Artist: Eason Chan (陳奕迅, Chan Yick-shun)
Song: 富士山下 [Sorrow Is Meaningless] (Fu3 Si6 Saan1 Haa6) •Album: What’s Going On…?


拦路雨偏似雪花 饮泣的你冻吗
连调了职也不怕 怎么始终牵挂

原谅我不再送花 伤口应要结疤
如若你非我不嫁 彼此终必火化

谁都只得那双手 靠拥抱亦难任你拥有
曾沿着雪路浪游 为何为好事泪流

何不把悲哀感觉 假设是来自你虚构
前尘硬化像石头 随缘地抛下便逃走
我绝不罕有 往街里绕过一周 我便化乌有

情人节不要说穿 只敢抚你发端
留在汽车里取暖 应该怎么规劝

人活到几岁算短 失恋只有更短
忘掉我跟你恩怨 樱花开了几转

谁都只得那双手 靠拥抱亦难任你拥有
曾沿着雪路浪游 为何为好事泪流

何不把悲哀感觉 假设是来自你虚构
前尘硬化像石头 随缘地抛下便逃走
我绝不罕有 往街里绕过一周 我便化乌有

谁都只得那双手 靠拥抱亦难任你拥有
曾沿着雪路浪游 为何为好事泪流

何不把悲哀感觉 假设是来自你虚构
前尘硬化像石头 随缘地抛下便逃走
我绝不罕有 往街里绕过一周 我便化乌有
你还嫌不够 我把这陈年风褛 送赠你解咒

Under Mount Fuji

The heavy rain on the road resembles snowflakes. You’re crying softly, are you cold?
With you, I’ve worn this jacket to tatters
I’m not even afraid of losing my job, so why do I constantly worry about you?
With a heavy heart, I chose to drive you home today

I’m sorry I don’t send flowers anymore. Your wounds should have scarred over already
I’m only afraid of concealing the graveyard in your heart with petals
If you refuse to marry anyone but me, we will both eventually be incinerated
There’s a cost to waiting your entire life for a single day

Everyone only has hands, and you can’t keep something just by holding on
To have it, you must first learn how to accept losing it
We once wandered along this snowy path. Why cry over happy memories?
Who can claim Mount Fuji for themselves on the basis of love?

Why not treat your sadness as if it’s a figment of your imagination?
You can’t see it in a test tube, yet it stains your sight
The past has hardened like stone, just throw it away and break free
I’m nothing special, take a look on the street, and I’ll become an illusion

I don’t break it to you on Valentine’s Day. I only dare gently encourage you to make a new beginning
This approach will only make your heart ache more
You stay in the car for warmth. How should I persuade you?
How can you keep cutting your own wrist through the pain?

How short is a lifetime? Heartbreak can only be shorter
How many miles before you get home, who can say?
Forget our bittersweet time together. Several cherry blossoms have come and gone
Our trip to Tokyo was more than a lifetime ago

Everyone only has hands, and you can’t keep something just by holding on
To have it, you must first learn how to accept losing it
We once wandered along this snowy path. Why cry over happy memories?
Who can claim Mount Fuji for themselves on the basis of love?

Why not treat your sadness as if it’s a figment of your imagination?
You can’t see it in a test tube, yet it stains your sight
The past has hardened like stone, just throw it away and break free
I’m nothing special, take a look on the street, and I’ll become an illusion

Everyone only has hands, and you can’t keep something just by holding on
To have it, you must first learn how to accept losing it
We once wandered along this snowy path. Why cry over happy memories?
Who can claim Mount Fuji for themselves on the basis of love?

Why not treat your sadness as if it’s a figment of your imagination?
You can’t see it in a test tube, yet it stains your sight
The past has hardened like stone, just throw it away and break free
I’m nothing special, take a look on the street, and I’ll become an illusion
You still aren’t satisfied, so I’ll give you this old jacket to break the curse

Submitted by Valenci

Author’s comments:

“The truth is, loving someone is like loving Mount Fuji. You can look at it, but you can’t carry it away. Is there any way you can move a Mount Fuji? The answer is, you walk over to it yourself. So it is with love, strolling through is enough.”

– Lin Xi (lyricist)
