I’m not an inventor nor a scientist…
but I know I have an idea here.
我来自于发明之家 人人充满像这样的点子
I come from a family of inventors. People full of ideas like this one.
我是唯一个没有点子的 也是唯一没赚大钱的人
I’m the only one that didn’t have an idea and the only one that ever made a dime.
你想要获利 说种植豆子
You wanna make a profit, you plant beans.
熄掉香烟 那地方满是木屑
Put out that cigarette! That place is full of sawdust!
拜托 亚当 他只是有些轻率
Come on, Adam, he’s just thoughtless.
轻率 他根本枕没替别人着想
Thoughtless? He’s inconsiderate.
我不知道 我对那男孩快没耐心了
I don’t know. I’m at my rope’s end with that boy.
我不了解他 从没了解过他
I don’t understand him. I never have.
但我从 艾伦 还小时就了解他
Aron I’ve understood since he was a child.
Help me up.
-他谁都不喜欢 对吧 -谁 老爸吗
-He doesn’t like anybody, does he? -Who, Dad?
-不 卡尔 -哦
-No, Cal. -Oh.
It’s dark in here and spooky.
Why is he so alone all the time?
-他想要这样 -没人会想要一直孤独的
-He wants to be. -Nobody wants to be alone all the time.
老爸买♥♥了个好货 是吧 我们可以冷冻蔬菜了
Dad’s made a wonderful buy, hasn’t he? We’ll freeze vegetables.
It’ll really give him something to live for now.
怎么回事 艾伯拉 你不喜欢 卡尔
What’s the matter, Abra, don’t you like Cal?
-我跟他不熟 -我爱他
-Oh, I guess I don’t know him very well. -I love him.
当然啦 他是你弟弟 他很吓人
Well, naturally, he’s your brother. He’s scary.
-吓人 -他看着人的时候
-Scary? -When he looks at you.
Sort of like an animal.
我不知道 他让我害怕
I don’t know, he scares me.
艾伦 我们何时结婚
Aron, when are we gonna get married?
Oh, just as soon as I get through with that darned school.
Oh, I wish it… I wish it was right now.
-我也是 -是吗
-So do I. -Do you?
Abra. Abra.
-等到我们 -我爱你 艾伦
-When we get… -I love you, Aron.
等我们结了婚 一切都会很完美
When we get married, it’s going to be perfect.
Everything about it is going to be perfect.
你会是个好母亲 艾伯拉
You’re gonna make a wonderful mother, Abra.
-希望如此 -你是的
-I hope so. -You are.
A perfect one.
艾伦 你完全不记得你母亲 对吧
You don’t remember your mother at all, do you, Aron?
不 她在生下我和 卡 尔后就死了
No, she died right after Cal and I were born.
Must be hard never to have had a mother.
-那是什么 -看 他在那里做什么
-What’s that? -Look, what’s he doing up there?
-哈哈哈 疯子 -他在偷看我们
-Ha-ha-ha. Crazy guy. -He’s watching us.
-他才没有 -有 他有
-No, he isn’t. -Yes, he is too.
我们到那边去 艾伦 艾伦
Let’s move over here. Aron. Aron!
-他没有在看我们 -我觉得他好像还是能看到我们
-He’s not watching us. -I feel as if he can still see us.
哦 艾伯拉 艾伯拉
Oh Abra. Abra.
我爱你 艾伦
I love you, Aron.
真的 我真的爱你
Really, I do. Really.
当然 我也爱你
Sure. I love you too.
卡尔 住手 住手
Cal, stop! Stop that, Cal!
你在做什么 住手
What are you doing? Stop it!
“保佑他 原谅他的错误
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven…
whose sin is covered.
保佑这人 使其免于不义
Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity…
and in whose spirit there is no guile.”
主原谅你 卡尔
And you are forgiven, Cal.
I think there is no iniquity in your actions…
only something I do not know.
Why did you push that ice down?
I don’t know.
Was it…?
想报复 愤怒
Was it vengeance? Anger?
Fear that I would punish you for not coming home last night?
What was it?
I wanted to see it slide down the chute.
-或许你可以接下去念 -爸 我来念
-Perhaps you had better read from here on. -I’ll read it, Dad.
不 是要 卡尔 念
No, it’s for Cal to read.
Start at the fifth verse.
Verse 5.
“我承认我的罪恶 和不该隐藏的不义
“I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.
我说 我要对主告解我的罪过
I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord…
汝等原谅我的罪恶不义 细拉”
and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.”
Go on.
念慢一点 卡尔
And I suggest a little slower, Cal.
And you don’t have to read the verse numbers.
“每个对神虔敬的人 都该向你祈祷
“For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee.
And surely in the floods of great waters…
他们不该靠近社 细拉”
they shall not come nigh unto him. Selah.”
-第七节 -不用念数字 卡尔
-Seven. -Not the numbers, Cal.
“汝等为我的藏身处 汝等应使我免于忧息
“Thou art my hiding place, thou shalt preserve me from trouble…
汝等应使解救之歌♥环烧我身 细拉”
thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.”
-第八节 -你完全不知忏悔 你真坏
-Eight. -You have no repentance! You’re bad!
Through and through, bad.
抱歉 我要出去等 艾伯拉
Excuse me. I’ll go out and wait for Abra.
你没错 我很坏 我很早以前枕知道了
You’re right. I am bad. I knew that for a long time.
我不是故意的 卡尔 我太生气了
I didn’t mean that, Cal. I spoke in anger.
哦 但那是真话
Well, it’s true.
艾伦 是好儿子
Aron’s the good one.
I guess there’s just a certain amount…
of good and bad you get from your parents…
-而我只得到坏的 -不是的
-and I just got the bad. -That’s not true.
卡尔 听我说
Cal, listen to me.
You can make of yourself anything you want.
取决在你 做人是有选择的
It’s up to you. A man has a choice.
That’s where he’s different from an animal.
你不听 你永远不会记得
You don’t listen. You’ll never remember.
My mother…
she’s not dead and gone to heaven…
is she?
Why do you ask that?
She’s not dead at all.
她也没有像你说的 埋葬在东岸
She’s not buried in the east like you said either.
She’s alive.
-你为什么会这样想 -我听来的
-What makes you think so? -I heard from a guy.
-谁说的 -我不知道他的名字
-Who? -I don’t know his name.
He was just passing through.
你为什么跟 艾伦 和我说她死了
How come you told Aron and me she died?
-我以为这样会减轻你们的痛苦 -痛苦
-I thought it would save you pain. -Pain?
如果她还活着 你想她会在哪里
If she… If she was still alive, where do you think she’d be?
我不知道 她到东岸去了
I have no idea. She went east.
How do you know?
你和艾伦出生之后 她离闲我们住的农场
When she left the ranch we lived on when you and Aron were born…
I heard she went east.
她是什么样的人 她坏吗
What was she like? Was she bad?
I guess she…
我从不知道她是怎样的人 她跟别人都不同
I never really knew what she was like. She wasn’t like other people.
There was something she seemed to lack.
或许是慈悲 或是良心
Kindness, maybe. Conscience.
I never knew what she was after.
-她为什么离开你 -我也不知道
-How come she left you? -I never knew that either.
She was so full of hate.
-恨你吗 -恨这一切
-Hate for you? -For everything.
你不会告诉 艾伦 她没死吧
You won’t tell Aron that she didn’t die?
不能做任何伤害 艾伦 的事
Must not do anything to hurt Aron.
你肩上的伤是从哪来的 父亲
Where’d you get that scar you got on your shoulder, Father?
我告诉过你了 卡尔
I’ve told you, Cal.
是我跟印地安人战斗时 留下的旧伤痕
It’s an old wound I got in the Indian campaigns.
-你现在又问做什么 -她长得怎样 她美吗
-Why do you ask that now? -What’d she look like? Was she pretty?
She had the most lovely hands.