
n. 自负;自我中心



动词 “egotism” 指的是自负、自恋或自大的行为或性格特点。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Excessive egotism: 过度的自我主义
  2. Narcissistic egotism: 自恋自大
  3. Vain egotism: 虚荣自大
  4. Egotism and arrogance: 自负和傲慢
  5. Overbearing egotism: 傲慢的自我主义
  6. Unchecked egotism: 未受控制的自我主义
  7. Blatant egotism: 显眼的自我主义
  8. Egotism in leadership: 领导中的自我主义
  9. Egotism and self-centeredness: 自我主义和自我中心
  10. Egotism and self-importance: 自我主义和自我重要性
  11. Subtle egotism: 微妙的自我主义
  12. Egotism and self-promotion: 自我主义和自我推销
  13. Egotism and conceit: 自负和自恋
  14. Egotism and pride: 自负和骄傲
  15. Egotism and insecurity: 自我主义和不安全感
  16. Egotism and competitiveness: 自我主义和竞争心
  17. Egotism and attention-seeking: 自我主义和寻求关注
  18. Egotism and social media: 自我主义和社交媒体
  19. Egotism in relationships: 自我主义在关系中的表现
  20. Egotism and self-validation: 自我主义和自我验证
  21. Egotism and selfishness: 自我主义和自私
  22. Egotism and self-aggrandizement: 自我主义和自我夸大
  23. Egotism and self-worth: 自我主义和自尊
  24. Egotism and self-obsession: 自我主义和自我沉迷
  25. Egotism and self-deception: 自我主义和自我欺骗
  26. Egotism and self-sufficiency: 自我主义和自给自足
  27. Egotism and self-indulgence: 自我主义和放纵
  28. Egotism and self-image: 自我主义和自我形象
  29. Egotism and self-identity: 自我主义和自我认同
  30. Egotism and self-centered behavior: 自我主义和自我中心行为
  31. Egotism and self-reflection: 自我主义和自我反思
  32. Egotism and self-pride: 自我主义和自我骄傲
  33. Egotism and self-doubt: 自我主义和自我怀疑
  34. Egotism and self-expression: 自我主义和自我表达
  35. Egotism and self-assuredness: 自我主义和自信
  36. Egotism and self-esteem: 自我主义和自尊心
  37. Egotism and self-glorification: 自我主义和自我吹捧
  38. Egotism and self-importance: 自我主义和自我重要性
  39. Egotism and self-entitlement: 自我主义和自我特权
  40. Egotism and self-interest: 自我主义和自我利益
  41. Egotism and self-control: 自我主义和自我控制
  42. Egotism and self-absorption: 自我主义和自我全神贯注
  43. Egotism and self-admiration: 自我主义和自我欣赏
  44. Egotism and self-advancement: 自我主义和自我进取
  45. Egotism and self-consciousness: 自我主义和自我意识
  46. Egotism and self-assertion: 自我主义和自我主张
  47. Egotism and self-worship: 自我主义和自我崇拜
  48. Egotism and self-gratification: 自我主义和自我满足
  49. Egotism and self-preservation: 自我主义和自我保护
  50. Egotism and self-interest: 自我主义和自我利益

这些短语有助于描述、讨论和分析与 “egotism” 相关的行为、特质和概念。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
