
dolorous or doleful (DOLE ur us or DOLE ful) If you are feeling dolorous or doleful, you’re grieving or feeling sad or sorrowful. The words can also be used for situations that cause the sadness. Both words come from the Latin word for pain.

  • The dolorous expression on young Buddy’s face displayed the sadness he was feeling at the death of his beloved dog.
  • What a doleful situation—Ann’s sister had to have emergency surgery on the day of the planned family reunion.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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悲哀或悲伤(DOLE ur us或DOLE ful)如果你感到悲哀或悲伤,那你就是在悲伤或悲伤。这些词也可以用于引起悲伤的情况。这两个词都来自拉丁语中疼痛的意思。

  • 年轻的巴迪脸上悲伤的表情显示了他对心爱的狗去世的悲伤
  • 在计划中的家庭团聚当天,安的妹妹不得不接受紧急手术,这真是令人难过

