Why, that girl just hates me, doesn’t she?
You better tell her I’m your brother’s girl.
I don’t have to explain anything to anybody.
我要走了 把这里留给她
I’ll go now and leave the field to her.
天 你头发一团糟
My, your hair’s in a mess.
爸 那是什么
Hey, Dad, what’s that?
那是 卡尔 找来的 真是好主意
That’s something Cal rigged up. It’s a good idea.
艾伦 我带了你的午餐
Aron! I brought your lunch.
Looks like a coal chute.
Coal chute?
-好了 女人 豆子呢 -卡尔
-Okay, woman, where’s the beans? -Cal!
是谁说你有这个权利 把这东西拿来用
What makes you think you have the right to come and take something like this?
你大概让那些人失去工作了 现在把它放回去
You probably lost those men their jobs. Now, you take it back.
他在称赞 卡尔 卡尔 正在享受呢
He’s praising Cal and Cal is lapping it up.
艾伦 用木头做一个那种东西
Aron! Look, have one of those made of wood.
-那会省很多时问 -是 先生
-It’ll save a lot of time. -Yes, sir!
-浪费时问和金钱 -还有莴苣
-Good waste of time and money. -And lettuce.
-你们说什么 -我说 要是成功就是个好主意
-What’d you say? -I said, it’s a good idea if it works.
会成功的 因为就是会成功
It’s gonna work because it’s gotta work.
会成功 因为我说会成功
It’s gotta work because I said so.
不成功 也不是那孩子的错
Well, if it don’t work, it ain’t that kid’s fault.
I never saw anybody work so hard in my life.
走吧 彼得 快 里欧纳
Let’s go, Pete. Now, Leonard!
祝好运 亚当
Good luck, Adam.
Do you know the principle of the internal combustion engine?
不 我不知道 威尔 我绝对没办法
No, I’m afraid not. Will, I’ll never be able to…
你能的 你只要听洛伊的话就行
Oh, sure you will. You just listen to Roy.
He’s been to the automobile school in Chicago.
崔斯克先生让整个蔬菜市场 有了革命性的改变
Mr. Trask has just revolutionized the entire vegetable market.
-等那些车到了纽约再说吧 -别担心
-Wait till those cars get to New York. -Don’t you worry.
It’s about time he owned his own automobile…
and about time he learned to drive it.
-你不认为吗 洛伊 -我会尽力
-Now don’t you think so, Roy? -I’ll do my best.
现在注意了 各位
Well, now pay strict attention, boys.
Don’t touch that!
Wait till it’s explained to you.
看在老天份上 请各位不要乱碰
No, now for heaven’s sake, don’t touch anything, anybody.
Now, the power of the explosion is exerted on a piston…
and through connecting rod and crankshaft…
through transmission, thence to rear wheels.
-目前为止懂吗 -当然 他懂
-Got that so far? -Sure, he’s got that.
Now, we go on to the operation of the automobile.
This here’s the ignition key.
Would you mind putting out that cigarette, please?
把这东西转向左 就让车子连上电池
Turn this doohickey here to the left. That puts her on battery.
-看到这里写着”bat” -对
-See where it says “bat”? -Oh, yes, yes.
-bat 是电池的缩写 -没错 说得好
-Bat, short for battery. -That’s right. Good boy.
谢谢 十分感谢
Thank you. Thank you very much.
First you gotta retard the spark.
如果不延迟点火 车子此会把你的手臂震掉
If you don’t retard the spark, she’ll probably kick your blasted arm off.
我会记住 这边这个就是火星塞
-Oh, now remember that. -Now, this here is the spark.
你把它往上推 听
You push her way up. Listen.
-这边这个说是瓦斯 你把它往 -下
-This here’s the gas. You push her… -Down.
-你以前上过课 -没有 我只是看到你做
-You had lessons before. -No, no, I just saw you do it.
-你真是个聪明的老头 -非常谢谢
-Oh. You’re a smart old buzzard. -Thank you very much.
-总是睁大眼睛 对吧 -尽量啦
-Keep your eyes open, don’t you? -Try to.
现在 这边这是曲轴
Now, this here is the crank.
看到散热器上突出的电线吗 那就是气门
See this wire sticking out of the radiator? That’s the choke.
现在仔细看好 像这样抓住曲轴
Now watch careful. Grab hold of the crank like this.
Push in till she catches.
See how my thumb is turned down?
我注意到了 为什么
I noticed that. Why do you do that?
如果你这样转 用大拇指包围住
If you put her around this way with my thumb around her…
she’d probably knock my blasted thumb off.
天哪 你先震掉了手臂
Oh, dear, dear. First you lose your blasted arm
and then you lose your blasted thumb.
-这顺序不是反了吗 -怎么会
-That’s wrong way around. -How’s that?
他讲了个笑话 我从没看过他这么高兴
He made a joke. I never did see him so happy.
你把气门拉开 把它转向好吸收瓦斯
You pull out this choke, turn her around to suck gas in.
Then you give her a hard spin.
-第一次枕点燃了 -点燃了什么
-She caught, first time! -Oh! Caught on what?
推进火星 延迟瓦斯
Advance the spark and retard the gas.
迅速伸过去并转向磁电 也就是磁力发电机
Reach over real quick and switch to mag. That’s magneto.
So there you are.
Indeed. Now, isn’t that wonderful?
当然 不过怎么还没走呢
Of course, it isn’t exactly going anywhere, is it?
That’s the easy part.
-亚当 -我要你们跟着我复述
-Adam. -I want you all to repeat after me.
-上火星塞 -推下瓦斯
-Spark up, gas down. -Spark up, gas down.
-转到电池 -转到电池
-Switch to bat. -Switch to bat.
-曲轴压缩 拇指向下 -曲轴压缩 拇指向下
-Crank to compression, thumb down. -Crank to compression, thumb down.
记住了 再来一次
You got that? Let’s have it again.
-上火星塞 推下瓦斯 -上火星塞 推下瓦斯
-Spark up, gas down. -Spark up, gas down.
-怎么回事 -大雪阻路
-What’s the matter? -Big snow slide.
大约1 61公里处 通道封闭禁止车辆通行
Closed the pass and stopped the cars about 100 miles out.
Can see water running out of the cars.
仍然是个好主意 寒冷能保持东西
Well, it’s still a good idea. Cold can preserve things.
-总有一天会有人证明这是对的 -爸爸
-Someday somebody’ll prove it. -Dad.
-那是你的主意 -不
-It was your idea. -No.
那是我的假设 以为会是我
It was presumptuous of me to think it would be I.
Guess we bit off more lettuce than we could chew.
谁知道呢 我以为他会非常伤心
What do you know about that? I thought he’d really be hurt.
Aw, you don’t understand him.
-你不能进去 -我要见威尔•汉米顿
-You can’t go in there. -I gotta see Will Hamilton.
他要一小时复才结束 他们才刚开始
He won’t be through for an hour. They just started.
-让我见他 -欧洲在打仗了
-Let me see him. -There’s a war in Europe.
这些男孩想锻链身体 快走吧
These boys are trying to get themselves in shape. So beat it.
右 左 右 左
Right, left. Right, left.
右 左 右 左
Right left. Right left.
右 左 右 左
Right, left. Right, left…
现在保持双膝弯曲 跟我做
Now, deep knee bends, follow me.
-那是什么 -火警警报
-What’s that? -That’s the fire bell.
We better have a look.
It may be the Germans.
火警 德国 管他呢 我投降就是
Fire, Germans, who cares? I surrender.
-艾伯烈特先生你好 -卡尔 你好
-Howdy, Mr. Albrecht. -Hello, Cal.
-汉米顿先生 -这里有火警
-Mr. Hamilton. -There’s a fire somewhere.
-不 是我拉警铃的 -你拉的
-No. I rang the bell. -You rang it?
对 我必须要见你
Yeah. I had to see you.
你疯了 你真是疯了
You know, you’re crazy. You’re really crazy.
当你把冰块堆下滑道时 我就知道了
I knew it when you pushed that ice down the chute.
趁他们还没开始弹钢琴 我们快离开这里
Let’s get out of here before they start up that pianist again.
反正一定有比这样更容易的法子 阻止德国人来的
There must be some easier way to stop the Germans than this, anyway.
-我得赚点钱 -当然 大家都得赚钱
-I gotta make some money. -Sure, everybody’s got to.
不 我一定要
No. I gotta.
记得你说过 如果要赚钱
Remember, you said that if you wanna make money…
you ought to raise beans?
对 豆子现在是3点5分了
Yeah, beans are up 3.5 cents now.
Now, the way I figure it, it’s like you said.
这国家快卷入战争了 是吧
The country’s gonna get into war, isn’t it?
I don’t see any way out.
-战争对生意有好处 -是最好的
-War’s good for business. -The best there is.
看 所以我才想插手豆业
Well, see, that’s why I wanna go into beans.
我得赚些钱 来偿补我爸损失的钱
See, I gotta get enough money to give my father back what he lost.
Oh. I see.
You think you can make all that money back, huh?
I gotta.
You know, you’re crazy.
卡尔 你难道不知道
Look, Cal, don’t you know…
that you gotta have money in order to make money?
