
equivocate (ee KWIV oh kate) Someone who is ambivalent often equiv-ocates. This verb means to make a statement with one or more possible interpretations, often with the intention of misleading. The adjective form is “equivocal.”

  • When Sam finally got through to Lily and asked her to dinner, she answered with an equivocal “maybe.”
  • Macbeth felt betrayed by the equivocating witches when he realized that he had misinterpreted their ambiguous promises.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
模棱两可的(ee KWIV oh kate)矛盾的人经常模棱两可。这个动词的意思是用一种或多种可能的解释来陈述,通常带有误导的意图。形容词的形式是“模棱两可”

  • 当山姆终于接通莉莉的电话,请她共进晚餐时,她模棱两可地回答“也许”
  • 当麦克白意识到自己误解了模棱两可的女巫们的承诺时,他感到被模棱两可的女巫背叛了

