
n. 家庭生活;专心于家务;对家庭的挚爱


Domesticity 是一个名词,表示家庭生活或家庭性质。以下是包含单词 “domesticity” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Traditional domesticity – 传统的家庭生活
  2. Blissful domesticity – 幸福的家庭生活
  3. Domesticity and routine – 家庭生活和例行公事
  4. Domesticity and chores – 家庭生活和家务
  5. Domesticity and responsibility – 家庭生活和责任
  6. Domesticity and harmony – 家庭生活和和谐
  7. Domesticity and comfort – 家庭生活和舒适
  8. Domesticity and cooking – 家庭生活和烹饪
  9. Domesticity and childcare – 家庭生活和育儿
  10. Domesticity and marriage – 家庭生活和婚姻
  11. Domesticity and tradition – 家庭生活和传统
  12. Domesticity and happiness – 家庭生活和幸福
  13. Domesticity and relationships – 家庭生活和人际关系
  14. Domesticity and togetherness – 家庭生活和团结
  15. Domesticity and household duties – 家庭生活和家务责任
  16. Domesticity and homemaking – 家庭生活和家政工作
  17. Domesticity and domestic bliss – 家庭生活和家庭幸福
  18. Domesticity and family values – 家庭生活和家庭价值观
  19. Domesticity and daily life – 家庭生活和日常生活
  20. Domesticity and routines – 家庭生活和日常规律
  21. Domesticity and household management – 家庭生活和家庭管理
  22. Domesticity and homemakers – 家庭生活和家庭主妇
  23. Domesticity and gender roles – 家庭生活和性别角色
  24. Domesticity and homemaking skills – 家庭生活和家政技能
  25. Domesticity and cleanliness – 家庭生活和清洁
  26. Domesticity and organization – 家庭生活和组织
  27. Domesticity and family dynamics – 家庭生活和家庭动态
  28. Domesticity and household budgeting – 家庭生活和家庭预算
  29. Domesticity and child rearing – 家庭生活和抚养子女
  30. Domesticity and marital happiness – 家庭生活和婚姻幸福
  31. Domesticity and parenting – 家庭生活和育儿
  32. Domesticity and family traditions – 家庭生活和家庭传统
  33. Domesticity and marital harmony – 家庭生活和婚姻和谐
  34. Domesticity and household chores – 家庭生活和家务
  35. Domesticity and childrearing practices – 家庭生活和育儿实践
  36. Domesticity and family bonds – 家庭生活和家庭纽带
  37. Domesticity and domestic roles – 家庭生活和家庭角色
  38. Domesticity and family traditions – 家庭生活和家庭传统
  39. Domesticity and marital harmony – 家庭生活和婚姻和谐
  40. Domesticity and household chores – 家庭生活和家务
  41. Domesticity and childrearing practices – 家庭生活和育儿实践
  42. Domesticity and family bonds – 家庭生活和家庭纽带
  43. Domesticity and domestic roles – 家庭生活和家庭角色
  44. Domesticity and family celebrations – 家庭生活和家庭庆祝活动
  45. Domesticity and marital relationships – 家庭生活和婚姻关系
  46. Domesticity and household management skills – 家庭生活和家庭管理技能
  47. Domesticity and homemaking responsibilities – 家庭生活和家政职责
  48. Domesticity and family dynamics – 家庭生活和家庭动态
  49. Domesticity and household budgeting – 家庭生活和家庭预算
  50. Domesticity and parenting practices – 家庭生活和育儿实践
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
