么吗 波洛先生
How about a cocktail, Monsieur Poirot?
White Lady, a Sidecar, Mainbrace or Between the Sheets?
不 我要一杯黑的甜酒 或者香蕉蜜汁酒
No, if I could have a crème de Cassis or a sirop de banane.
-香蕉蜜汁酒有吗 -有的先生
-Do you have banana syrup? -Certainly.
Oh, my!
I’m the last to arrive!
Have a sausage, dear.
你在屋里耗到现在 大概饿坏了吧
You must be famished, having to wait all that time in your room.
认识雷德芬夫妇吗 克里斯蒂娜和帕特里克
Have you… Have you met the Redferns? Christine and Patrick.
-阿琳娜亲爱的 -我的大主角
-Arlena, darling… -Arlena, my favourite leading lady!
你们也来了 奥德尔 麦拉
Why, if it isn’t Odell and Myra!
What on earth are you two doing here?
我们正在找你 阿琳娜 请你来当大主角
It’s wonderful to see you, Arlena. We have a fabulous show for you.
这个戏一定能轰动 宝贝
Oh, it’s a real humdinger, honey!
Odell insisted that we both come over here together to see you personally.
是吗 你们太好了 可惜我现在不演戏了
Well, it’s very sweet of you. But I’m sort of retired, you know.
我已经改行了 见过我丈夫吗
This is my new audience. Have you met my husband?
How do you do?
您好 这个戏太好了 你不会不演戏的
How do you do? You’ll change your mind. You won’t be able to resist this one!
Keeler’s mad to do it.
But we’re holding her off until you have a chance to look at it.
And Kern, he’s done some of the best music…
阿琳娜 亲爱的 见到你真是太高兴了
Arlena, darling, it’s simply sensational to see you again!
-你好雷克斯 -您好我是肯尼斯·马歇尔
-Hello, Rex. -How do you do? I’m Kenneth Marshall…
对不起 我一定要跟你谈谈 阿琳娜
Excuse me. I must talk to you, Arlena darling.
急什么 雷克斯
Not now, Rexy-poo.
Thank you.
你早啊 琳达 你那可爱的妈妈呢
Good morning, Linda. How is your lovely mother?
她不可爱 也不是我妈妈
She’s not lovely and she’s not my mother.
姑娘 没人跟你说过
Darling, didn’t anyone ever tell you
that peevishness is unbecoming in young ladies?
没有 只跟我说过不要和生人说话
No. But they told me not to talk to very strange men.
你们早 加德纳夫妇
Morning, Gardeners!
-早 -你早阿琳娜
-Good morning. -Oh, good morning, Arlena.
I think it’s gonna be a hot day.
您早啊 雷德芬太太
Good morning Mrs Redfern.
Well, well, she’s in wonderful shape.
是啊 过去为了那张医生的假证明跟她打官司
Yeah. How much was it we paid Kleinfield, Klausewitz and Stummerhoppen
to contest that phoney doctor’s certificate?
阿琳娜 你穿着游泳衣真好看
Arlena, darling, you look quite divine in that outfit.
别说了 是你送的 还想干什么
Say no more. It’s yours. Next question?
There is something quite frightfully important
-想跟你说 -说吧
-I have to talk to you about. -So talk.
It’s a bit private.
听见他说的了吧 琳达 滚吧
You heard the little man, Linda. Scram!
说吧 什么事
Well, what is it?
阿琳娜 我想问一下
Arlena, I was wondering
if you’ve had a chance to read the proofs of the biography yet?
我看了 雷克斯 是一口气把它看完了
Indeed I have, Rex. I simply couldn’t put it down.
I knew you’d love it.
亏你把我的出生地点写得那么清 还有出生年月
What a busy bee you’ve been researching exactly where I was born… and when.
Well, there aren’t too many stars
were born in Tooting Bec at the turn of the century.
And the sweet way you wrote about how I landed my first leading role
你也写得那么详细 你怎么知道的
in Flames of Eternity. However did you find out?
I bribed his wife.
哦 你真鬼
Naughty Rex!
哦 那会儿多年轻 我把它都抛在脑后了
Ah, the days of my youth. But I’ve shoved all that behind me now, Rex.
Which is exactly what you’re going to do with your lousy book.
不过 阿琳娜 在纽约的时候你同意我出版的
But, Arlena darling, you promised. When we were in New York.
我把预支的稿费都花了 这本书一定得发行
I’ve spent the advance. I.. I simply must have that release.
Forget it.
别想让我出丑 让你来发财
You’re not going to barbecue me to keep yourself in sailor suits.
不过 阿琳娜 宝贝 这书
But, Arlena, angel, you must.
我说 别做梦 我不同意发行 我的话完了
I said forget it, I’m not going to sign that release. And that’s final.
你会后悔的 阿琳娜
You’re going to regret this, Arlena.
That’s a promise.
您早啊 马歇尔夫人 您早啊 布鲁斯特先生
Good morning, Mrs Marshall. Good morning, Mr Brewster.
Oh, hello.
琳达 你来这儿干嘛 是来照看我 还是监视我
Oh, Linda, what are doing here? Acting as chaperone, gooseberry or spy?
想找人聊聊 我一个人太没劲了
I just wanted a chat. I don’t seem to be having much fun.
你想有劲哪 亲爱的 去找海蜇玩吧
If it’s fun you’re looking for, go play with the jellyfish.
哦 天哪 她跑起来像头病骆驼
Oh, my God! She runs like a dromedary with dropsy.
您早啊 夫人
Bonjour, madame.
不 快放我下来
No, no, put me… Put me down!
快放开我 不 不 不
Put me down! No, no, no, no!
我要喊人了 我要喊人了
I shall cry! I shall, I shall cry!
您不大喜欢水上运动或者日光浴吧 夫人
You do not care for the aquatic sports or the sunbathing, madame.
我也喜欢 可我晒不黑 有点像三色冰激凌
I wish I could. But I don’t go brown. I sort of resemble a cassata.
外头红的 上头一层又是白又是绿的
Pink skin, white blisters, and green in the face.
Unlike your husband, I observe.
对 他样样运动都好
No, he manages those things rather well.
有时我想 他一定会觉得我很笨
Sometimes I think he must think I’m an awful goose.
怎么会呢 我这人也不太喜欢运动
But why, madame? I do not indulge in those sports myself
可是说实话 我这个人一点儿不笨
and yet I assure you, I am very far from being… a goose.
您在这儿 波洛先生
Ah, there you are, Monsieur Poirot.
I… I’ve just had a telephone call from your friend, Sir Horace.
He says he’s having trouble with his… piffle valve?
这种阀门还没发明出来呢 夫人
Ha! Such a valve still has to be invented, madame.
是啊 您这话说得对 我没听清楚
Well, I dare say you’re right, I wasn’t paying attention.
Anyway, the result is, he’ll be 24 hours late.
你早 肯尼斯
Good morning, Kenneth.
